So it's around 5 am and I've been up not being able to sleep for a couple of hours--- not sure if it's the pregnancy, the cold, or the fact that sometimes I just can't shut my brain off. But anyway, here I am up & thinking about all that needs to be done realizing it just can't happen!
I finally gave up pretending I was going to go back to sleep and started some work but I had to drop a quick post in to say I won't be able to post my kitchen today. I'm sorry & don't mean to dangle a good "before & after," I just simply can't get it all done. I had so many plans for this Halloween too!! I'm returning the fabric I bought for Christian's Max (from Where the Wild Things Are) and he's now going as a store-bought "honey bear"- as he says. The package said "honey bear" on it and I guess one of us read it out loud and now he's not just a "bear" anymore.) I've bitten off more than I can chew lately and have decided that some things just won't get done. hahah like this: (Southern Living)

I also wanted to do the ghost ring that so many of you gave me ideas on.. but when I saw the price on the styrofoam balls ($13 each!!!) I gave up on that... We have one spooky ghost now in my woods and I will post photos of our Halloween party prep later today or tomrorow. (If we can get it all done..) We also hung a very scary man/ scarecrow guy in a tree back in our woods and he looks really life-like so I'm hoping the cops don't show up to investigate. (And that my mommy friends don't get too weirded out.)

I'll be back as soon as I can to post Halloween party pics. It's going to be one of those days where we will be simply giving up at some point because there's no possible way to get all that I have planned done in time. ah vell!! I will have a nice cold rootbeer to celebrate my favorite holiday:

THAT I can handle ;)
Here's to a (hopefully!) relaxing point for you this weekend! Sounds like lots to be done... but you don't have to do it all. :-) I'll be up in your neck of the woods for a Halloween party Saturday! Looking forward to being back in DC.
me too lauren. me too! i had lots of plans for this weekend that aren't going to get done either. what was once a super fun holiday is turning out to be as stressful as christmas!! can't wait to see the creepy scarecrow!!! much less your kitchen..
Sometimes you just have to let go. It's OK to not get things done. Most of the time you are rockin at 90 miles an hour. Today, give yourself a break.
Have a great weekend.
Marybeth from Dallas
Yep, it's the pregnancy. I was more creative during preganancy than ever before. I was 3 weeks away from delivering my 2nd baby and I came up with the idea to redo our kitchen counter's. Did a mosaic on the whole thing, NUTS. Key is, write your thoughts down so you can come back to them later. Enjoy some time this weekend with that rootbeer and take care of that baby!
I just love your blog, but i am sure you hear that all the time. Try not to beat yourself up too much. You're doing a great job.
I also love the ghost ring. I posted about it at the beginning of the month. It would be a little more work but you could paper mache balloons for the heads. Here's a link to my post which has a link on how to make them using fabric stiffener. My biggest concern with using fabric stiffener and paper mache would be if they got wet.
Have a Happy Halloween!
I'm sure everything will be perfect and you will all have a wonderful time. Just enjoy yourself!
Happy Halloween!!
i had plans for halloween decor too but didn't get to ANY of them. at least you have a good reason!! :) but hey, christmas is around the corner and i won't miss decorating for that - decorating starts ASAP lol.
See, I am so brain dead I forgot to copy the link into my previous comment.
Someday I'll get my act together.
Your comment on my blog made me smile!! Wow the work that it would take to fill one's lawn with pumkins like that!!
I had lots of plans as well.. All we have is three mini-pumpkins out on the porch... Hopeless... I'm blaming it on the pregnancy - only three weeks till my due date!! Yay!!! I'm saving all my ammo for Christmas! Can totally relate to lack of sleep, lately I've been waking up around 4 AM not being able to go back to sleep again (blaming the pregnancy for that too, lol)
Really loved your plans for Halloween though... Next year, next year!! :D
now that you've come to that realization it will probably be more fun! hope it's great! have a great weekend, Lauren.
Didn't realize you have another baby on the way...oh, how exciting!! Get to what you can and let the rest one but you will notice.
ME TOO! I tried to go to Target at 9:30 last night to get stuff for a murder mystery party we're having tomorrow night but everything was so picked over and I froze! Ahhh! Why do I leave this til the last minute!? And I also hate spending money on stuff like this that will only be used for a few days of fun... Don't feel the pressure to get all Martha! You have enough on your plate! :)
Oh man, I can relate! I can't turn my brain off either! I was up 'til 2:20ish last night and got back up at my regular 4:45 to start the day. Enjoy the sleep while you can! Hope you have the most wonderful Halloween. Honey bear sounds perfect, just perfect.
Sounds like you are planning a wonderful party- everything will come together just perfectly I'm sure- you always throw great ones :)
That ghost ring is great, I wish I had a yard for that idea. I'm saving this till I do, thanks for the idea :)
The ghost ring is great! My neighbor has one around a tree and it looks so festive.
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