Holiday gift guide! If you're in DC...

...Check out the Washington Post today!  There's a special issue of FW Magazine ("Fashion Washington") included inside where I and 3 other local bloggers share our holiday gift ideas.  Here's the cover:

Childrens Gift Guide
The told us to give our best "Christmas morning" expressions... 
(Apparently, Santa leaves me shockingly good presents under the tree.)
I met Grant Harris (who's next to me on the cover) the day of our shoot & he is honestly the best dressed  guy I've ever met in "real life."  Grant writes Image Granted, a menswear blog & runs a menswear consulting firm.  I can't wait to have him meet my husband & work his magic.  (I actually love how Dave dresses but I know Grant will make it even better = good-and-not-a-surprise-for-him- Christmas gift ;) ;)   
Also inside are gift guides by Jenna Golden of Eat More Drink More and Elizabeth Fassbender of So Much to Smile About, and Grant & me.  I was selected to pick out the children's gifts.  (Which is really funny to me, because as most of you know, I'm more into kids toys that look good if left on the floor rather than toys that kids are really into;) ;)  But seriously.... no, I'm serious.
I'll be sure to share more about my kids' gift ideas sometime after Thanksgiving... I found some ones that I think most kids would looove (and of course, more importantly ;) ;)  .. that you won't mind seeing strewn about your house.)
  The article was written by Holley Simmons & I have to say (being extremely uncomfortable in my post-baby-not-fitting-into-my-clothes-yet-body) the team at the Washingto Post was amazing--the editors, photographer, stylist & hair & make-up team- in making me feel okay.  It's a pretty large magazine and might look like an ad (my grandfather was throwing it away today when he looked down & saw my face) but definitely check it out if you get the chance!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.


Meg said...

You look so cute and pretty! Great cover!

Congratulations on the recent increase in publicity. You are being rightfully recognized for great work.

ArchitectDesign™ said...

Cutest picture of you! congrats -great article!

Lindsay said...

Congrats, Lauren! You look gorgeous. I'll definitely be picking up a copy! xx


How exciting!! Love the way you look on the photo, your hair looks so amazing too!!

Happy Wednesday
xoxo Edyta

Vel Criste said...

cover looks great - you look great! Can I buy this magazine in Illinois?

Anonymous said...

Look at that cover! You are too cute, Lauren. Congratulations! xo

Amy @ Five Kinds of Happy said...

Congtratulation! I'm surprised you aren't a model, this is totally stunning (and the expression is amazing!)

Lumen Drops said...

Great pix, Lauren! Happy for you, the opportunities coming your way! Love the new photo at Instagram of your studio, too!

Mary Kay said...

I am bragging to everyone I know about you. See this girl? I know her! I know her! At first I thought you and Grant were just modeling - then I saw that it's all about your blog! So great to see that. Congrats!

pve design said...

I love how the spirit of Christmas just radiates from within. you are glowing.

paula said...

oh my word, you are ADORABLE!!!

kayce hughes said...

You look radiant as always!

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Lauren, That is how I feel on xmas morning to!

I cannot wait to read what you suggest. Liz

Lane McNab said...



Pam said...

How wonderful is that? You look lovely and now I'm going to go check out the blog links you mentioned. Congratulations!

mikky said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats! You look so pretty on the cover. Fun expression.


Amy Rodriguez said...

You look gorgeous! Congrats!

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Lauren- So funny about your grandfather throwing the magazine out till he saw your face!

You look fantastic (and SO happy!)


Anna said...

You look so beautiful coz you are!



Kristina said...

No devil eyes in that photo! Congrats to you. Your new house is gorgeous and it's so fun following along on all your progress.

Lumen Drops said...

Lauren, agree with another poster...the barstools are Perfect! And wanted you to know I recently saw the same stool for re-sale and they were going for around $1K each!!! Apparently they are sought after, highly collectible, and since I believe they may have come with your kitchen, for they are in the "before" photos, wanted to share that with you (although as a decorator you probably know that, however, in the event you were not aware)! I absolutely LOVE everything you are doing with your home and look forward to each new progress report.

JWK said...

Love the cover! You look FANTASTIC!!!