09 March 2012

Half Full???

Home with one healthy one and one sick one today.  I'm somewhere in the middle.  :)

I was thinking about happiness...  It's definitely something that I think we all want. 

There are days when it comes naturally and days when we have to work for it. 

Yesterday we had the most beautiful weather ever & I was on the way home from a meeting with the music blasting.  (= complete happiness)  ... And then I was running out of gas on 495 during rush hour with the nearest gas station on my GPS over 9 miles away.  On "E" my car is pretty much out of gas, and because of the blasting music & pretty day, I'd failed to notice the light when it first came on.  So not good.  (I'm an idiot).  I had to put the car in neutral when I was stopped and I was just praying I could make it to the gas station as I sat in dead-stop traffic  (= scared and totally wanting to kick my own xxx.)  But, I made it, and filling up a gas tank has never felt so good.  I walked in the door to our house after a more than 2 hour trip home and that green sofa was Heaven. 

Sometimes happiness is just not having the worst happen. 

For today, it's having only one home sick.

Enjoy yours!!

xoxo, Lauren

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.


  1. So true! I once got a flat tire when I was 8 & a half months preggers, and I had my crazy dog & 2 year old son in the car. So I am sitting on the side of a busy highway and the tow truck driver is literally kicking my tire off my SUV and all I could do was laugh... hysterically! I was just so happy that we were going 2 be ok ;)

  2. I was pushing it with gas on the interstate this week, too! luckily the traffic wasn't bad but I was still thinking, why Jennifer, WHY???

  3. Oh, I have been there. Not wanting to fill up because of the location or it being dark or just because........I hate that feeling.....but I like the feeling when you actually make it to the station to fill up. You would think we would learn. I do now try to fill up when the tank is half full but that's because of the cost to fill the whole tank.

  4. Yikes! I just hate it when I see that dreaded E light. I guess happiness is having a car that actually gives you the number of miles left in your tank (of course, I don't trust this either!). Hope your little one feels better so that you have a happy weekend, Cynthia

  5. Counting your blessings is a key to happiness isn't it?

  6. Boy we can all relate to that gas story! Glad you made it home ok.
    Hope the little one feels better soon and that you and your family have a glorious weekend.

  7. I'm glad you made it safely home. Yes, sometimes happiness is when the worst doesn't happen.

  8. Ain't that the truth. Recently did the same thing and made it on prayers and gas fumes! Hope you're all better soon!

  9. Lauren we are on the same page today friend! And your line about"Sometimes happiness is just not having the worst happen" totally spoke to my heart!!!

    My husband has been away since Saturday--tough!--and last night all 3 of my kids came down with the stomach flu. I kept praying that I wouldn't get it until they felt better, and that's exactly what happened and I'm so HAPPY even being sick myself! The worst thing didn't happen, and all is well!

    You are so eloquent and insightful. I love your posts!

  10. Happiness for me today would be getting offered a job.

  11. I love that - "Sometimes happiness is just not having the worst happen." I'm going to think about that this weekend. Take care! Love your blog!

  12. Hope the kiddos get better and you stay healthy! We have adopted the habit of filling it up when it reaches the half way mark. No more stranded experiences.:)

  13. Glad you made it home ok, I freak out about my gas tank the same lol so I know the feeling exactly! Hope your babe is better soon. Have a fantastic weekend! xoxo Edyta

  14. As always, your post today truly resonated with me...I feel like it could have been me from start to finish. Leah Moss...I also felt connected to your words today. Nurture your spirits today and always...take care:)

  15. Always love reading your thoughts and for some reason this really struck a cord with me today.
    Beautiful photo too!! Hope you're little one is on the mend and that you'll be back to feeling completely healthy too!

  16. Such a pretty little table vignette - lovely enough to inspire a whole home decor. Glad you're home and hope the one gets better and the other stays well. : )

  17. Your blog is just lovely; I'm a new follower! ♥

  18. It really beautiful photo to show in the novel book.It look so pretty.

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