12 March 2012

Creamy Prosciutto Pasta

I love eating & I enjoy cooking pretty much only because I love to eat.  My favorite types of meals don't take very long to whip up but taste like they did. 

Over the weekend I made a prosciutto pasta recipe from our family's cookbook.  I'm not sure where it originally came from, but it is yummmmy and I had the camera nearby so I had to share!!!

Pasta- approx 1 lb (1 box)
Flour- 3 tablspoons
Heavy Cream-  you could try substituting it with skim milk- 2 cups
Edamame (it was originally peas but I switched it to soy beans because we like them better)- 1 cup
Chives (I used scallions because we didn't have chives)
Parmesan Cheese- 2-4 tablespoons depending upon how thick you want the sauce
Ground Black Pepper
I did the recipe approximately- I'm not big on measuring- and it came out soo delicious so don't worry about the amounts so much. 


1.Boil the water for the pasta.  I used farfalle this time but anything really works.  Penne is awesome with it because the cream gets inside the noodles ;) ;)  I usually salt my pasta water once it boils.
2.  Saute the prosciutto with a little olive oil in a sauce pan for a few minutes
3.  Add in the flour & saute it for another 3 or so
4.  Slowly pour in the heavy cream & whisk it for a few minutes until it thickens.  (I skipped the whisking part & it still worked.)
5.  Add in the chopped parsley, chives, and cooked edamame.  Add a bunch of pepper.
6.  Add in the parmesan cheese & stir until it melts. 
7.  Pour it over your freshly cooked pasta, serve and EAT!  (I kept it separated from the pasta because I knew we'd have a lot of leftovers and I don't like it as much once the sauce & pasta have been sitting together for a day or so, but if you aren't planning on leftovers, go ahead & mix it all in with the pasta before serving.)

(Yes, sometimes the two year old goes shirtless at meals...  easier clean up ;)

If you get some time to try it out, I promise you will looooooove it!!

xoxo, Lauren

ps- Am I the only person who feels like the pictures of the food never look as good as the food really does in person?  How do those food photographers do it?!!!

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  1. Looks amazing! your pictures are great, but someone's else's food always looks better!
    Have a great day Lauren!

  2. Looks delicious and good job on the food photography!

  3. I love pasta and your dish looks great to me. Forget the photography it's the taste that counts!


  4. This is one of my favorite dishes(with peas) and your post just helped me complete my dinner menu for the week. Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the recipe-this is what
    I am making tonight. I love finding a quick and easy recipe to mix things up. Do you find that you make the same things over and over? Glad to see it's kid friendly too.

  6. Love the recipe, think you'll like this one too pasta recipe. My little girl calls it "green spaghetti" because of the spinach, and the great thing is it's cooked in one pot! http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/magazine/articles/2008/02/17/italian_sausage_spinach_and_pasta/

  7. Some of my favorite meals to make are pastas with creamy sauces. This one looks great...too bad my sweetheart has placed a ban on pasta. ; )

  8. Mmmm this looks yummy! I love Prosciutto.

  9. oooo, thanks for sharing! I'll definitely be trying it!


  10. Ok you had me at Creamy Prosciutto...this looks divine. I have to make it asap! Thanks for passing along :)

  11. Ok you had me at Creamy Prosciutto...this looks divine. I have to make it asap! Thanks for passing along :)

  12. Sounds delish! Great photos too! I'll have to try it ASAP.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. YUM! This is making me very hungry!

  14. Gotta try this!

    Sooo....I tagged you in today's post... sorry if it makes you roll your eyes (I know most children of the 90's could cut someone if they ever see chain-mail again)... but who doesn't like to talk about themselves secretly? But I also know juggling your bizNAS and kiddos may make it a bit hard to play-along. Anywho - check it out if you have time :)


  15. Lauren this is so up my alley! I love it! I don't know how people do it, but you pulled off great pictures;) xoxo

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I love pasta.I enjoy cooking different new items.This kind of past is look so yummy so i will try to make it home and share with family.Thanx to share with us recepies.

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  18. You always take such great pictures. What type of camera do you use?

    Keep up the great work!

    Jennifer Laraia

  19. I forgot to include my email address....

    It's jklaraia@gmail.com


  20. Pasta is my favourite dish. You share such nice creamy prosciutto pasta. Its very easy to make home and taste is delicious and yummy.

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