11 November 2009

70s Redo Living Room Update: That Darn Wall!!!

Ok, so I've rearranged again (lately I've been doing it every couple of weeks just to give new things a try) so that the sofa would be across from the windows & we can enjoy all the changing leaves outside cuddled up instead of in separate chairs. (castered sofas = AMAZING for this!! ;) ;) In all of this rearranging I've learned that some arrangements photograph better than others (of course) but that sometimes the ones that photograph the worst are my favorites! haha like this one:

Which leads me to "THAT DARN WALL!!" argggg(above) It's been driving me insane as you probably remember. It's a tough imbalanced wall because of the angle of the ceiling... First I just tossed up some flea market paintings & a mirror we had up on the walls & while they look cozy & warm in the photo, there was way too much dead space on the wall so I knew the fix was only temporary. (Still planning on having mirror set into the fireplace box- on my to do list for this month)
Next I tried these huge mirrors from Ballard. (below) I love that they add to the height of the space but the black is getting to feel too harsh for me in here as it's getting colder. I had still planned to work in something around the mirrors but the arrangment in my mind bothered me. (And I have the perfect place that's begging for them in my entry... They remind me of a window & my entry is dark so they'll reflect a lot of the light from the LR windows.)

So, we've finally decided to do a gallery wall ... which was what was originally planned. (what goes around comes around I guess.) I know lots of people are 'over' them, but I've never had one long enough to get sick of them. We've got a bunch of Leonard Da Vinci sketches & drawings & we're going to frame them in matching oversized frames with oversized matting. (30!!!) I want to go as close as I can to the ceiling & take it down almost to the ground. I think it'll create a modern-feeling gridwork pattern but will also warm up the space at the same time... Below is a photo of a mid-sized gallery wall I did in a client's home:
I haven't ordered the frames yet & am hoping not to spend an insane amount. I found some possible online sources & will share when I decide which I'm going with. (priced under $20) I worry though because I haven't seen them in person. The store I'm really thinking of going with doesn't offer samples... So I'll let you know how it goes! For now though, here's what's going on in the rest of the living room: I'm waiting on some pillows (using a green & white floral I'd had around for years!!) for the sofa and I can't wait to add a little more pattern in this space:

We finally added the bookshelf lamp to our "cluttered" & loved bookshelf:
And because green is my favorite color, I keep finding green things to bring in here ( = free!!) My best friend gave me this cozy green throw & I love cozying up under it:
And the camel saddle has become a great ottoman:
I love having walnuts around in the Fall and here's a shot of the white urn they're hanging out in right now:

And the gilded chair is still alive!
And my dining room chairs are also still on the "to do" list... Slicovered linen parsons chairs are where they're headed, but for now I pulled in some garden chairs from outside in galvanized steel... As you can see, some fabric is needed over here in the dining room (come on parson's chairs!!) so I pulled in our little friend, the ottoman for the pic so it wasn't so cold. Now Christian loves it there & makes himself at home with his toys on the table. Works for me!
I'm still crazy over that piece of wood & the vintage chemistry beakers... I mixed them with a glass orb and an inexpensive beaker-like vase from Ikea:
And the storage space has been awesome in the $165 sideboard I found. It's also a nice 6 foot expanse of display space- yay!!
If you want to see the "before pics" of the living room & the changes we've made, you can go here to view it. So , what are your thoughts on a gallery wall& parsons chairs? Any good sources for me?


  1. It's looking really fabulous! I understand your frustration with the wall, we have the same issue in ALL bedrooms! It does make symmetry challenging, doesn't it? I do think a gallery wall is a great idea! (LOVE gallery walls!) I really like how your home is developing, it's such an organic process. And the littlest details can make the biggest statements! I just finished up Indie's bedroom and I'm so happy with the results! :D The livingroom / diningroom and our master bedroom are the next ones on the list. Fun fun fun!! :)

  2. Love the pics, and your home is looking wonderful. It's hard to do a gallery, but I love them when they're all done. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

  3. I'm considering a gallery wall myself. It will look lovely in your home. Have you tried pictureframes.com? They will send free samples.

    By the way, your beautiful home makes my heart beat faster :) !


  4. I love your house!!! I have small children myself with just one large living space for us all..so my constant challenge is make the room comfortable for the children, but have it still look "grown Up" too...I dont want a GIANT playroom...
    I am admiring your coffee table..I love the clean look..Where did you find that???

  5. You have such a gorgeous home. I understand the frustration of trying to find the perfect thing for your walls. I'm going through that with my dining room update.

  6. I have a vaulted ceiling in my living room too with the angled ceiling line on the fireplace wall like yours. To make matters worse, the fireplace itself is crammed into the corner at the high side of the wall AND the firebox is off-center so that it's closer to the middle of the room. (Who built this house?!) For fifteen years, I've rearranged that mantle every 6 months or so just because it's so darned frustrating.
    I love your gallery idea... and I don't think they're "out" at all in the home of someone who loves that look.

  7. I'm in LOVE with your camel saddle turned ottoman! It's ridiculously fantastic.

    I think your gallery wall will look stunning and can't wait to see how you arrange it all!

  8. Looks terrific! One of my favorite pics is the one facing the couch w/the lucite table and urn. Love your idea for the gallery wall and am really intested to see the source you find.

  9. That green couch is such a great piece...and love the other green touches. Tone on tone neutrals look great with a favorite accent color repeated. And the little gilded chair is such a pretty little non sequitor. Merci, Trish

  10. Have you thought about using wallpaper on your fireplace wall? Maybe I'm only suggesting it because I'm loving some of the new wallpapers I've been seeing lately. I think what you used in your breakfast nook is fabulous! You can still put up your gallery over the paper.

  11. I think a gallery wall will be great. can't wait to learn your secret source :)

    I'm still in love with your backward-fabric chairs ... sigh.

  12. I'm looking forward to seeing your gallery wall and knowing your frame source. I have some Charlie Russell prints I'm going to do the same thing with and too, didn't want to spend a small fortune on frames. I've found some sweet custom frames by a neat little company selling on ebay, but it's going to add up fast is I go that route. I still love the look!

  13. 1. I'll never be "over" a gallery wall!

    2. Ballard for Parsons chairs. If you're ever in Atlanta, there are two Ballard outlets. And if you happen to find super cheap-o parsons chairs via another outlet (craigslist?), Ballard sells parsons slipcovers as well.

    3. My favorite item in that beautiful room may very well be that awesome camel saddle. And that's saying alot because I have some serious (friendly) envy over many of your lovely things!

    Keep playing around with the arrangement, afterall, that's where the fun lies! :0)

  14. Fabulous! I love green too, so I am really drawn to your home.


  15. It was perfection...please put it back!

  16. haha Dianne!! i love the pic too but promise you that in real life the walls just kept going up- up and up!! (only 2/3 of the wall were included in my shot so unfortunately in 'real life' it was really off) thank you so much though!! and i will save the pic forever b/c i do love how it looks too!! :)

  17. oh wait- i just realized you Dianne- might have meant the old LR arrangement! In that case, I rearrange all the time & it most certainly will be back like that at lots of points in time bc I loved it that way too! :)


  18. I love seeing photos of your home and all the tweaking you do! So lovely!

  19. Looking great! I love gallery walls - go for it! I know it will be beautiful.


  20. Your home is gorgeous. Thought I should drop in and say it! I just found your blog through the Pear Tree Cottage website (just visited the store today!).

    Also, if you go for the Parsons chairs from Ballard, do post your review of them because we are considering them to go with for our kitchen table.

  21. Lauren, I have been enjoying your blog for the last couple of months and am just now getting around to commenting!

    I like the idea of a picture wall. I am thinking of doing one in our 2nd floor hallway/landing. I haven't used this company, but have you seen "thePerfectPictureWall" http://www.thepicturewallcompany.com/

    I think Candice Olson uses this system, or something similar, on her show.

    For the chairs, have you looked into the Charles Ray showroom at the DC design center? I find their prices to be reasonable.

  22. My husband always makes fun of me for rearranging. I am happy to find others do it too. This looks great, I really think you could do no wrong.

  23. I am SO enamored with your color palette. WOW!

  24. oh, will have to check your before in a minute. I know what you say about the photos--sometimes things look good in photos and not good in person and visa versa!! Will enjoy seeing the finished wall hangings!


  25. Lauren, I did not mean to indicate that it didn't look good now, I just loved the old arrangement so much. Just thought I would clarify. I do so enjoy your blog. Thanks.

  26. dianne- no worries- i totally got what you meant & so appreciate it!! :)

  27. your home is looking wonderful. It's hard to do a gallery, but I love them when they're all done. Thanks for sharing. Hugs,
    Work From Home

  28. Hello from Ireland!
    Your home is beautiful! I understand where you are coming from with the wall..There is one wall in my house that I would love to break down..One of these days!

  29. I really love the mirror you have now. It has a little bit of that loft window feel and you do have black scattered around. And I feel like it echos the dining mural well. So if the gallery doesn't work out you can still go back to a good option (but it sounds nice in the hall too).

  30. Hey! Saw this website and found so many things that reminded me of you, if you haven't checked it out already you MIGHT want to start a wishlist ;) Let us know when we can get together soon-LOVED the Halloween party! XOXO Amy

  31. Hey! Saw this website and found so many things that reminded me of you, if you haven't checked it out already you MIGHT want to start a wishlist ;) Let us know when we can get together soon-LOVED the Halloween party! XOXO Amy


  32. Lauren - so glad to hear that a 'pro' fights with furniture layout too. I've been fighting with my living room for months now, and this gives me hope :)

    I found that the arrangements that photographed best were actually the worst!!'

    I think a gallery wall is a great idea for an awkward wall space. You can tailor it to fit the lines just so...

  33. I love gallery walls and think they are classic. They never go out of style. Your house looks amazing and I love the mix of old and new and materials you have used. I want to come over and have a cup of tea or wine in your living room. Don't worry I'm not inviting myself LOL! However, for the frames -when I get home I will take a picture of the ones I have that would be great. I had bought some shell book prints from the flea market and went to aaron brothers looking for simple classic frames. They had the perfect color brown frames that look like the classic brown ones from pottery barn (mine were the 11x14 I think) and were $12.99 buy one get one for a penny. They have the sale everyone once in a while. I ended up having to have the matts custom made because the ones they had did not work but I will send you several samples because I used them in a couple of places and NO ONE knows. They think they are expensive. I can't wait to see what your wall looks like when you finish. Love your blog.

  34. I think anyway you arrange that room its going to look great!! I still want to just take that couch out of the picture and put it in my house, I love it that much!!

  35. I love the gallery wall idea. I still see them and hey, who cares if it's "been done". I say if you want to do it, go for it. I'm jealous of the 30 DaVinci sketches, LUCKY! And can I just say that I'm in love (more like lust) with your green sofa and want him to be my boyfriend!

  36. I love the gallery wall, too! Also think built in bookcases...incorporating lots of spaces for art....would be cool too with the angled ceiling. But then nails and frames are certainly chepaer than built in's.

    I have found, and made slips for, parsons chairs found at thrift stores. They are a dime a dozen. Ugly...but work great for slipcovers. So check out all of your thrifts.

    I NEVER tire of pics of your home. Gorgeous!!!

  37. Hi Lauren, I think gallery walls are beautiful and timeless. It will no doubt transform that wall entirely. Can't wait to see it - everything you do always looks absolutely beautiful!!! xoxoxTrina

  38. i love seeing photos of your home! :)

  39. . It's hard to do a gallery, but I love them when they're all done. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Work from home India

  40. you are doing such a great job..can't wait to see the gallery wall and hurry up with the nursery ;)!!

  41. Again, you are so talented and I love your work! It all is coming together so beautifully!

  42. Again, you are so talented and I love your work! It all is coming together so beautifully!


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!