Here's a recap for people who haven't been reading as long.... When we bought this house, some people thought we were crazy. If you've been reading along since the house-hunting posts (back in Feb-March) then you know that we looked at & saw potential in some frightening places- an 800 square foot dump near my parents (all we could afford in that area), an 1800s farmhouse that needed everything ($200,000+), a turn-of-the-century bungalow that needed $100,000 in TLC ( I still drive by it & love it) countless colonials (all very nice actually, just not what we were looking for) and many others... This was the first house that we walked into that I loved that didn't need repairs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. I walked into the house (with Dave waiting in the car with a sleeping Christian) and when I came outside, I didn't say anything except "Go inside." I was freaking out. It had a HUGE yard, a quirky but very liveable floorplan, awesome bones and an insane amount of natural light & space... and it was IN OUR BUDGET!!!!!

The quality of the images is not good, as I had a lot of trouble shooting pics because there's so much light coming in through those windows. Above is the room before and below is it now (Sorry about the random junk on the sofa here, but it's usually there so I included it!) :
We've still got lots of tweaking to do- mostly with artwork & accessories but I'll probably be forever tweaking those anyway... The inspiration for this space (and most of the house) is what's outside those windows. We have woods behind us and tons of windows & when I walked into the house the first time I felt like I was in a treehouse (it's a split-foyer/ bi-level so we're up high on the main level)... So my inspiration here was green, glass, and wood and white.... Here's a sort of inspiration board/ microcosm for the space (the coffee table atop hide ride with a huge chunk of wood I found at that first flea market with Mr.Ross and some vintage glass lab beakers with plants from around the yard):
Here's a close-up of the lamp... I'd originally picked out a glass lamp but it was backordered so I pulled this one from the family room & now am really happy with it in here. It sits atop a mirrored reproduction French flea market nesting table from Crate & Barrell. I like that there's a spot for the lamp and then a lower table for drinks (when I move my books of course! ;)

The drawing on fabric (I call it my "tapestry") is an Albrecht Durer (1471- 1528) drawing that I had blown-up to 7 feet by 5 feet on fabric with an adhesive backing. The space is tight over there so we didn't have room for furniture but I still wanted something special...
Dave spied the chairs at Lucketts and at $100 for 4 I was sold!
And that's it for now. (I know I show an insane amount of redundant photos but I just like to give every little detail & the reasoning behind it. - sorry!!!) We're happy to be relaxing finally & had a nice fire & s'mores outside last night!! I'll be posting the kitchen, family room, master bedroom & Christian's room shortly!!
ps- If anyone has any specific questions about items, I'll be answering them right here:Questions/ Answers:
1) The curtain rod is actually 2 iron rods from but I hid the part where they stop under the curtain. (I would have done 1, but 12 feet was about as long as they went.)2) You can read all about the "tapestry" here: and I had it enlarged here:
3) Question: Why did you select such a heavy chandy for the dining room when everything else is so clear and open?... Answer: Great question. The dining room is really small & has the potential to feel like just an extension of the living room. I really wanted it to stand out as a space on its own so I chose the massive chandelier (I love going oversize on chandeliers/ lanterns) and also a very sculptural, strong pedestal table to anchor that space among all the windows/light. I also just loved how crazy & natural the chandelier felt & sometimes when you just love something that's "off" it ends up being part of what makes the space so personal & unique.
4) The mantle: ahaha I totally forgot to explain this. Yes, right now it's just painted black but I think I'll steal Eddie Ross's idea in his NY apt of having mirror cut to fit. Either that or we're going to cut into the wall and do really short "logs" of wood that look like they could be going into a real fireplace... Option 1 much simpler & will open up the space... Option 2, I love this look I see so much in Darryl Carter's rooms but I think my kids would have a field day with the wood... eeek maybe save this for when they're older??
5) The fabric on the sofa is a cotton velvet & is great for kids. (Found this one at Calico Corners! :)
6) For the fabric on the 2 chairs: Here's the same fabric I used: ... I had the chairs custom-made and had the fabric upholstered on the reverse so it's much paler than the actual fabric.
Gorgeous Lauren! I want to see more pictures of your kitchen, it's my fave. :)
Hi Lauren! I really love how it turned out, it looks so stylish but comfortable too!! Great job!
Question -- I have a wall of windows in my home simular to yours. Did you do one long curtain rod or did you do multiple short ones? If you did a long curtain rod, where did you get yours?
Thanks for sharing your home with us!!
You've done a great job. Love that sofa and I have always wanted those mirrored top nesting tables. I like all the windows too!
It looks great, simply elegant and classy! I love your quirky chair. And I have a similar sofa that is begging to be recovered. I am a "green" girl, so your house is right up my alley!
Hi Lauren,
Love all the pictures. I also love the fact that your rooms are interesting and don't have the "I just bought the showroom furniture" feel to it. It's truely a reflection of you.
Can't wait to see the rest of the house.
It's all so gorgeous! Love, the sofa what a great find. really I am just in awe.
Oh, Lauren, you are truly a talent! It's absolutely beautiful. I love... everything! My absolutely favorite is your "tapestry". I'd love to know the source for where you ordered it. (Is it in a back post? Maybe.. sorry!).
Such a gorgeous space. And I always love hearing your house hunting story because I'm so excited to look for my own house with similar criteria in the next year or so.
I die! Seriously I am IN LOVE. I know I say that alot, but I am at a loss for words right now- I cant not believe the before and after of this space. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE times a million EVERYTHING! I need to go back and take it all in again- ahh you are just amazing Lauren!!! (and Dave, I know you did alot of the work too :) )
O.M.G. You absolutely transformed that room! Congratulations -- it is beautiful!
Love all your windows!! It looks great! You did a fantastic job, it looks so inviting and cozy. My favorite part is your "reading" chandelier"..I may have to use that idea! :0)
It is all beautiful Lauren...great job! Please do a post on the tapestry alone. You mentiond it was on an adhesive back. Is it glued to the wall? Also, why did you select such a heavy chandy for the dining room when everything else is so clear and open? I am just curious to the reason behind it as I am learning from you.
What a beautiful space!! It looks so comfortable. I have seen beautiful spaces before, but I was afraid to sit down or touch anything. I wouldn't be scared to sit at your house... that is how I know you did a great job!! ;0)
it looks fantastic Lauren! just perfect. you definitely added the charm factor the house was missing.
Oh and I do have a question - what did you end up doing in the fireplace mantle? Is it just wood painted black? I'm trying to get more ideas for mine. :)
So happy for you, Lauren! You did an amazing've really created a beautiful and unique space. Love the color palette, love the mix of styles, love all the different textures and fabrics. Can't wait to see more:)
It looks awesome!!! Where'd you get that great chandelier over the dining room table?
Holy cow -I am all sorts of loving your living room -what a cozy and comfy spot! I think the antique chair is just the right jewelry for the space too!
Just thought of a question... what fabric did you use on your sofa? Is it child friendly?
gorgeous! u are so talented!!!
Lauren, it all turned out beautifully. I've ben watching since this summer when you moved in. Great job! I covet your sofa!
Yours is the second post I've read today mentioning Lucketts, one of my favorite places. I'm interested in where you ordered the "tapestry" too. Way cool.
Gorgeous room Lauren. I'm in love! Great use of the chandelier as a reading light. It feels so luxurious. And that couch--with the green fabric. I envy.
I'm on my way out the door but just had to tell you how amazing everything looks! Love the colors, all the pieces and details. I still can't get over the couch. LOVE IT. You're so good at what you do!
Lauren, this is wonderful!!
And that crystal chandelier, I LOVE IT!!
You did such a great job! I love it!
Really beautiful, Lauren! You made such smart choices. I love how the dark color and weight of the fireplace is balanced by the chandelier and table on the other side of the space. And the chandelier looks like something you might have dragged in from the woods just outside the window! I hope you've had plenty of time to simply sit on your pretty green sofa and enjoy the vignette of fireplace, chairs and art. I know that's what I'd be doing!
*** "A DAY without LAUREN's BLOG, is like a DAY withOUT SUNSHINE!!!"...
Thanks, "LIL' WONDER-KID"!!!
Warm hugs,
Linda in AZ *
I totally feel like I'm late to the party. I've been busy, busy and just had a chance to start reading today.
I love all of it. I knew I would. It just looks like you! It's totally how you described it would look. I can't wait to see the rest of the rooms and I need to get myself invited to a weekend at your house so that I can check it out in person.
Can't wait to see the rest of the rooms!
Oh L, it is perfect ! I am drooling for that green sofa, love the art !!!!! And the chair, oh, I love it all, you did a great job!
you did an amazing job! i have the same sofa...i need to recover mine now that sippy cups are constantly being spilled! love the reverse fabric on your chairs- great idea!
I love it!! So chic eclectic!!! Where are the nesting tables from?!
Love your place! I especially love that sofa and those fab dining chairs!! You've done a great job.
It's so fabulous I can hardly stand it! Love the fresh green with the white so much!! So sweet of you to mention me as well!
Love your place!!
What you have achieved is absolutely gorgeous...the lettuce green sofa is a triumph, xv.
Wow..just beautiful!!..REALLY like your style!!..I've been following your progress..I totally understand your vision when you bought your home...those windows & views are wonderful!!..can't wait to see more!..thanks for sharing...Lacy
I love everything you have done, especially how you have incorporated modern, traditional and antique. My very favorite is the chandelier in the dining room, have I missed the story about it? Coconut what? I must know. Can't wait for the rest of the house.
Lauren- it looks so great. I think Marianne and I need to make a trip up so we can see it in person! :) xx- Brooke
Wow Lauren...great job!! Love that shade of green!
Amazing!! Love it all but especially that big green sofa!!! Great job!!
Spectacular. The apple green is an inspired choice. Love the little "luxe" chair. Smiles, LC
First time commenter here :) I am amazed at what you've done with your living space. It looks wonderful!! I live in what we call a "treehouse" too (3rd floor condo, with a huge tree right outside our window), and it's inspiring the decor as well, except I'm not nearly finished with it yet.
Gorgeous rooms! Where did you get your coffee table?
Oh la la!! I LOVE it! Wonder what magazine your home will end up in?? The antique chair is beyond amazing!!
The lucite coffee table is from
I came back for another look today!
AND I have given you the Honest Scrap Award as yours being a brilliant and inspiring blog! I hope you pop over and see!
Wow - what a stunning room. You've made so many beautiful improvements to your new home in record time. I was wondering if you've considered painting the metal trim on your windows a rich brown or an oil rubbed bronze finish? I'm so envious of all the pure natural light streaming in through those windows!
Denise- what a GREAT idea!!! I hadn't really thought there would be a solution until we could afford new steel windows (hahah SO far in the future!!) Is there a special paint I would need?
Hi Lauren,
Reading your previous post that features designs by Stephen Knollenberg sparked my imagination for your windows. Let me clarify that I'm not a designer or a professional painter. Just a homeowner in the process of remodeling a 100 year old farmhouse.
I would talk with a professional painter and a paint supplier before taking the plunge. You might even have a small window in another part of the house that you could use as a tester to see if you liked the result and how well the finish holds up to normal use. Surely, there is a paint formulated to cover metal.
Lauren, it all looks amazing! What a great job and eye you have with putting it all together. Love, love it and my fave piece of all is that sofa that you scored & reupholstered with that yummy green velvet!
Wow, you did such an amazing job! I especially love the Anthro chandelier and mural in the dining room. So chic!
oh my goodness! Divine!! That recovered green sofa - wow!! (a craigslist find?! envy...) The landscape painting... oh ... everything is just so beautiful. Great job!
What a great job, Lauren, it's really beautiful! That sofa looks so great to curl up on and how amazing are all of your windows and natural light?!! Love it!
Lauren, you guys have done a beautiful job with the house! I love how you've made it family friendly and elegant all at once. I love the couch, love the armchairs, and I LOVE that chandelier in the dining area. Great job!!!!
Um, hello - your living room is TO DIE FOR. I looove that natural light and those huge windows - and it's fantastic how you brought the green inside too!!
Can't wait to check out more of your blog!
I love your house! You did such a fantastic job. I'm dying over your coffee table.
Good heavens Lauren, it looks fantastic. Everyone has already said it all, but it is such a wonderful outdoorsy, organic look, but still so elegant yet liveble. I love this space and wish I could see it in person! It totally suits you guys with all that great outdoor space around that you use and enjoy and wonderful for kids!!
I love the tapestry and might copy you with a smaller one, so I will have to re-read your post about that!!
I wrote you a long comment on the DC blogger party post! It was such a treat to meet you and your darling Dave. He is almost as sweet as you and you two make quite the pair of DIY-ers. Your taste plus his DIY talent make you guys a real design duo!
Love everything and can't wait to see the master bedroom etc. I love those fern chairs and where you hung that chandy as a reading light. Wish you were closer to I could hire you to help me bring this place together!!
Big hug, Terri xox
What a pretty, cozy and welcoming house. Do you happen to know where I can find fabric similar to what is on the chairs flanking your fireplace? Did you have the chairs upholstered, or did you order them that way at a furniture store? I am looking for a similar pair of chairs, and definitely love the fabric. Thanks!
oh my gosh i love absolutely everything you've done! boy has it come a LONG way. i love all of your choices, the green velvet (sooooo wonderful looking), the blown up artwork, and the chandelier?!?!?!? ack that chandelier is PERFECTION and just so grounds that area and adds a ton of wow! love it all. you are so talented. i can't wait to see the rest as it develops.
i love:
the sofa-great fabric, great lines
the layout
the carpet
the coffee table-i've been thinking of doing something similar in my studio
great job...great post...thanks for catching up some of us new readers! i love the history behind the house-that is was for sale for 2 years!!! Wow. i know you got a heck of a deal.
Beautiful!! I love your living room, especially the bright green velvet sofa and the chandelier. The lamp is perfect too -- I think you should keep it and skip the glass lamp.
You're so lucky to have a forest behind you -- how cool to live in a "tree house" :-)
Lauren, the entire room looks PHENOMENAL!! You are so talented!
LOVE you green velvet that is one lucky doggie to have his own green velvet "sofa." :-) Lucketts sounds like a neat place! Love all your great finds from there!
I love your print, so I went to the site and they have no info on adhesive backed fabric only adhesive backed vinyl...can you help? Thanks, Penelope
Great job, I love the greens in your house! And of course, the lucite and pretty much everything else! Would love to share your house with my readers sometime if you are interested.
Great job!!! Love the contrast of old and new... one of my fave style "tricks" too, just makes a space look more homely and real, so to speak. The colour/ fabric on sofa is fantastic and really love the dining area - looks like you had a lot of fun! Looking fwd to more pics ....
Hi Lauren, I found you by way of Alek at From the Right bank and so glad I did! You have done an amazing job with your house! Thanks for sharing all the pic with us! I love the chandelier in the dinning area, what you've done with the fireplace area, and the amazing sofa!
Hi Lauren...searching for the "how to" on etching blow up (though did see some Zuber wall paper on Ebay...can't afford that route!) I just have to say 2 things. 1) LOVE that little gold chair, great cjaracter, so nice to have "out of place" jewels like that. 2) Bless you for the etching info! Hope I'm up to the challenge. So in love with Grisaille and would love it to be the focus on a couple walls. Merci. Have a wonderful weekend. Trish (Trouvais).
Love the camel saddle, I have one just like it that I found at a garage sale. Your looks like it's in better shape. Items like these adds so much character to a room.
You did a fabulous it all!
I'm new to your blog. Originally an East Coast girl living in LA. I found your website at 5:11 AM PST because I couldn't sleep while reading Eddie's blog. I'm new to the blog thing and I love your blog OMG! I love how simple it is -yet elegent. I love the chandelier - where did you find that? Your a girl after my own heart - love all your bargains. After this post, I'm going to make a cup of coffee and keep reading. I look forward to future posts. Ann
Gorgeous! Absolutely, GORGEOUS! I love everything about it, but I'm swooning over that sofa! It's the most delicious color green EVER! OMG! Where have you been all my life!?!?! LOL! I'm following now so I don't miss anymore! Oh, GREAT photography too. I need to work on the settings of my camera - I hope you'll find time to stop by my place soon!
I love your house and vision. You remind me of myself when I was young, having babies and in to decorating. You really have an innate sense of style and a DIY attitude. Good luck with the new baby. (We have our second granddaughter due in February!)
Love your dining room table, who makes it? I also really appreciated reading your link to the tapestry creation---it saved me alot of thinking time! Congrats on your new baby!
Wow! Beautiful!
Hi Lauren! I recently found your blog and love it! Your house, and whole portfolio for that matter, is beautiful! You have some great ideas - thanks!
Where did you get your chairs made? I LOVE THEM! And everything else. But one of those chairs is just what I need and I can't find them anywhere!
You are an inspiration!
Hello! Love the blog and your work.
I see that your home had the metal stair railings. Are they still there? Did you paint them or remove them?
I have them in our home and I do not know what to do with them.
Its incredibly gorgeous and so inspired! I love al the little thrifted touches and the green goddess sofa!
I think the coconut bead chandy is perfect and adds some drama. I am currently contemplating a large one for over my round table and am wondering how far from the table top yours is...
If I get this one:
(I hope thats okay that I linked)
with my 105" ceilings it would be about 30 inches from my tabletop without chain, is that too massive?
Anyways, you are very talented and I love your style!
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