...So of course I had to take a few inside...
I love the old-fashioned appeal of hydrangea... My grandma used to have a ton of limelights at her summer cottage. I had just enough time to cut a few and am heading out today to grab more...
The thing I love about hydrangea is that there are so many I don't feel guilty for picking them...
I have all different colors (guess our soil PH is pretty inconsistent)...
I love the blue...
Here's a picture of Christian taken 2 years ago bringing a bunch in...
...They (both him & the flowers) were much smaller back then. I never thought the hydrangea would get taller than me!!
my timer's up- baby's crying- so i'm out but i cannot thank you all enough for all the well wishes and notes... your friendship means so much to me.

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
The flowers are stunning. I love all the different colors. Congrats again on the little one. Hugs, Marty
Lauren your hydrangeas planted en masse look Wonderful, I can't get enough cut hydrangea from our garden during the summer. You ceratinly have enough to last you a while.
We have an acre of hydrangea planted and I can't get enough either. The husband keeps saying we have enough but can you ever have enough of these gorgeou flowers? Your shrubs look so good and healthy. Luke's two weeks already...WOW!
Enjoy your day!
I love this post and would love to borrow one of these images...for a post that I have planned...dedicated to hydrangae blossoms!
I received my first blue hydrangea bush a few years ago, a little thing then, now it's getting really big and I'm planting a whole row of them this year for a living privacy fence. They can get as big as they want! Yours are stunning colors!
Congratulations on the arrival of your baby son! You have a beautiful family.
I love hydrangeas! My mom had massive blue hydrangea bushes outside our doors in my childhood home. The good soil and lots of water in WA state made them extra large - like they were on steroids.
Don't worry about cutting them back and enjoying, they will just come back thicker!
Ahh Hydrangeas...my favorite summer flower. I have several large shrubs growing around my home, unfortunately they do not produce any blooms!? I must be doing something wrong!
wow the colors are unreal! I am looking onto growing more of them! I hope you are feeling well and that the family is healthy and happy!
so fun to have a mix of colors! we just planted 8 more limelights to cove a fence...I have to be paient and wait about three years lol. happy to hear you are up and out picking flowers and enjoying the weather.
Hi Lauren
My husband and I were talking just yesterday about planting one in our yard. Seeing yours has just made it a sure thing. Thanks for sharing them.
Congrats on the newest addition to your family! He's beautiful! Thank you for all the incredible blog posts I always enjoy seeing Pure Style home in my email inbox it adds a little piece of excitement to my day! :) I can't say enough great things about you, your blog and fabric (which is gorgeous)! You have great style! Thank you again! PS you have made me want to go to lowes today and buy some hydrangeas, they're gorgeous! Enjoy that beautiful family of yours!!!! Sending hugs from Alabama! :)
Your hydrangeas are just beautiful!! Wishing you a lovely week, Ashley
Thank you for sharing those beautiful blossoms! Hydrangeas are, without a doubt, my favorite flower! They just look like a happy flower!
Gorgeous! I love hydrangeas in the house. I think we'd all like to see baby pictures, though, in your next post : )
Congratulations on your new little addition! He is precious! (Also, love the flowers and your orange door!)
The flowers are beautiful! How sweet your little boy is holding them. I never had luck growing hydrangeas. What is your secret??
I love hydrangeas also, and just this year planted one in the backyard!
Thanks for stopping in again!
Love, love, love hydrangeas! I have several and am glad that we divided a few from my Mom's house before we sold. Hers were so beautiful and now I have them.
Who ever knew the hydrangeas would be taller than you?...just wait until Christian is!
Cograts to your beautiful family on your new little Luke.
Congrats on your little hydrangea prince....now through the years, every time they bloom you will think of him and the babymoon time. Perfect.
Congrats with the new baby! I love the colours of the flowers, brings life to the room dont you think? Where did you get the glass lamp? love the shape of it!
Congrats on your newest addition! Such a special time for your family. And my mom has the most beautiful hydrangea bushes and every late summer I get a new batch of dried blossoms!
I love hydrangeas. They are so beautiful. Where I live the deer like them a lot too! :(
Congratulations on the arrival of the latest member of your family! You have a beautiful family and a beautiful home to boot. The hydrangeas just bring life to your garden and room!
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Congratulations Lauren and family!! Love to see your children in those precious moments...savour!! God Bless!!
I like this blogs.. It's very nice and informative blog…. Thanks for sharing with us. American Drew
hey lauren! just catching up on blog reading and laughed as i did a post so similar to this recently. you dont know me and i dont know you from adam but i love keeping up with your life and work via the blog and instagram {nattyroe}. i, too, have three kids very young and stair stepped like yours {except i had a girl sneak in between my two boys somehow...} and am a self employed interior designer. its been quite interesting learning how to juggle the three and my work, and i look forward to seeing how you manage it! i feel like we share similar views on life and even in our work...and that all sounds so normal coming from a complete stranger right?? :) congratulations on your newest little boy and good luck on all your endeavors to come! you do seem to handle it all very well. and ps. i have a couple projects in the works where i hope to use your fabric {per client approvals}. eventually i would love to have some in my own home...gorgeous work!
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