{Tracy Porter's little cutie pie}
While at the Design Blogger's Conference in LA a little while back, I got to meet one of the most inspiring, energetic & gorgeous women I've ever met in my life: Tracy Porter.
{Just love her style!!}
Tracy's philosophy is all about being true to yourself and getting inspired by everything around you. She's so excited about life, which comes accross so clearly when you read her blog or meet her. Tracy designs and sells her own lines of clothing, jewelry, accessories, rugs, lighting, furniture & home decor. When Tracy contacted me about doing a giveaway on Pure Style Home, I was so excited. She's giving one of our readers a $250 gift certificate for her store, which you can view here. There are so many products to choose from but I wanted to share a few of my favorites with you. (ie the things I covet ;)
{I looooove this fish bone pendant!! So detailed, which is a trademark of her style.}
{awesome cocktail ring = rrrrrar}
{This rug gives me a good feeling. I'm not sure what it is about it, but somehow it reminds me of something from my childhood that I just can't quite place. love it}
{Dying to use these Empress Wing Chairs in a project!}
{Oh yes... see the details?!}
{ahhhhh so romantic!!}
{I love the femining details on these boots}
{Silvered lantern, yes please!}
And finally, I love this pic of Tracy & one of her (4!) sons:
{Green floral Hoodie = perfection!!}
I think it's so amazing to see people going after their dreams and creating something special & personal. If you haven't checked out Tracy's blog, click here and be sure to check out her videos.
To enter the giveaway for a chance to win $250 to spend at Tracy Porter.com, just leave a comment in the comments section telling us about a simple pleasure you like to enjoy... Just something small that makes you happy. The giveaway will be up all week!

ps- A simple pleasure I like to indulge in is eating outside. My husband surprised me today (Sunday) by picking me up from a long day at the DC Design House with a picnic dinner and it was just awesome. There's something about being outside that seems to make food taste better.
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 514 Newer› Newest»I love to read a good book while waiting in carpool line to pick up my kids! PS: very excited about this giveaway! M.
I love to laugh around the dinner tablewith my family for hours! pick me! xox!
One of my favorite simple pleasures is talking to my husband about the day's events as we play with our seven month old daughter. :)
My simple pleasure is walking along the town dock, looking at all of the names of boats... It's become a favorite pastime. :o)
Raspberries! What is it about those little nuggets of gold? Can't get enough! Thanks, Lauren. I absolutely love your style and will take so much inspiration from your blog as I decorate my first home in a few months.
I love breezes blowing through my house, the smell of fresh-cut limes, and my boys' giggles!
My simple pleasure is enjoying a cup of coffee first thing in the morning with my favorite blogs, thanks for being there!
Oh my goodness, these are amazing. That jewelry is simply beautiful! I am not familiar with Tracy Porter, but will be looking her up now for sure!
I love sitting on my front porch swing on Saturday mornings, a cup of coffee in hand and soaking in the beauty.
I love reading a good book during a quiet moment in my sunroom with a cup of hot tea!
Wow! Great Giveaway! I'm in love with that fishbone pendant! One of my greatest simple pleasures is when my 6yr old cocks his head to the side and starts a sentence with, "I was thinking about..." He's just so darn cute. Thanks for hosting this amazing giveaway.
I really like the English Cottage Long Knit Cardigan.
Mmm. Simple pleasure .. curling up in bed with a good book, listening to the rain on the window.
My simple pleasure is mojitos - my husband and I have been making them at home every weekend lately. The freshness of the mint, tang of the lime, sweetness of sugar cane, and sparkle of seltzer: it's like summer in a glass!
I really love sunday mornings when my husband and I don't have anywhere to be (which is rare). On those mornings I can make us a big breakfast, relax and have a second cup of coffee : )
I love the rug!!
A simple pleasure I enjoy is eating!! My husband usually don't bring me flowers instead he brings me food... :)
Thank-you for such a wonderful giveaway!!
Reading a book, Drinking tea and eating a sugar cookie on a cold day.
My morning cup of coffee! It's the little things... :)
Lately, I have found I like to sit on my balcony and just read, enjoying the finally warm weather of spring.
I love to go for walks in the evening as a family. Few things make me happier than a nice walk around the neighborhood after dinner with all my 4 favorite people in the world.
I love to take my dog, Seamus, on hikes in nearby Umstead Park. We just moved to Raleigh, and I'm still getting to know the area, but I'm so in love with the trails at Umstead, I'm thrilled to be living here!
My simple pleasure is walking through my garden in the early morning with a cup of tea. This time of year there are so many changes that there is something new to see every morning.
her jewellery is gorgeous!
A simple pleasure I enjoy is cooking with my husband..we try out new pasta dishes every once in a while! xx meenal
having my morning cup of joe while everyone is still asleep :) xoxo's nancy
My simple little pleasure is walking my backyard in the mornings looking at all my flowers in bloom, drinking a cup of coffee. Makes me happy!
Lauren, I just got some dresses from her, she has such a funky style!
And congratulations on that wonderful installation at the DC Showhouse!
It's a great success!
My husband and our 14 month old have the little tradition to go out to eat at Panera Bread on Friday nights. I get a break from cooking and we laugh at how much mac n' cheese our tiny little girl can pack away.
I'm a huge Tracy Porter fan, her style is perfection!
I love just hanging out with my little one. It doesn't matter what we're doing as long as he is laughing and giggling. :)
I love reading outside. We finally had good weather yesterday and I spent the majority of it outside reading!
A simple pleasure that I enjoy is biking along the Capital Crescent Trail into Georgetown on a crisp spring morning...passing the kayakers, the rowers, the greening trees, the babies in jogging strollers....a little bit of heaven!
My simple pleasure is reading a book in the sunshine
sjmagee1 at verizon.net
What a great giveaway! I love Tracy's stuff. It's so lovely. A simple pleasure I love to indulge in is adding a scoop of decadent hot chocolate powder to my morning coffee. It add an extra special (and tasty!) twist to this average, every day drink.
One of my favorite things to do is sip pink champagne with my best friend in the park on a pretty, sunny day. It's so relaxing and a great way to catch up with my bestie since I have moved and we no longer get to see each other as much. <333
Hey! I thought Tracy Porter was just some person who had a line of quilting fabrics at JoAnn Fabrics. :) OOPS. I'm thrilled to see that she is so. much. more. Love those wing chairs.
My indulgence is a long, hot bath every single night!
Curled up next to my husband as we read books, ahhhhh, simple joy! Best wishes! Donna
Tracy's creativity is astounding. What a very talented woman. My favorite thing to do is to just spend time with my kids. I have a 5 year old girl (who is on the spectrum of autism) and my almost 3 year old boy. We like to play hide and seek in the backyard, and just be silly. We also like to blast the radio in the kitchen and have "Dance Parties". Have a wonderful week.
My favorite simply pleasure is sitting back and watching my two girls laugh and play together. It doesn't get any better then listening to the sound of child's laughter :)
Amazing collection of items! I adore the Golden Eve chandelier, so different! Great giveaway and how fortunate are you to have met Tracy! Janell
I have a buckwheat little neck size thingie that was given to me while I was in cancer treatment. You heat it in the microwave, put it behind your neck, lean back in a cozy chair and ahhhhhhhhh, let the heat soak in. So simple, so appreciated :)
fantastic things. thanks, lauren. time with family is my best simple pleasure...donna
Spending time outside in the sunshine. We finally had some this weekend and it was bliss to spend the weekend outside.
taking the time to cook dinner. Something that is sadly very RARE at my house- but I so enjoy it when I do!
baking, baking and more baking.
Taking a nap in the middle of the day and not having to feel guilty about it!
Cooking a great meal for my family! And I've been a Tracy follower for over 10 years..love her style and her blog! Would love to win this giveaway! thank you!!
I loved days like yesterday. Sitting outside on a blanket with my husband and daughter enjoying the (finally) warmer weather.
Oh - My - GOODNESS!!! I would LOVE to get my hands on those wingback chairs! Ah-mazing!
Emily Hewett
A Well Dressed Home
My simple pleasure is being up before anyone else & watching the sunrise. (LOVE the boots!)
snuggling with my grandson while watching one of his favorite movies....well snuggling with him anytime!!
quiet mornings, an empty house, yummy breakfast and catching up on my blogs!
grandson snuggle was me drisc512@aol.com
don't know what i did wrong
WOW!! It's all just so stunningly gorgeous- can't wait to check out her blog/shop. My simple pleasure is a hot bath at the end of the day though like you, I loooove eating outside too!
Love my cappuccino maker in the master bathroom! So decadent!
I love sleeping with the windows open and waking up to a little breeze and the birds singing! lilitankersley@gmail.com
hi lauren, a cup of coffee outside on a spring morning, birds chirping away... i love tracy porter too. you two remind me of each other, very creative and energetic! love her shop...thanks for the chance... and congrats on the design house room. beautiful!
Reading in bed with my kids!
My favorite simple pleasure is watching the sun set from our living room (love our floor to ceiling windows), with my husband after a busy day of work.
I so agree with you--eating outside is such a treat! I can't wait for the warm weather!
My simple pleasure is sitting down with a book for those precious moments between older child getting on the bus and the younger one waking up for the morning. Preferably with a cup of tea. Aaaah.
nearby we have a park that is a penninsula sticking out into a lake. i adore going down there with the kids at sunset. my simple pleasure is that moment when the wind lifts my hair [and seemingly all the cares of the day] and wafts them away as i watch the sun sparkle on the water = BLISS!
Thanks for hosting this Lauren i ADORE your decorating!
MSP is sitting on my southern front porch. I watch my kitties play and watch life in the neighborhood.
My simple pleasure is watching my youngest sleep. She is so beautiful and my teenagers remind me that this time will be gone someday.
Lauren- my simple pleasure is planting seeds with my kids. So wonderful to watch something (hopefully!) grow.
My simple pleasure is when my husband and I grab our bikes and head down to the river side bike trail. We ride in the beautiful afternoons of the spring, summer and fall and then hit our favorite eatery the Lovin' Oven in Frenchtown. All natural and organic meals that are to die for topped with a glass of our favorite wine! Simply the best! DesignSavvyofNJ.blogspot.com
My favorite simple pleasure is my morning cup of coffee made even better by dipping in a chocolate hazelnut Pirouline, mmmmmm.
My simple pleasure is time spent at a book store! There is something about all the options, the smell of books, and the rows and rows of beautiful covers. I will be very sad when everything goes high-tech. and there are no bookstores left to browse!
Seeing my husband playing chaising with my twin daughters every night before bed! Love your blog!
My simple pleasure is reading a book on my back porch couch in the warm summer sun. So relaxing that I sometimes doze off!
I love a good long walk, especially this time of year!!
I enjoy playing with our dog when she wakes up in the morning and stretches and wiggles on her back to scratch it. It's a good way to bring a smile to your face in the mornings.
Leaving the library with a new book to enjoy - makes me feel like a kid again!
A simple pleasure I enjoy is watching our 18 month old son. He is nonstop, always on the move, so adorable.
I love waking up extra early to drink coffee and watch the sun come up with my husband.
my simple pleasure would be my steaming mug of coffee EVERY morning :)It's just one of those things I can't live without... Another one would be curling up with a good book on a rainy day... Like today!
A simple pleasure that I am enjoying is to be down in Kentucky with my parents and my Mother shall be celebrating 84 years young. I think such creative women and mothers are so inspiring. I adore Tracy Porter and you too Lauren!
Thanks for such a nice give-away!
I love the sound of the birds on a sunny spring morning...
Naps and hot tea and design blogs and flipping through a magazine on the couch. The combination of all of those would make for a perfect Saturday!
I sit outside each morning to drink my coffee and watch the birds. My form of meditation. I can think with no interruption.
Great giveaway!
A simple pleasure for me would be a run along the water followed by orange gatorades with my running partner!
I have lots of simple pleasures but one of them is to snuggle my little boy! He's always on the move and I don't get many opportunities to really get some quality snuggles in, so I take advantage as much as I can.
Oh, and crafting, eating yummy desserts, and going on walks in pretty places! :-)
Katie Probandt
Planting a beautiful pot of flowers. It brings instant beauty and calm to my home, even when sitting on the deck, surrounded by dirty sand toys and 20 pairs of shoes.
wow... beautiful pieces! Thanks you for doing this great giveaway!
my simple pleasure is throwing the ball with our two weims at the park down the street, especially now when the weather is so nice!
My nieces sweet lil voice over te phone/skype. I want to remember her little voice always.
Opening all the windows in the house and enjoying the breeze. Just seems to make the house more welcoming.
My simple pleasure is waiting for and watching the magnificant dogwood, in our yard, bloom each Spring.
My simple pleaseure is settling in to a warm jacuzzi with all my favorite magazines!
I love eating lunch outside
lauraebier at gmail dot com
Carrying-in from my favorite local eats! I just love eating special well-prepared food in my tranquil apartment when I didn't have to do any work.
making my bed! :) somehow it makes me feel soooo put together in spite of any other mess in the room!
Holding my new baby granddaughter!
My simple pleasure is playing beach vollyball with my girlfriends. We laugh, support each other in hard times, and get a workout in with our toes in warm sand. Nothing better for the soul.
Gosh, there are so many! But my favorite simple pleasure about now is sitting in the backyard enjoying the weather, getting some sun, watching my daughter play and reading my favorite magazines. Does that count as just one? :)
I love dancing around in my PJs to a guilty pleasure song before the workday starts, puts me in such a great mood!
Simple pleasure: sitting outside on the patio with my husband sipping wine :)
Waking up early, having pillow talk and coffee while listening to records. Easing into the day is my favorite.
Too many to choose from....love my hubby & son, but when I'm making time for myself I love to take a hot bubble bath with a glass of red wine and listen to music....doesn't get any better! :)
I am a huge Tracy Porter fan and have watched every single video! I love to enjoy a cup of Good Earth spice tea with a little natural sweetener and cinnamon.
So many but I just wrote today's to do list with a fountain pen, so I'll pick that.
I love indulging in a nice, long visit with my sister - we talk about all the important stuff and brace each other with lots of laughter.
I love to read outside in the sun.
mearnold115 at yahoo dot com
I just love sitting down with my mom drinking a few glasses of wine. It's such a wonderful time that we get to spend together catching up without worrying where we need to be or what we should be doing.
I love to take a book to the local coffee shop and read for a couple of hours.
I love walking my dog around the neighborhood...........
I love sitting down and reading a magazine, with no interruptions!
Clean, crisp sheets on the bed, especially when you can sleep in the next morning!
I love taking a cup of coffee to my garden and seeing what is new each dayl Green grass and sunshine make my day!
Simple Pleasure = A cup of coffee on the front porch rocker before everyone gets up.
My simple pleasure each day is to stop and notice what has popped open in the perennial garden beds from the day before. Welcome Spring, welcome!!
I love getting to read a book on my subway ride home. It's funny that being crammed in a subway car with a hundred other people can be peaceful and relaxing!
One of my favorite simple pleasures is the feel of soft flannel sheets...it must be a nod back to my childhood blankey! :)
I love having a special picnic, or even dinners outside with my daughters!!!!! Being outside makes me so so happy..... I also love simple fresh flower arrangements put together by myself, they always make me smile!!!!!!!
Michelle Torres
I most enjoy the lake in the summer with my family. :)
Having a cup of coffee at the beach around dinner-time is beautiful. The crowds and busyness of the day have passed and it's just a quiet, lovely light-filled moment to unwind.
I love to sit and watch my chickens and horses grazing. Instant stress relief! Thanks for the giveaway and your wonderful blog.
A simple pleasure I like to enjoy is listening to the magnificent sound of the ocean. I love it's vastness and how it's rhythmic sound lets my mind wander to amazing, seemingly limitless possibilities. Since I live not exactly near the ocean, I enjoy the simple pleasure of listening to my sleep machine's "ocean" setting. I know it isn't the same, but it does the trick. I can even hear the occasional whale calling. :)
Something I enjoy is a freshly organized drawer or cupboard or a cup of Aveda's herbal tea on a cold night. Perhaps the best is hearing the infectious laughter of my husband and children ringing in our home.
I love Tracy's style and thought I would always have 4 boys. God bless her!
Love sitting out on the screened porch at sunset and a cool breeze!
When I lived in DC, all i wished for was a little house with a little yard so I could have a garden and my dog would have a place to play. Well, some years later, I am back in Alabama--which I never thought would happen, and I have my little house with a little yard. Yesterday as I planted my first tomato plants, got my first sunburn of the season & watched my sweet pup play in the backyard, I realized how lucky I was that I had gotten my wish. So, I guess my simple pleasure is appreciation.
Relaxing in my hammock and watching the cardinals at the bird-feeder.
Seeing my daughter curled up in her crib in the morning - she looks so peaceful and content.
Every Monday at 4 having tea with my best friend/Mom.
3 years ago, my husband and 3 sons helped me create a flower garden for Mother's Day. Every spring, I smile as I see it wake up. :-) The fish necklace was (curiously)awesome. What flair this woman has. Thanks for putting on this giveaway.
Hi Lauren! I actually have two favorite simple pleasures.... I love to get transported to another time while watching a British period piece drama! I love the costumes and beautiful scenery. I can just snuggle in and get lost in it!
My other simple pleasure is perusing antique shops in New England! I can do that for hours and days! It really is even better when I am shopping in a quaint town.
Thank you to Tracy Porter for this wonderful giveaway!
Hi Lauren! My simple pleasure is opening the shades early in the morning just as the sun is coming up. The first glimpse of a new day.
Her style is amazing! Love her.
This is hard, I actually have so many simple pleasures that I enjoy and am grateful that I try to sneak them and soak them up whenever I can.
With the warmer weather coming I am really looking forward to the evenings outside with a glass of wine, crackling fire in the fire pit and strumming the guitar all under the stars. :)
Thanks for offering up such a fabulous giveaway. xo
*** I have a simple-but-favorite thing "happen" EVERY day~~~ my husband & I take a drink out to the patio/pool & there, with our beloved dog, we just sit together discussing our day, the NEWS of the day OR simply enjoying the quiet stillness of the desert's ever-beautiful setting sun... It always reminds me of my favorite movie "It's a Wonderful Life", because IT IS!!! I feel we're soooo blessed!
How generous of Tracy to do this! Thank you!
Linda in AZ *
Glass of wine while reading a good book!! Melissa
I like to load all four of my loud kids into our bed and read a book together. Chaos, for sure...but great chaos.
I love to feel the soil on a warm day while planting. I love the smell and textures can't wear gloves something about feeling the earth in your hands.
Sitting on the front porch with my sweet husband and puppy. What a great way to start and/or end the day!
I love eating outside, too - when the weather gets nice, it's the best! We love to have breakfast on our little porch, and lunch and even dinner if it's not too hot out. <3
Love all things Tracy Porter!1 What a great giveaway!! Pleasures...hmmm...Wasa crispbread for breakfast...every morning.
my simple pleasure is taking a nap on the couch with my baby girl.
My simple pleasure: Standing in the sun with my eyes closed, feeling the heat beating down on my face and skin.
Fresh bread + butter + mouth = a simply delicious pleasure.
Great giveaway!
WOW thanks for introducing me to Tracy... I love everything!
OK, one of my simple pleasures... when it's raining, I love to snuggle up with a mug of English breakfast tea (with milk) and a design magazine or book.
I love seeing my puppy happy! Whatever it is that makes his jump and run like a clumsy little puppy, whether its just taking him to the doggy beach, or a new toy! It always puts a smile on my face!
BTW - this giveaway is awesome. Tracy's stuff is all so amazing and beautiful! YAY!
A simple pleasure to me is a warm sunny day where I can go barefoot and open the windows. Looking forward to a day like that soon....I hope. Come on NW weather!
I love spending time with my whole family, but time with my 16 yr old daughter is incredibly special to me. My own mother passed away when I was 14 so my bonding time with her was cut short. I love watching movies or late night tv, teaching her to drive, or shopping with her because we are always in fits of laughter. She is so funny & beautiful! I'm just treasuring watching her grow into an amazing young lady. I love Tracy Porter's style and have several of her kitchen ceramics. She's very inspiring! Great feature on her too, thanks!
~*~*~*~Love sitting out on our farmers porch...all curled up on our wicker couch in the warm afternoon sun... sipping a little wine while reading a favorite book...LOVE Tracy's creations...have been a HUGE fan for...gosh abut 20 years! LOVE her books too :) Thank you for this chance to win.
Sitting on the couch or laying on our bed with my husband with our windows open. The sounds of outside are peaceful and the breeze just relaxes me when life gets too busy.
My favorite simple pleasure is a long soak in a hot bath.
My most favorite simple pleasure is to have a cup of tea and dream up the next little(or sometimes large!) vignette in my home. Oh how I delight in sitting back with another cup of tea and blissfully absorbing my newest creation!
I love your blog and your style Lauren.Keep up your extraordinary design work!
My favorite simple pleasure is a long hike with my husband!
My favorite simple pleasure right now is to snuggle with my three-year old in her bed at night after our four month old twins have gone to sleep - we get to talk about her day in a way that we can't when everyone is up and running around. She has the greatest things to say!
I love a glass of sweet tea with lemon and a stack of design books on my back porch with a breeze.
Taking photographs is one of my simple pleasures...I am an amateur, but I really love it when I can capture a moment or a look in a photograph, especially if it involves the people I love the most!
Happy hour with my husband outside, watching the kids play....beyond happy.
my simple pleasure is putzing around my garden in the late afternoon with a cup of tea or a glass of wine in hand- total ME time! hope i win, i love tracy's style!
The birds at the birdfeeder. I have four large feeders with plenty of room for dozens of birds, but they all seem to want to perch at the same spot. Kinda like
my four sisters around a bowl of M&M's.
Sitting on my porch swing...thinking about my sweet Daddy. He died almost a month ago, but not before he got the chance to try out our new swing. When I am swaying back and forth, everything slows down and makes me realize how precious everything in life is...
Wow, I especially adore the lanterns and lighting fixtures! My simple pleasure is reading stories out loud with my sweetheart while we do everyday chores... usually classic children's adventure novels. :)
Cooking with my husband.
red wine as I prepare dinner for my awesome and loud family of 9! love her style...so glad to be aware of her!
A new shelter mag with a hot cup of tea in my favourite chair with nothing but the stillness around me.
Watching a great movie with my family and a good cup of coffee with half & half, of course! Blessings, Sandy:O)
I LOVE taking a shower outside. Something about the warm water and the cool air on my skin at the same time makes me sooo happy:)
I have three lovely energetic children and when I can find time to sneak away for myself, I enjoy creating something from nothing. Most often it is in the form of salvaged wood. The cherry on the top is the smell each different wood type gives off while being worked into its new reincarnated form.
I love your blog. Always keeps me inspired. Thank you for sharing pieces of you.
A simple pleasure I enjoy is reading blogs while my baby is napping. I just love the peace & quiet!
Mine would be a cup of hot tea with some peanutbutter pretzels and my pug on my lap with a book in hand!
Mine is a cup of coffee made by my husband and our dog Daisy with her wagging tail~ so happy to see me in the morning!
sharing over a cup of coffee with a good friend at our favorite coffee house... a simple pleasure.
I checked out Tracy's store and she has so many lovely things.
I just indulged in a simple pleasure, I bought flowers for the house. I have vases full of beautiful daffodils.
Casual coffee with my husband on a Saturday morning before discussing the chores for the day.
Three years ago, my husband brought me coffee in bed on Mother's Day and has every weekend since then. I love starting out my busy weekend running after 3 boys with 30 minutes of calm and a good book!
PS: I guess Tracy's Queen Bee pendant would be perfect for me!
sitting in my rocking chair on my front porch with a glass of wine...heaven.
I love to splurge on flowers and put them all around my house!
Something small that makes me happy is the look my two year old son gives my husband and me when we are both holding one of his hands and walking outside. Pure happiness in his eyes.
My simple pleasure is curling up on the couch with a hot cup of coffee on a cold morning.
Such a generous and fabulous giveaway! As a life long runner, my simple pleasure is running first thing in the morning after the first snow fall of the winter. I love the quietness and the stillness of being outside by myself looking at a pure white blanket of snow.
My simple pleasure is my nightly bath. It's a great way to unwind after work, kids' homework, dinners, and their baths. Calgon take me away!
sitting on the porch with a wine glass in my hand, talking with my family. a perfect way to unwind after i get off work
In winter nights I love staying home sitting by the fire and either looking through Elle Decor or reading blogs on my laptop :-) I get transported and forget all worries and end filled with inspiration.
I also thought Tracy was amazing at the bloggers conference...she is so energetic and passionate about what she does and it comes across....and her outfit was adorable that day! Simple pleasures? One of the things that gives me greatest joy these days is having lunch with my daughter after a joint workout at the gym...she is 23 and in college and doesnt often have time for dear old mom but when she does it is fun and relaxing and I get a chance to catch up on her life...and lunch is usually just subway or mcdonalds.
Love everything by Tracy Porter! My simple pleasure is sitting on a porch swing with a glass of wine and my husband.
Just yesterday morning I placed a lounge chair next to the freesias in my yard, my face toward the wildly blooming Lady Bank's Rose that careens over the arbor. I snuggled in a coverlet, with my butterfly book, camera and hot tea {and dog} whilst I finished rereading my favortie childhood novel. {Freckles, by Gene Stratton Porter} Simplest of simple peasures. Absolutely perfect day.
My favorite thing to do this time of year is to open the windows of the house to let the breeze in, read the paper or a magazine and drink a chai latte. Peaceful and calm!
I love teaching my 16 month old daughter, Alexa, how to give butterfly kisses. Those precious little eyelashes up against my skin... there truly is nothing sweeter.
Sitting outside in the sun with a good book.
I love to wake my 4 year-old son up each morning. He always wakes up with a smile and says 'hi mommy'. I love it.
My simple pleasure is reading a book on my screened in porch on a lazy Saturday morning with a cup of coffee in hand. THANKS LAUREN!
Hi Lauren, just got back from holiday so much catch up with your DC design house post! This is such a nice giveaway. Pick me!!
A simple thing I love - when all the chores are done, I like to sit on the sofa listening to classical music while reading a decorating book. Maybe with a cup of spearmint tea at hand. But the chores never end, do they??
LOVE all the Tracy Porter things you showed. Her style is so lovely - reminds me of you!
xo Terri
Going to Whole Foods all by myself (no kids), latte in hand.
Listening to the far off train whistles as I'm waking up or falling asleep in bed.
Quiet mornings with my husband while our baby is sleeping in.
I love to enjoy the breeze from my porch swing while me kids play in the yard.
curling up with a good book, blanket and chocolate.
Congratulations on the DC show house-truly spectacular! One simple pleasure that I enjoy is scouring antique markets (especially the open french markets that begin in the summer).
I love my coffee in bed - hubby brings me my first cup and I love just sipping it and watching QVC first thing in the morning...its my ritual. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!! :))
Long walks in the early morning with my dog. When all you hear are the birds and the wind!
Watching our local duck crossing the street with her babies following. It makes you stop, slow down and not think about the many tasks going through your mind. And it always makes me smile!
I love opening the windows while it rains and listening to the rain fall on the leaves. The fresh scent and the quietness is so calming. I just moved to the desert from the NW and miss this so much.
Total exhaustion caused by pregnancy makes me enjoy the small things like naps!!!
I love curling up with my knitting in front our our fireplace.
I like to sit on my bench in the backyard and watch the birds eat from the feeder. Thanks!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
Going to the garden center at Home Depot or Lowe's. While my husband picks up lumber or tools or concrete or whatever the current project prescribes, I browse around the garden section and daydream about having all the flowers and plants at my own home. It makes me so happy!
I love dancing in the grocery store aisles with my husband.
Keeping a pot of fresh basil on my windowsill to cook with... love the smell of it, especially during those cold winter months!
I love to be in the forest with my 5 year old, just like we did today. We were outside for 3 hours and took lots of photos of the first spring flowers that just have popped up around here! :)
I am savoring the last moments with my first-born before we welcome twins in a few days. My simple pleasure is falling asleep next to her and listening to her breathe. So sweet!
I absolutely love it when my 2 yr old asks my husband and me for a whitehead sandwich. This is when we're all three lying in bed with our son in the middle and we do a huge bear hug. We call it the whitehead sandwich bc whitehead is our last name. My husband and I are the bread of the sandwich and he's the center....Which everyone knows is the best part of any sandwich. When my son asks for it it sounds more like "high-height" sandwich. It's so stinkin adorable! I just love it!! I hope I get picked for the giveaway! If not I hope anyone who reads this and has children can use our idea to create their own family sandwich! ;)
~ spending the morning outside with my australian shepherd, tucked in under the warm sun, in my old chippy adirondack chair~ cup of coffee & book in hand... in my jammies ~ who cares if the neighbors see !
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