Anyway, we had a really great break! We dyed Easter eggs:
And the Easter Bunny hid them:
My children had peeps for breakfast:
peep! peep!
{they're honestly really gross to me but they are pretty cute.}
The kids looked far & wide for eggs:
Our backyard was pretty muddy but that didn't stop them:
I set an Easter table & we had our family over.
{I used a massive piece of peachy-pink & aqua woven paisley fabric that I bought a while back as the table cloth. It usually hangs out in our family room as a throw blanket.}
I topped it with a frayed aqua linen remnant and then loaded it with aqua bottles of daffodils from my garden as last-minute easy centerpieces.
{I pretty much do everything in my own home last-minute, so I was lucky that I'd even planted my daffodil bulbs last-minute (this March!) and they came up late enough that they just bloomed this past week & I had flowers for Easter.}
We made eggs with everyone's names on them for placeholders:
{I only took a pic of this one because I took the pics before the party & didn't want the eggs all sitting out.}
My mom made these beautiful pansy cupcakes:
{She used actual pansies, which are edible}
...And I turned 29!
~And there it didn't rain!~
It almost always rains on my birthday so we were shocked when the sun held out & we had temperatures in the 80s.
Hope you had a happy Easter & I'm so envious of any of you that are still on vacation!!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
Happy birthday! Your mom's cupcakes are lovely. I'm so glad it didn't rain on your day (mine is in late February, and I've been lucky - it always seems to be clear and unseasonably warm!).
Dearest Lauren,
Happy belated birthday to you! Cute kids and a fun table setting you used.
Have a great week!
Happy Birthday! Your Easter table is very fun and love the photos of the boys.
Lauren- Happy Birthday! The pics of your little ones and their egg hunt is too fun!
p.s. I don't get spam in my email box. We run all our mail through an address and the good folks at M.I.T have a great spam filter.
I don't get any spam on my mac and used to get all of those horrible emails on my PC. But more importantly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Got to see your beautiful room at the showhouse again on perfect.
xo, Anne
HBD! :) ya'll look like ya'll had FUN! :)
I am glad that you had wonderful weather. Your kids look very happy.
In Michigan, we had rain in the morning, but it cleared up by the afternoon. Those sun rays felt like the real Easter miracle!
Sounds like a wonderful Easter and break. I always forget my passwords after like 2 days.
And Happy 29th!! xo Terri
Your baby is getting so big! So glad that you had a dry birthday.
Happy Birthday, Lauren! So glad you were able to take time away from some things in order to enjoy other things! I love last minute table dec, too. I'm all about inspiration hitting 10 minutes before guests arrive!!
Happy Birthday, Lauren! So glad you were able to take time away from some things in order to enjoy other things! I love last minute table dec, too. I'm all about inspiration hitting 10 minutes before guests arrive!!
OH, gracious! That's a lot of well-wishes - sorry about the repeats!!
Happy Birthday, Lauren! Thanks for sharing those sweet photos!
Happy Birthday!!! looks like a fun and special day.
I did some unsubscribing in my email just this morning. it's so ridiculous!
Happy Birthday, Lauren! It looks like you had a wonderful birthday and Easter with your family. I cannot believe how nice your weather is right now! So jealous.
Happy Birthday! I just have to say that I can't believe you are only 29 with all the fabulous things you have accomplished. Of course, you look a gorgeous 26, but with what you've already done with family and career, i can only imagine what great things lie ahead for you this year and many more! All this before 30! You continue to go girl!!
Happy Birthday and I just wanted you to know I visited the DC Showhouse of Saturday and your room was the best by far. Creative, comfortable and inviting. Great job.
Hey happy Birthday Girl!! Love all your pics. Fun times!
Back to the they say!
Well Happy Birthday Lauren, don't worry it really doesn't hurt to age....yet! Looks like your day was fun and your little men are so cute! are definitely now lonely. You have such a lovely family. Happy, 30 next year (sorry for the reminder hee-hee). Best wishes.
Happy Birthday! You have certainly accomplished a lot for such a young person!
I am late to the party but I hope you had a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!!!!
Lauren, Happy 29th, I can remember my 29th bday and that was a loooong time ago.It looks as if you had a great Easter!! I have some picts of my grown up boys hiding eggs for their children on my post today. Someday and sooner than you realize your little guys will be hiding eggs at your house for your grandbabies. I love family and traditions!!! happy bday and EAster to you and YOURS,Kathysue
happy happy birthday lauren!
so much fun keeping up with you and yours from afar. the boys are getting so big! time to have another :-)
Happy belated birthday, Lauren! Looks like you had a fun memory-filled day (and Easter)!
Happy Belated Birthday and YEAH for no rain!!!
reading your post makes me want to have a vacation too. Yet there are still so many things to do that's why its hard to ask for a vacation leave. Love the egg hunting game, eh
Peny@embroidery digitising
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