At the Design Blogger's Conference, Paloma who writes one of my favorite blogs, La Dolce Vita, mentioned that readers love series & regularity in a blog. (I know I do) But, if you've been reading my blog for any amount of time, you probably know that I'm not very regular and really don't know what I'll write before I actually write it on most days. The last time I tried a series, it was Pure Organization... Do you remember that? (Yeah, I doubted you did! ;) I loved it at first but then having it be so regular started to feel like work to me and I really don't want any more work.
{Pure Organization Project #2... Redoing the coat closet}
I use this blog as an outlet of sorts and what's coming "out" of me isn't very regular. BUT I have decided that I will start a very tiny not-rigidly-regular blog series called In your words, in which I'll share a favorite comment whether it be because its's informational, inspirational, funny, poignant, etc. from a past post. I have so many and know could never get to them all, but it's my small way of thanking you for reading along & taking the time to leave your thoughts.
So... today I've got an informational comment to share from the post I wrote waaaay back called Brass is Back, which you can read here. The commenter, Blogardener, writes:
The brass that is so universally hated is actually LACQUERED. Brass, either oxidized or polished, has a lovely mellow warmth. The cheapy builder's stuff has a bright, almost cool yellow tone. Cool + yellow = blech! You can remove the lacquer for the beautiful metal underneath unless it isn't solid brass at all, but a brass PLATE that's been lacquered. That's the stuff I'd paint or replace.
Brass is gorgeous, mixes well with other metals, historic (the real deal has never gone out of style), and it cleans itself of bacteria every eight hours (oligodynamic effect). Not so with steel or porcelain (which was ironically once a popular replacement for brass knobs because it was thought to be antiseptic).
So glad to see this post!
{Southern Accents Kitchen via Urban Grace blog}
Blogardener does not have a public profile but I will be sure to link back to any commenters that do! I think what she wrote about the builder's brass is so true and how to tell if you can/ should redo ir replace. As with most things in design, trends are in a constant state of flux, so it's really best to go with what's right for you and forget about what's in or out.
Enjoy your weekend!! Also, I'll be posting in-progress pictures of the DC Design House on the Pure Style Home facebook page in a little bit if you want to check it out. (You can click on the left sidebar of the blog to "like" Pure Style Home on facebook.)

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
Hi Lauren,
I agree with Paloma. I've started a "series" called "Cool or Fool" that happens every Friday and my readers loves it. It's just fun! So, it's great to read about it. Wonderful and fun post, Lauren.
Have a great weekend!!!
Luciane at
PS: Come take a look at my "Cool or Fool Fridays: Would you live in a "Auto House"? :-)
I agree too... I love blog series too. The Design Blogger: What Would You Do? series that you participated in on my blog has been so much fun to produce.
I just LOVED meeting you in LA. Wish we had more time. How were Brooke's chicks?
The cheap "builder's brass" I ALWAYS seem to encounter is the brass 'vents' on gas fireplaces. I always tell people to pop them out, spray paint with flat black bbq paint, and put them back - 100 times better!
Love your blog!
Tracy @
oh the commenters, that is the lifeblood of posting isn't it lauren! each and everyone is indeed special and lifts my heart.
series or not?: i still wonder about that. i am doing a small series while in england but could never commit to ongoing series, that would interject "performancitis".....and that means discipline! (not very good at that)
my favorite blogs are like yours; ORIGINAL
i adore seeing beautiful images but what gets me most excited is revisiting those that i know will have
unique material, series or not. continue to be YOU, it's one of the best out there
big hugs lauren!
Hi Lauren
So much fun to read this -- I've been waiting for it to come back for about 20 years, so yay!
It cemented for me what I have always loved about brass (and hated about the cheap version). Big wow for the day: brass is antibacterial. How cool is that?!!
Have a great weekend Lauren and I will check out the photos on your Facebook page :)
xoxo Laura
I'm sometimes a little irregular myself (but tell anyone)! I love your idea of doing a series based on reader comments because it's a series that you're controlling by something that moves you. Genius, really!
Anyhoo, the thing that really stands out for me in the photo you have in your post is the combination of open shelving with a cabinet up at the top. It provides the best of both worlds. The horizontal line of uppers almost becomes a soffit but with storage. It's a great idea that I think I'll have to incorporate into my kitchen remodel.
I am a huge fan of old brass. Not the shinny fake stuff. I just bought two aged brass lamps, but then spray painted my cheap brass fan. Love the warm, hate the cool.
Great informative!! Wish she had a blog to go to, as I love blogging and gardening. Have a wonderful weekend was so lovely seeing you at the Design House, you are so gracious in your introductions and your room is going to be stunning! xx Danielle
Love this idea and was very interested in this brass description- I'm just about to but brass in my kitchen so totally approve of the 'pretty' version.
Your "Brass is back" post was how I found your lovely blog. I found a beautiful piece at a tag sale with brass handles that I initially planned to replace. Once it was in our (SW porpoise) dining room, I fell in love with the handles and was searching blogland for updated brass looks. Your post inspired and reassured me that brass could be beautiful. Our buffet is now flanked by a pair of the C&B Perry lamps. Thank you for sharing yourself with so many.
yeh for me with 2 brass sconces that i found!
question, do you exercise regularly or are you just naturally thin and in great shape.
I am working on that regularly along with some regular series to post.
I'm not a regular blogger either.
In fact I don't do series because of that same reason.
I work at a snails pace and blog about the things I like: commitment isn't on the list not to mention, I'm indecisive!
As for the above comment. Good information! I've been telling Honey that we need to take the nice wood toilet seat of the bowl and get that brassy laquer off... cause it's peeling anyway from moisture (if you know what I mean) and cleaning agents... and I should just paint it bronze!
now with your commentors permission-- I can in good conscience!
Thanks for this post... I'll check back for more reader comments!
Oh, I love this idea. And a great comment she made about the brass. You are so clever.
Although I must admit, I disagree heartily with Paloma. I much prefer organic blogs like your own, where I get whatever is on your mind. I find it much more truthful and attunded to one's creative side, which drifts and wanders without logic. I always find interesting posts here, and love following your random thoughts. I am one blog reader who dislikes regular themed posts. I don't read them. Not another Tuesday Tip or Tablescape Wednesday. I think I am looking for something novel when I surf, not something regular. Just my thought. I like seeing a title on a post and wondering what they are writing about.
Am i weird? maybe I am the only one who likes chaos??
xo Terri
While I’m doing a series on my blog right now about our carriage barn renovation I’m not so sure it would be easy to keep up a series for very long. The barn is easy because it really writes itself because of the construction. I like your idea though of working from comments.
I loved your organization series! It inspired me to do one of my own, REORG 2011. It is so hard to do and sporadic, so not really a regular thing but it does motivate me to finish some projects.
I enjoyed your post...and much of it resignated with me. Though I am the new kid on the block (2months) I have felt so welcomed here in many nice people with interesting stories and colorful lives! I too, LOVE LOVE LOVE reading all the comments and often accolades which totally makes me so happy and do go over them more than once myself. I love what you are going to do..think its a great idea to recognize someone who has taken the time to speak their mind/pour their heart out on your comment box! Also have some limited experience with the "regulars" and my limited time here has proved people do not like but LOVE these..I do Things I am loving Thursdays and Sunday Open house and I have gotten 20-30 comments on each of those days with people telling me how much they look forward to it, in addition to emails! It makes me feel great that people are anticipating it....very satisfying indeed!
So, good luck and I look foward to seeing your "in your words" series......and who knows maybe that will spur you to reinvent your organization!
PS Doing an amazing giveaway..a pair of Murano handblown glass lamps from Swank lighting..please stop by to take a look....
Lauren: I think your blog is great and one of the things I love about it is its informality and feeling like your are "off the cuff". While I think that a regular series works for some bloggers, I would hate to see you tie yourself In to a format that does not suit your more informal personality. Don't worry about blogging best practices because you are already doing a great job on your own!
I love your blog whether it is regular or not. I think if you have something interesting to say or share readers come back. I have started a series on my blog though, since I am Canadian {who lived in your neck of the woods for a few years, OakHill} I have started to feature Canadian bloggers/designers every Sunday called "So Canadian, eh?" It has been fun to meet other Canadians and to highlight their talents.
Absolutely go with what works for you and what you love. Trends are so overated. Make your space your own!!!
Lauren, I have mixed feeling about series. I like that you write what is on your mind. I do it that way also. I don't like to HAVE to write on a particular subject on a particular day any more than I like to eat a certain food on a certain day by making a rigid menu plan. I like the idea of showing some of your favorite commentors, but I say do it when the spirit moves you!!! I do agree about posting consistently, I know I count on and look forward to certain blog authors post on a regular basis. You have an established following so I think what you have been doing works just fine, Keep it up sweetie, KS
Lovely new series! And yes, blogging should never feel like work. Enjoy the wonderful weekend, Kellie xx
(Gasp!) What a surprise this post was! I'm really honored! This is one of the BEST blogs around!
You know, I remember feeling a little worried after writing that comment that I would offend people who might like the kind of brass I called "blech"! Really, if you love something, go for it! If you love it--it's right. But I do share Lauren's design aesthetic and love STUDYING this stuff. There really seems to be an ordered science behind beauty...
"In Your Words" could be a really great idea; especially when you're very busy but need to post something (I may steal this idea). I hope to get my blog going soon, and I'm so grateful for the mention, Lauren. Thanks.
Lauren, I so totally agree with the folks who said your blog feels so organic and original, and that's what I love about it. You put so much of yourself in this blog: your thought process about design, your struggles with finding balance, your romance with your husband and kids, and it is all beautiful and worthwhile. I love what you have to say, and that is why I come here. Keep doing what you do, and I look forward to your new "irregular" series!
Lauren, I love your idea for a blog series, but honestly, what I really love about your blog is that it is not a formula, but instead what I would call sincere sharing. It's so obvious that your blog comes straight from the heart. Your entries are spontaneous and passionate, and that is why your blog is so popular. So, yes, do your series, but please also keep doing what you're doing. We are all grateful and inspired every time you post, regardless of the content. Thank you for sharing your talents!
P.S. I so enjoyed the science behind Blogardeners post--which is why I'm such a humble gardener. The balance of art and science is so tricky sometimes!
I do remember your organizations posts but I would say that you doing what you do seems to be working. I enjoy reading your posts and it seems like I am not alone.
Hi Lauren, I love your blog and look forward to the series! So glad to see that brass is back. It looks amazing in that white kitchen..........
Love the southern accents kitchen but with three young kids, I can't imagine having an all white kitchen especially with a 5 year old that just loves to write and color on everything :(
love the gold hardware paired with wicker. one of my favorite kitchens.
diana @
Aren't you cleaver! Wonderful idea.
Beautiful pictures...Thank you for all this information!
I love when blogs have a series...or several. They definitely get me excited for the next installment!
I have to laugh about 'Pure Organization' because I remember when you did that and it was before I really understood the whole link thing...I remember adding my blog link because I thought it meant I was interested in following your organization posts! ahaha I am a tiny bit of an idiot. :D
I loved your series on Pure Organization! Totally understand how it could be more work then fun. Maybe someday I'll attempt some sort of series on my blog. For now I just need to steer it back to it's intent (updates on the house) it has been overtaken by pictures of my children! Oh well. Love your blog btw.
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