I bought these shamrocks (above) a week or so ago from Trader Joe's and they're hanging in there! I covered the dirt in reindeer moss which I can't get enough of. (It doesn't die... Or maybe it's already dead?? anyway, love it.)
We sent the boys off to school today in my favorite color:
And I attempted to work on the split pea soup that my husband & mom started yesterday... And the bottom dropped out of the blender which made my pup, Ashby, very happy.
{"Happy St.Pattie's Day to you too Mommy!!!"}
On a related note, the new cabinets are painted now:
I taped the fabric to the backs of the panels because we couldn't find our staple gun. (The sad part is that now that they're up I have no incentive to search for the staple gun.) Now I need to get that drywall handled and switch out the plywood top for a stone one.
But plywood'll work for a little St.Pattie's Day bar tonight.
Hope you have a great one!!

ps- Thank you so much to everyone who made it out to Apartment Therapy Night last night!! Desire @ Sukio was an awesome host it and was a lot of fun. Will post some pics on facebook soon!!
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
Love the way those cabinets are turning out!! Can't wait to see the finished product.
I bought one of those plants too.. wondering how long it will hang around! Cabinets look fantastic!
I just have to say how much I enjoy seeing you transform your home! You make it look so effortless...out shopping for seed and coming home with cabinets that just happen to fit...throw them in...paint, ect... You truly are fearless and know who you are in regards to design. I am just amazed at how much you get done! The cabinets look great and love your ideas for it. I could see myself taping those panels in and leaving it that way too! Have fun!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Corned beef and cabbage on the menu tonight....yum~
st. patty's day? had to stop and look at the date......here in england there is no mention, no decorations, nada!
did you say both boys are off to school? how can that be lauren?
very exciting watching the reveal, gorgeous. so excited for you
Your cabinets look really nice and such quick progress! That is going to be such a great space to have! Happy St. Pat's!
Love your cabinets! Seems cooking will always inevitably leave a mess, mine seems to be getting bigger with each attempt!
You're so very festive! I didn't buy anything for St. Paddy's Day, in fact I Forgot! Love the cabinets!
Lila Ferraro
Lauren - it was so great meeting you last night!! Your remarks and photos were very inspiring. The kitchen cabinets look terrific (how I'd love more storage space in my kitchen) and your boys are super adorable! Happy St. Patty's Day!
love how you add a touch of green to life!
Cabinets look great, Happy St. Patty's Day to yo also!
Lauren, you are so awesome. I love your perfect imperfection. I am so with you on those taped panels. Done!
xo Terri
Lauren, I noticed you mentioned swapping out stone for the plywood top on your pantry cabinet. Uba Tuba granite with an "antique" or "brushed" finish might be a nice economic choice since you have other dark surface tops and a chalkboard paint refrigerator. We used this stone on a vanity in one of our farmhouse bathrooms and I really like the subtle texture. The "antique" finish gives Uba Tuba a whole new look!
oooh, your cabinets are looking great! your kitchen is one of my all-time favorite transformations. hope you had a great "green" day!
Lauren, I love how you make it real with even the small details of the Shamrock with Reindeer moss!
You arre the best!
Come and enter to win my Spring “Green" Gift.
Art by Karena
Lauren, I am from India and had been following your blog for quite sometime, but just somehow could not comment. But believe me or not I am a big fan of yours. Your work is stupendous and at the same time how you still manage with you two little ones...hats off to you..The cabinet looks fantastic..Good job done..
Xoxo, Shivani
I loved this post... Keepin it real!
Happy St. Patty's Day!
Really Rainey
Cabinet is looking great! I'm impressed at how quickly you moved on this project. Love the greenery for St Patty's Day too. The boys look adorable!
I was so bummed I missed it :(! I gotta get a baby sitter at some point or maybe just wait another 2 years and Mr. C can take care of himself! Have a wonderful weekend Lauren and wow you look like me in the kitchen! xx Danielle
Lauren- Happy Saint Patricks Day!
I had to dig into the bin of summer clothes for Evie to find her a green shirt for school. I love seeing all the kids in that sea of green. Your boys look adorable!
Left over corned beef and cabbage for lunch and dinner tonight! Yum!
(Your pantry looks fabulous!)
The shamrocks and moss look so cute together! Your boys are adorable and your pantry looks beautiful so far :)
-Forever Lovely
Just stumbled across your blog and it's absolutely lovely! I love that colour you painted your cabinets.
Will add you to my blogroll and stop by often!
Love split pea soup!!! I admire that you are making it from scratch. I just open up a can and voila!!! The cupboard paint color is so perfect and if tape works why not keep it that way!!! Easier to change fab. out on a whim that way!!! Love your relaxed attitude, makes for a much happier home. Just look at those darling boys faces, they keep the smiles going don't they?!! Happy weekend,Kathysue
Your pantry is looking so great! I sure wish I could come to the design house to see your work!!
oh what a gorgeous post... Your pantry.. looks gorgeous!!
perfect timing for green cabinets! They are lovely
shamrocks rock! loving this personal post! your family looks lovely as do they finished cabinets!
The Row House Nest
Hahah the dog at the counter is hysterical. And no surprise at how cute your boys are...
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