{an old issue}
I've refused to get silly-pumped for it yet and have really tried not to think too much about it because I'd drive myself crazy with anticipation, but last week as I walked past a magazine newstand , I got tingly-butterflies knowing that in a couple of weeks our house will be featured in those newstands. I truly have that kid-on-Christmas-Eve feeling.
The week of the photoshoot (and I really mean week; Better Homes Editor & Writer Joanna Linberg & stylist Jessica Thomas arrived on a Monday and left on that Friday) was so much fun. Despite having a newborn & running on fumes, I was on Cloud 9. The photographer, Helen Norman, and her assistant, FJ Hughes, did such a beautiful job and I drool over their work. (Love it so much that they're coming back this week to take photos of our house for my portfolio, which right now is full of my blurry unprofessional photography.)
{My laundry room stocked with flowers for the shoot}
And, although I know you've seen it before, our kitchen's being featured on the Better Homes & Gardens website right now -along with paint colors & details- so if you'd like to see it you can click here. Thanks so much to Joanna and the "Better Homes Ladies" (which is what Christian called them when they visited... my apologies to any males there ;) --- you truly made my year.

ps- I'll be posting as soon as the issue come out!!
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
Hi Lauren,
I found you through another design blog and was so thrilled to learn that you live so close to me (I'm in Lansdowne) and are also a Sheffield graduate! I'm studying now and hope to complete the program within the next few months. It's so wonderful to see the well-deserved success you've achieved. You are truly talented
I can't wait to see your home in BHG - I'd be on pins and needles, too! I'm also on the lookout for your store to open up. Good luck with everything!
How incredibly exciting! I hopped right over to Better Homes and Gardens! I thouroughly enjoyed your kitchen redo! I want those wine bottle racks! I am having the worst inner battle about painting my kitchen cabinets. I'm old enough to remember when everybody had painted cabinets, and they were always nicked . . . and it didn't look cool and chippy, it just looked unkept. Are you liking it? Have paints really improved enough?
I will be watching for the magazine! It's so exciting! Congratulations! Hard work, and talent pay off!
I remember that photo shoot way back in Feb. How exciting! And who woulda thought they would do a shoot so much in advance? How can you take the suspense? I hope you're allowed to post some pics on your blog cause I won't be able to get that version of the mag here in Australia.
I am so excited!
Congratulations Lauren!
I can hardly wait to see your beautiful home featured in Better Homes and Gardens!
Thank you for the link.
Have a great Sunday!
Take Care,
Congratulations, I can't wait to see it all. Hugs, Marty
I just accidently found your blog...you and your family are adorable. And your work is great!
I was reading about your upcoming feature in Better Homes magazine - one of my regular reads so I'll be checking you out! I can only imagine how exciting that is.
SO EXCITED LAUREN! i'm going to get it the day it comes out :)
Love the mag - looking forward to your 'spread' Lauren...how exciting for you!! :))
Lauren- So excited for you! I am watching my mailbox like a hawk!
Hope you can come over to my APPLESandRUBIES blog this week as I am giving away a pair of my earrings. (They have ferns on them - you cannot kill them!)
I was just thinking about this the other day, BH&G comes pops into my mailbox every month so it should be soon! So very exciting Lauren!!
CONGRATULATIONS! I know that you are so excited. Can't wait to see it in the magazine!
How exciting Lauren. I never buy BHG but will be certain to get the holiday edition to see how they made your already-gorgeous home even more gorgeous. Can't wait too! So proud of my cousin Lauren. ; 0
xo Terri
Congratulations, Lauren!!!!!!!! The spread at the BH&G website is amazing!!!!!!! You should be so thrilled. I think that they really captured your dramatic and inspiring kitchen redo. So exciting. CANNOT wait to get the magazine and see the XMAS shoot at your house. That issue will definitely be a keeper
xoxox, Anne
Girl, I don't know how you have been holding your excitement in! That is fantastic, and I can't wait to see the BH edition... Loving all of the white flowers and greenery...now I am on the edge of my seat to see the reveal.
--Gretchen O.
Wow that is truly exciting, how did they pick you to be a part of that. I can't wait for my issue to arrive in the mail!
Congratulations! Can't wait to see the magazine.
I CANNOT WAIT to see the article!!!! Please tell us the MINUTE it comes out!
I am so excited to see how it all came together! Will keep my eyes peeled this week :)
Amy Meier
How can you even go to sleep at night? You guys must be permanent residents on cloud nine! I can't wait to see it, and now I'm going to click to your kitchen! congratulations!
Lauren - I just checked out your space over on the BHG website. It looks fab...can't imagine what it'll look like in print! ONLY BETTER! You are so talented. Somehow you make me want to buy a 70's home??? Congrats on your sure-to-be successful career as a designer. Can't wait to watch what happens. Now, get some sleep.
ok, so maybe you've refused to become "silly-pumped" but I haven't ;)
I'm so excited to see it Lauren, and most of all I'm so excited for you and Dave!!! You guys have put so much work into your home, and some big attention is well-deserved!
Congrats!! Can't wait to see the issue!!! Your house is pure loveliness!!!
I clicked through to the BH&G spread - WOW! Cannot wait to see it on glossy paper! xo, Roxanne
Whew...thought my issue was late! I am patiently waiting and so excited too! I know your home is going to look fantastic!
How exciting Lauren!!! That's pretty much my dream come true scenario- I can't wait to see the issue:) Congrats!!! xo
I am so excited for you as well. Your house is deff. magazine worthy!! I love it!!
Congratulations! I would be on pins and needles. I know its going to look beautiful!
I found your blog through Color Me Happy and I've gone back through and read most of it in the last couple months. We are remodeling our home and this is a tough task at times. With kids there is so little time to get it all done I know.
I just painted my fridge with CHALKBOARD PAINT! yay
We are loving it. Did it this past weekend and the kids had such a blast drawing on it yesterday.
Hope you don't mind a copycat but I need to find that island you have. haha I have no island after remodeling the kitchen and can't afford to spend a fortune on it right now so I hope its not too expensive. Would look nice with my black counters I think.
Love your blog!
Can't wait as well! Too exciting! Congrats again...Janell
Go ahead and get excited about your magazine shoot, that's half the fun. I can't wait to see the layout!
It was such a blast to work with you. We got a GREAT shoot with an adorable family and beautiful home, AND a great friend. You are so talented and we're thrilled to have you in the magazine!
I can't believe it's coming out already, it seems like they just photographed it ! So exciting !
I was just thinking about that this morning at the library...our library has old magazines for $.25 and I just got the July BH&G issue! Can't wait for the holiday issue...it's going to be gorgeous!
You have every reason to be excited, Lauren! An early congratulations to you. I can't wait to see it!
I have been following your blog for awhile now. The first post I read was about designers and their perceived image, and I've been hooked ever since. I am also a young designer with a young family, starting a new business, and I can relate to everything you talk about. When I read this post, I was just thrilled for you! Keep up the good work, your kitchen is perfect, and it makes me happy to see your successes!
Congrats Lauren! We all can't wait to see it.
Great job. I love all the white ironstone and the breakfast area is fabulous. Love your blog.
oooooo I had forgotten! am now eagerly awaiting its arrival on my newsstand!!
I remember your photo shoot - so exciting! You're totally living my dream! I can't think of anything more exciting than to have your home (or a home you designed) featured in a magazine :-)
Wow!! Congratulations, that is so exciting! I will definitely be buying the issue when it comes out soon. I LOVE your design style... wish you could design my new house. Its a big sea of beige. :)
This is so exciting! Enjoy every bit of it and get excited- why not!.
I remember when I was published in the paper the first time it was so freaking exciting (nothing to your scale though)
I am truely happy for you.
Can't wait to see it, I will be on the lookout for the new issue :)
Have a wonderful week Lauren!
My Best
Can't wait to see the article! It has been a year since I featured your house tour, so I updated my readers so they can check out the article.
I am an avid reader of your blog and I love your design style. I’m thrilled that you are being featured in BHG. As you know, many times the issue hits the stand before subscriber mailboxes so I was not surprised to see the issue tonight on my last minute "got to have milk" run to the store. I feverishly flipped through looking for your layout. Well, when I found it, I was so impressed. The styling was great, so perfect for your young family. I think it is wonderful that your entire family is included in some of the pics, ya’ll are just so cute. Congratulations! I hope you can enjoy decorating your home once again for the holidays, in December of course :)
Yeah! I have been waiting to see you in BH&G and today while Noah and I were at the allergist - there it was! Congrats to you. Everything looks beautiful!
I'll be looking for the magazine when at the store today. I look forward to seeing it!
Just got my BH&G in the mail and love the article! Congrats!
I just got my BH&G in the mail today and your house looks gorgeous. I'd be excited out of my mind if I were you. Congratulations!!
I have been waiting and waiting!!!! I check all the time to see it is out yet!!!!
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your kitchen TRANSFORMATION is amazing! great job!!!!!
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