{Our dining room server }
About a year ago, I came across a silverplated vintage peanut and snapped it up because it's one of those pieces that just makes me happy. It's definitely not something to be taken seriously and adds a little fun anywhere it goes. I've seen another 1 or 2 of them out and aboupt since then and just love them.
It's marked "F.B. ROGERS Silverplate." The company was founded in 1883 in Massachusetts and is still in business today. When I picked it up I thought it was such a cool piece and pictured reproducing it. Well, you've heard the saying "there are no new ideas..." Last weekend at High Point I walked into Go Home's showroom and there was my silver peanut! Doppelganged!! They're set to be retailed around $50 each. Here's their version:
It's pretty much identical except for the inside of the new peanuts are silver, whereas mine is gold:
{Yum yum... see my reflecion in the peanut?} I didn't have any peanuts to put inside so I went with almonds instead.
The peanut is set out on a little bar tray ready to be enjoyed with some Fall cocktails:
{Bar tray dressed with weeds from my garden in a vintage silver creamer}
What are your thoughts on reproductions? I sway between loving the idea of having things more accessible and available to the idea of keeping things rare & unique. I personally love finding my own treasures but it's not always a possibility for everyone... Very torn.
Have a beautiful weekend!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
I love you and your nutty side! What a great find.
Trust your eye and the humor of finding things to fill your home with love. One day, it will be a family heirloom.
Love your peanut! It is so great to find something unusual and it is always just a tad disappointing when it becomes a trend or reproduced. This does take some of the special quality away from it, but that is the way it goes with so much information being shared each day, no great idea or product goes unnoticed! Janell
I shy away from reproductions. It is just not the same! Although, if you just gotta have it, like your peanut (which I am sure is now going to become popular), then you can own one. I do like coming across something that is antique and one of a kind. I love how your home is looking! Really warm and inviting! Have a wonderful weekend!
I *love* that you dressed up the silver bowl with weeds! LOL - what a neat (and resourceful) idea! :)
Now that is unique. Love it!
I am not a reproduction buyer, but I see nothing wrong with it if it doesn't bother the buyer. Most people would never know.
Have a nice day.
What a beautiful peanut and I love the tray and everything else! My heart beats a little faster when I see that chair as well! Beautiful!
I love that you have almonds in yours instead of peanuts. A nice little unexpected surprise.
What a great bar piece!
Love the gold peanut and LOVE the black/gold chair beside it- so gorgeous! I have contemplating my painting my french chairs gold and that photo might have just sealed the deal:)
...yep we snooze we loose...never enough hours in the day to do all we want and create all we dream...seems you have a handle on the ideas & the look!...great post!.
I hear you... I wrestle with the same thing. I've discovered some amazing vintage treasures only to see years later that they've been re-introduced as reproduction and for much more than the originals! My friend has a shop in town where I have half the stuff that she has in reproductions and it depresses me. I don't know about you, but I love the real thing and would not buy the reproductions. Maybe it's the Virgo in me!!
I adore your peanut and have never seen one before. I guess I answered my own question as to why companies reproduce such great and timeless designs... so we can all have the same things in our homes.
Great post Lauren!
* That pic of the BRATWURST n' SAUERKRAUT made me lonnnng for GERMANY, Lauren!!! The small Nuremburger Brats w/ kraut & fresh brotchen (bread) are... to... die... for!!! (WISH WE STILL LIVED IN YOUR GRAMA'S AREA~~~ I would DEFINITELY "BE THERE" if we DID!!!)...
REPROs are a "HIT N" MISS", IMHO. I mean...... "SOMETIMES YOU FEEL LIKE A NUT, SOMETIMES YOU DON'T!". (Sorry, I couldn't resist!!! Grins!)...
And BTW, YOUR PEANUT is delightful & not "tacky"~~~ it's just a "simple, lighthearted touch"! I recently kinda did what you did... I could NOT RESIST this FROG... (goldplated, no less!!!) & put him near my dressing table... He just brings a smile to my face (which takes away WRINKLES, ya know!) & a lil' extra fun n' silly warmth to my heart... and in the end, isn't that what it's REALLY all about???
Hugs n' XOXOs,
Linda in AZ *
I love your peanut and it's a shame it's being mass produced. Seems like everything that's unique immediately gets mass produced and takes the "special" out of it. Love your fun dining chair with its turned legs as well I've never seen one like it before.
Lauren- Adore the peanut!(and you can say your peanut is gold inside- truly special!)
There's few truly new ideas in this world, and if you look at it with that in mine, most everything is a reproduction of something.
My grandmother's amazing old red dishes say "Reproduction of Rogers 1790 John Steventon & Sons, Ltd Burslem, England " on the back. Now after your post, I'm curious to see the originals they were based on. Even curious to see if Rogers is the same who made your peanut.
But would I want the originals? Of course not, it's the history in my grandmother's plates I cherish.
When things what talks to your heart, original or reproduction, it matters. I'm sure lots of folks want to own a "reproduction" peanut now - special beacause you introduced it to us!
To hell with the peanut, I LOVE that gold-leafed side chair!
love your nut - everything in your house looks so good. And I swoon over that gold chair everytime I see it. Would you do a post on it sometime? Thanks! love, Donna
It's always so fun to find something that you love and then find the same thing at a place you respect. I've had that happen a couple of times lately - that's a very fun piece!
Your weed in a vase idea is BRILLIANT! and looks so beautiful! I have that same weed in my backyard - I saw some yesterday while raking leaves...It may be visiting the inside of my house by this afternoon!
Thank you for sharing such a pretty vignette from your home!
LOVE the peanut. I don't like reproduction if I have the original. I love reproduction if I don't.
the same thing has happened to me.
not with a peanut,
but something else.
fun post
thank you x
Some big peanut. Very clever..
That fair sounds like fun. Have a good weekend.
Hilarious & so fun! Love your peanut :)
Love and envy your peanut! Please stop by my blog: http://colorandlightatelier.blogspot.com/2010/10/builders-special-reinvented.html
So fun! I have the same peanut! Where did you find yours?
LOVE the big peanut! It's so fun & whimsical - and I agree, every room needs a little bit of something that isn't too serious :-)
Seeing as I have zero luck finding great old treasures, I'm totally OK with reproductions. Although I think reproductions do take away from the "specialness" of the originals a little bit.
As the saying goes, imitation is the best form of flattery.
You are so inspiring Lauren! love the way you take your photo's. You have such elegance!
The peanut is charming, but my eye spied the pair of owl salt and pepper shakers...too cute!
Hi Lauren.
Love your blog. L.O.V.E the vintage peanut!;)
Hello...I just stumbled upon your blog....LOVE it....what an adorable peanut dish....!!!
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I love it when little pieces like that speak to me that I have to buy them. I do love the new ones you saw at High Point, but the gold on the inside of yours is my favorite part- I love your original one :)
love the pnut - that's v.cool. wouldnt mind one myself!
I'm a big believer in not taking yourself too seriously when decorating. Lovely blog, nice to find you.
I love it!! So unexpected and fabulous!!! xx
How creative and pretty!
I have that same peanut, same maker and gold inside too...I found it at a thrift store for $5! It is also on my bar, but it houses pistacho's! It to this day is still one of my favorite finds, and always a conversation piece.
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