I've dressed up almost every year of my life (even in high school when it wasn't cool anymore... knock Knock... "Trick-or-treat!" "Um, aren't you a little old??") Yeah, so... I get so excited planning costumes & parties and making sure everyone's got their costume covered. (I've been known to make housecalls for those in desperate need of costume help.) When I had Christian (at 25) it was a little harder to get into it but we stayed strong with a warrior party at our house...
{Just the girls}
And the following year we did superheroes...
Last year I was pregnant and we did a small "kids" party. We didn't dress up ourselves, and it just wasn't as much fun. It was definitely great to see the kids partying and Christian loved it, but I really missed dressing up. (And to me, a night is only a perfect "10" if it ends in dancing.)
We usually start out at our house with a small pre-party & then get a limo into the city where we meet up with all of the other ridiculous people.
SO... this brings to me to where we're at now. We really debated and wishy-washed about doing something fun for Halloween this year. It's so sad but we sort of didn't want to. My best friends live far away and can't make it... It's a lot of effort. I barely got pumpkins outside this year. It just feels like time is racing by and I'm seriously flying by the seat of my pants. I read all of these beautiful blogs with creative ways to get your house ready for Halloween & table settings & on & on and I love them and plan on trying out the ideas myself but before I can get my act together, the event's upon me. As we were driving to High Point & throwing the idea of a party around -pretty much thinking 'no'- we put on some music and before I knew it, my hands were in the air and I was dancing in my seat. (Taio Cruz's Dynamite is really one of the best songs EVER and I fully blame it for the evite I subsequently sent out.)
I have no costumes... only a theme... Cheesy Teen Horror/ Comedy Movies. Dave's going as this guy:
{Best movie ever}
... and we're still loolking for a Keiffer. And a nice curly brown mullet wig and some fangs...
I'm going as my childhood idol:
{hahahaha what does that say about me?}
Yeah, when I was 10 I taught myself the entire dance in the beginning of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and used to do cartwheels and sommersaults on the street while holding a stake. (Issues much??)
So... we mustered it up for another year. We were so close to not doing it but we just felt like that would be giving up and we're not ready for that. I know it'll be fun, it's just the process of getting there that has me a bit exhausted. It's also harder to convince friends and a few former troopers are done dressing it up now that they have kids which makes me so sad.
Costumes for the whole family are on the agenda for tonight and we'll be breaking out the sewing machine. I really am torn here. It's hard to get into Halloween when you have kids. Maybe we're not supposed to?? hahah Is anyone else feeling this? I envision getting crazier & crazier each year with a haunted house and over the top decor.. maybe murder mystery party...?? Is it too much. What do you do?
And, if you want to get excited, go here and listen. Anyone in the DC are going out Friday night? We usually head out somewhere and are debating where.

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
Oh my goodness, I taught myself the whole dance too! That was my absolute favourite movie!!
And for myself, I have given up on the whole "dress up for Halloween" thing since having a baby. I was never that into it to begin with though :)
What fun and I love Halloween too but never dressed up really! Love your costume inspiration and that was a great movie! Can't wait to see it! Have fun~
Haha...I was obsessed with Buffy, to the point my friend and I would sneak out and walk the streets at night looking for vampires (don't worry we had a bag full of Holy Water and Stakes)...I really cant believe I just admitted this.
I think you are wise to embrace the holiday you love---I almost feel like a party pooper---I really don't want to dress up for the party we're attending. You've given me a little inspiration to get with it and go for it!
Karen at Garden, Home and Party dot com
Halloween is my thing. However, after renovating the family/ 3rd bedroom this past weekend and having to deal with my dog issues (don't ask)I'm finding it hard to get up the gumption to do much of anything. I've been looking at all the gorgeous Fall blogging going on and well....yah, meh! Not into it. I have no pumpkins. My kid got a store-bought Mario costume and I'll probably dig out some sorry thing I've worn too often in the past.
Geez, I'm a Halloween Grinch!
Lauren- That Warrior Party! Nordic furry boots and bloody swords. You could tell from the photo what a good time that was! I always have to dress up for Halloween!
We never did Halloween parties as pre-kid adults but one year I still went trick-or-treating because I love it so! I convinced my friend C to dress up we drove around town trick-or-treating our adult friends and keep going back to the door again and again asking for more candy till they figured out it was us.
Our master plan was to use squeaky high voices and hunch over in the costumes - it worked every time! Our friends would figure us out on the second or third time. I had my wedding veil over my head -big rip- in the car door. I didn't care cause we had so much fun!
Tonight I'm cleaning the house for a Halloween party, and I'm feeling the same way - it's such a busy time of year it's so hard to pull it off. But now that we have three kids we rotate and give each kid a party for their friends every third year. So this year it's Arcy's turn (she's seven) and she is SO excited. Parents invited as well, more eyes to keep the house from total destruction.
I love the idea of an all-adult party, could I tell the kids they get a party every four years and we'll rotate an adult one in too? Everyone is so busy with their kids I don't think I could pull it off.
Sorry for the long post, Halloween is my favorite and you brought back some memories! Have a great party and get that Lost Boys soundtrack playing. What was that crazy sax song?
I love Halloween, but haven't dressed up much myself since the kids were born. Love your superhero theme!!!
This year, I might just throw on the old witch hat again!
O MY!!!! Looking at all of your legs.....weather must be different overthere!!!!!;))))
In Holland, Halloween isn't a real big "thing", but hey, if it means a party....let's party!!!!!;)))
Uhm...one question.....your Glinda costume......I don't think you have it anymore, but you in it, in a picture?????*GRIN*
Have a nice an productive evening!!!
We always go to Old Town Alexandria - it's always a riot, streets filled with people.
You are my hero :)
Buffy -
Just when I was all down about not even having a pumpkin, yet and feeling challenged about the whole costume situation....you cheered me up! It is so much more fun, when we muster up energy for a little fun and that is what it should be all about.
I found that I got more into Halloween after having kids! I actually got a Dorothy outfit this year..always dreamed of being her! Maybe its the dream of trying brown hair (Im blond). Anyways, great idea! love the song..have fun!
Spirit Halloween store locator
Halloween gets harder as you get older because you now have a life! Kids, home, job, life in general with everything that goes with it. Celebrating the big holidays wears you out so why sweat the small ones? I know they were fun, way to much fun, can you say bare back horse riding…ok that’s another story. Anyway, enjoy the holiday with your boys, dress them up, get them into things but it sounds like you’ve grown up…sorry but that’s life!
I think its definitely harder to get into after having kids! You are not alone! And especially with it being on a Sunday this week makes it harder. It's going to be over before I know it!
Great Post Lauren! I LOVE that song too and so do my kids, always gets us rockin and all our hands in the air...people must think we are nuts:) I hope you have a blast and what a fun theme for a party!
guilty as charged. always been a halloween freak - yes i was trick or treating in high school as well. and last year we hosted our supper club and i made everyone dress up - my husband and i were ellen degeneres and portia ;) and we now have two children and all of a sudden halloween has become an afterthought - i mean our decorations are up but WE DONT EVEN HAVE PUMPKINS YET. seriously. its a crime. i guess a four week old will do that to you! haha NO EXCUSES.... have fun and good for you for not letting the spirit die ;)
Lauren, you kill me!!!! Buffy pretty much made my tween years. My sisters and our friends would have buffy-inspired cheerleading competitions weekly.
This year we're co-hosting an all out Halloween shabang with all our neighbors. There are 10 young families all with little kids within a block of us, so the early shift is all about the kids, and then it's our turn! I'm so excited because my girls are at the age where they're really into it this year. I think that's what gave us the spark to do something fun after a few years of just being kind of lame.
ps- LOVED seeing you last week!
* What a fun read n' comments from others!!!
I always go back to my same feelings...... If it's your "thing", KEEP it "your thing"... for as long as it makes you happy & you enjoy it!
... Annnnd, if/when it becomes a "job/too much work" to get too involved for you n' Dave, instead of a "fun treat" like it has been in the past (and should be!), why not enjoy your wonderful MEMORIES, n' welcome the making of NEW ones, with the only thing to "worry" about is costuming your very own, precious wee ones!
SOOOO, WHAT SAY YE, sweet one? You have SOO many OTHER interests you actually & obviously TRULY ENJOY, no matter WHAT, RIGHT???
Linda in AZ *
(P.S. Enjoyed the fun n' silly pics~~~ looks like "GOOD TIMES"!!!)
As I sit here with my 2.5 year old off at ballet with her Daddy who is taking a couple of weeks off and my 6 day old sleeping peacefully.....this post makes me realize how much life has changed. No more Adam's Morgan halloween celebrations in our cards anymore (actually it makes me cringe at the thought of it) and we used to live in a townhouse in Clarendon when we were first married and we always hit all of the big "holidays" at all of the bars in the neighborhood. But, this year it is a local party Friday night (where Daddy is taking Maddie to meet up with some friends) and then a Rocknocerous concert on Halloween and out around the neighborhood Sunday night. We'll have a few friends over but keep it low key. We did carve pumpkins a few weeks ago and Maddie is wearing the costume I wore when I was her age. Different than Halloweens of years past, but it works for me now.
It says you're awesome, that's what! :)
CLASSIC photos... love it!
How awesome is it that you guys did this in the first place? The pictures are so nice! I love dress up! The warrior girls really make me laugh. hehe. I'm glad you guys are going to do it again this year. Be sure to put up the pictures.
I super psyched about Halloween. My partying starts today and I'm gonna be the Queen of Hearts (my 08 costume), Friday I'm gonna be a Victorian vampire, and then saved the best for last: Saturday I'm going to be Hit Girl!! from the movie Kick Ass. Now I just have to get off work to kick start my weekend.
the party looked like loads of fun.
and you looked adorable.
Fun things to do in DC--great site!
Just caught up on my blog reading...was busy planning and enjoying my Halloween costume/50th birthday party!!!! My husband enjoyed dressing up for Halloween, and continued to do so even after our kids were old enough to go trick or treating by themselves...we handed out candy IN COSTUME...now, we host a big "grown ups only" party the weekend before/of Halloween...this year it was on the 29th...our friends have lots of time to get a sitter, and then still enjoy the holiday with their kids...this year we served bbq ribs and sliced beef...and called it Texas Chainsaw Massacre barbeque...some people do Superbowl, Christmas, 4th of July...we do HALLOWEEN...don't give up something that let's you "play" and have fun...it kept us young...btw...our 24 and 26 daughter and son love our parties now that they don't need a sitter!!
Oops!! Meant to type my husband and I enjoyed dressing up in costume for Halloween...not just my husband! And my 24 yr. old and 26 yr. old daughter and son...love the idea of theme parties for the costumes...maybe that would make it easier for some to pick out their costume?
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