{Darryl Carter & his German Short-haired pointer... well, sadly not he pointer, but hopefully Darryl}
I'm going to a book signing!! (And embarrassed to show him my slightly destroyed copy of the book which has a torn & messed up dust jacket... It looks like I don't care about it but it's really the opposite--- I've read it too much and messed it up!! Dust jackets just aren't made for people like me. ;)
{in Elle Decor}
{Elle Decor}
I could go on & on posting pictures but I'm not going to because I know you've probably already seen & drooled over most of them before. (In case you haven't, check out his website here.)
I have the tendency to creep people out when I'm a fan of theirs & I first meet them so I'm really going to try to reign it in at the book signing. (It's @ the tabletop Trade Show in Vienna!) I get a little excited (no, seriously, crazily, giddy, blabbery... ) because I feel like I know them. I've had conversations about them, I've read their books, I've devoured their portfolios and philosophies... I wonder "what would Darryl do?" haha yes, see? first name basis.
SO, I'm not sure if my plan to chill out will work or not because I am
Will let you know how it goes & hopefully I can get a picture.

ps- Grandmother, if you're wondering who he is, he's the guy you showed me in the Washington Post waaaaay back when I was just getting interested in decorating & designing. You thought I should try giving him a call to see if he needed any help so I could learn from him. :) I love you.
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
have a blast and tell DC we love him.
have a great time there! looking forward to see the pics! http://design-elements-blog.com/
You crack me up...I can't imagine someone getting creeped out meeting you! Have fun and I hope you get a picture with him, Janell
Gotta lova a grandmother like that!!! I am in awe of him too!!!
He should be just as excited to meet you if you ask me! Have fun.
I love his work! His use of art is perfect adn the clean lines are beautiful.
I believe I gave you his book for Christmas some years ago. Have fun!
Luv ya,
Wait, did you say Vienna? You're meeting him in Italy?
I love this guys website. I haven't heard of him before---what is the name of his book?
Karen @ Garden, Home and Party
You lucky duck!!! I do the same thing. It is so much fun to meet the people that inspire you.
--Gretchen O.
I understand your excitement as I had the honor of having lunch this past weekend with Bunny Williams and John Rosselli at their country home, and I am still speechless!!
I adore Darryl's work. I have followed him since first seeing him years ago on an HGTV show. Have fun!
Um, if there is anyone to get excited about, it's Darryl Carter! HELLO personal design icon! Have lots of fun!!!!!
I've loved his style for years. Lucky you! I'm sure he will just adore you. Take pictures and post. Tell him the West Coast loves him too - he's so my style along with Vincent!
* Oh Lordie, I am SOOOOO with you on this, Sweetie!!! His style is SOOOO what I like/prefer/choose, and he is N*O*T BAD on the EYES, either!!!
Annnnd, my "bellesmom" on my Email address is because "I" am MOM of a GERMAN SHORTHAIRED pointer, like HIS, named "BELLE"!!! (Yes, I'm DYING here!!!)... GSPs are T*H*E best, sweetest, most loving, beautiful and wonnnderful dogs in the WORLD!!!
Ohhhhh I envy you (and I seldom "envy" anybody for anything... but THIS is just "HOT STUFF"!!!)...
E*N*J*O*Y the TREAT!!!
Linda in AZ *
OMG Lauren, you're one lucky female. You make me laugh, be yourself, get excited, GET PICTURES! Love, love, LOVE this guys work! Remember the Brooke from Velvet & Linen met him on a boat in Italy...WOW! I'm so excited for you, have fun!
How fun! I love meeting "design celebrities"! My favorite part is trying to explain who they are and babbling about how cool it was to meet them to people who have no clue...I look like a crazy person! Hope you get pics!
I love the bells of Ireland on the table. Hope you have a great time at the signing. Tell us all about it.
ahaha This made me giggle:
"I have the tendency to creep people out when I'm a fan of theirs"
Have fun!
Hi Lauren, I'm new to your blog but I already like you A LOT!!!!!
*BOUNCE*.....I followed your advice and went to his homepage..............*sigh*....and here I am, telling you that I right away went and bought his book online!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!! within 3 or 4 days he's mine(the book;)) SO, tell him,....he has Dutch fans!!!(and tell him to come over;))
Sweet greetings!
I am the same way when I meet someone that I admire and think the bees knees of! "Darryl" no doubt will love you and the messed up dust-jacket book cover.
Great blog. I just recently started following. I have a dilemma today though. My "search all blogs I've viewed in the last four weeks" button won't work. I recently viewed a blog post, made a mental note to go back to it, then forgot which blog I was on. So, my question is have you recently posted a blog about a new rug in your kitchen? Thanks.
love mr carter too. you lucky thing you! following is a link to an excellent overview of his work:
she has also covered rose tarlow and the wonderful frederic mechiche.
i think mr carter would have blitzed the oval office makeover - maybe next time.
Lauren - I'm adding his book to my reading list. Mr. C's spaces are so serene you want to curl right up into the images surrounded by all his exquisite touches. I bet he is a sweetheart, too. Please take pics!
Oh, I can't wait to see pictures - have fun!!
He is my absolute favorite designer!!!! How lucky to be going to his book signing! Have a wonderful time!
Health and happiness,
Soooo exciting! He is totally one of my design idols! The photos of his home in Metropolitan Home (may it rest in peace) were soooo inspirational to me when my hubby and I built our home. I just don't understand why Thomasville discontinued his line -- and I hope he'll come back to market with a new line soon!
I am also a crazy fan too!! Your Grandmother is just a doll - such true love for her granddaughter. Its wonderful to have someone who loves you so much!
so funny! I'm sure you won't creep him out! have a great time and definitely get a photo! :)
Oh, Lauren, I do the same thing. If people could see my daydreams they'd be totally freaked out. For me it's Thomas O'Brien...
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