One of my favorite things to do is to tweak my home seasonally or when the mood strikes (or naptimes coincide ;) This weekend in Virginia, we got a beautiful little blast of Fall and it was Heaven!!! The windows were opened all weekend and when we took our walks I noticed the crunch of the acorns underfoot. So... that meant it was time for a few teensy tweaks at home... not full-blown Fall, but just a touch of it mixed with mostly "Summer."
I found the antique quatrefoil table at Lucketts this weekend and its granny-feel is perfect for my mood. (Not that I'm feeling like a granny but a touch of it feels perfectly "homey" for early Fall ;) I brought out some of my old golden-orange pillow I made a while back and mixed them with a piece of my grandmother's vintage fabric. (I think it used to be curtains?? When I saw the fabric being used to store something in my grandparents' garage a couple of years ago, I asked them for it.) I don't have a patterned sofa & sometimes wish I did, so this is a nice compromise. The white slipcpvered ottoman is still out but the lucite coffee table should be back in a few months when Justin's fully walking.
Here's a close-up of the table... I love having that shelf for my magazines:
{The boys' book basket fits just below}
How cool are the glass ball feet?!!!
{I love the creepy little faces}
I've also been drawn to cloveresque shapes lately. (I have two gorgeous trefoil end tables in storage to be sold... I am having issues parting with my finds... something I haven't mentioned yet but could go on & on about.)
I picked a bunch of these purple flowers that sprouted up all over my "garden" and put them in a vintage cut glass vase. I think they're in the mint family but I love them most because they are actually ALIVE. (Even my mint has died... keeping plants alive doesn't come naturally to me.)
Here's a little picture of my sofa this Spring...
And here it is now:
Who knows how long it'll stay this way but a little bit of change makes me appreciate it all the more. Once I came to the realization that my home will never be truly "finished" and that "finishing" is not my goal, I relaxed a bit. Things don't need to be permanent and yes, some furniture arrangements, framed prints or pillows are better than others, but that's okay because part of the fun is in experimenting.
This week's Pure Style Project is to tweak your home a little bit for Fall... If you'd like to share your pictures, please link up below directly to the post!! We'd love to see them!!

If you missed my last post about the pink silo, please take a minute to read it here
I am sad to see summer coming to an end with school starting up again! However, since we are already experiencing "hints" of fall I am getting excited! I love fall and all it brings. I too love the "crunch" of fallen acorns and leaves beneath my feet. Crisp cool air...ahh! I have had all my windows thrown open, such a relief from AC. I haven't yet done any re-decorating to suit the season, but it is my fav thing to do. Bring some nature in from the outdoors. I especially love Halloween and the wonderful colors of fall. Have fun and I love what you have already done to celebrate fall in your lovely home!
Hi Lauren, I'm so glad I actually had something to link up with you! Your living room looks fantastic, and I love the little table! Thanks for hosting.
Your early-Fall tweaks look so great! Really, it's all just so very lovely. Makes me wish I had more of a neutral palette so I could change things up more often.
Oh my goodness, I LOVE that lamp!! Is it new, or have I just never noticed it?! The table is gorgeous too, love your new fall look :)
Fall is definitely my favorite time of year. Love the cool nights and sun filled days. It also seems to be the time of year I focus more on my house -rearranging and redocorating. Perhaps it is knowing that I will be spending more time inside. Love the little changes you made.
Oh, I love the slow transition from season to season! Looks so lovely.
I love Fall too and have so many projects around the house that I will be tackling now that the cooler weather is almost here. I love your table and your grandma's fabric looks perfect on your sofa.
Looks wonderful Lauren..and that table..Oh my goodness...a fantastic it! x
Oh, I love your sofa and that chair by the fireplace is gorgeous. I love the shape of the table. I'm torn, I love Fall but we've had such a short Summer. Could you delete my first "Fallish Mantel" it's the wrong link. Sorry!
Don't changes make a difference. I have to put my winter slipcovers on and can't wait to get my Fall stuff out. Great post as usual.
That sofa with those pillows looks so touchable and cozy!
So... How much "storage" do you have? :) I have very little extra space, so I would love some tips on how to change things up without having to put stuff in (or get stuff out) of non-existent storage. :)
New to your blog and just wanted to say I love your table and also love, love Lucketts. Was there over the weekend and got a great lamp at the Design House.
First off, Love the table lamp!!! My new favorite lamp!!!
Fall is hands down my favorite season, great idea for a linky party!!
This week at Maillardville Manor we'll be focusing our posts on getting ready for fall. It seems here in BC we've already been hit by fall, summer left us in a hurry.
Love your new touches!! I agree...very excited for fall, but still a little in disbelief that it is here. Up East, we had a spectacular w/e and spent the entire w/e in the garden. Won't be long until we're able to do that!
So lovely!
Hello !!
I have been following your blog for some time now and must say I just love it !!
With a great sence of humor , talent ,sensibility and style your blog is absolutely one of the best " out there "
Thanks sooooo much for a top-blog !!
( a Swede living in Rome )
The weather caused me to do the same thing and I made a touch of fall post too. It looks great at your house all the time.
P.S. are you selling things on line? If so where do I find it?
LOVE your new side table! Great find!!
Here in Australia where waiting for Spring. I have been doing a little re-arranging too. Love your sofa. I have a green sofa too
Kind Regards
how fun! Love that table
looks good...I love fall (and quatrefoil!)
I can so tell you are married to an English teacher...oh, the days of teaching Beowulf!
saw an orange door on an add and thought of your lovely home....
Love the new table! Very jealous of your "fall-like" weekend!!
I love the fabric on the back of the sofa. What a change, it really makes it very cozy with a rich feel. You are very clever and creative!
Luv ya,
Lauren! That piece of fabric on your sofa reminds me SO MUCH of the wallpaper in our living room when i was a little girl!
Love to tweak by season too. It's too hot here to not have lots of linen & cotton in the summer months but always need fur and the like for fall & winter. Just doesn't feel right without it. Hope you have a great week.
Girl, you make toy blocks scattered on the floor look CHIC! I love the tweaks - particularly that fabric on the sofa - GORGE! I'm feeling the itch to tweak for fall now! Although, it's almost 90 degrees here in CT. Weird. I'm craving open windows and cool breezes!
Fall is my favorite season, so a little Fall Decor is right up my alley! So fun to see what you have done. LOVE the table!!!
I am always so impressed with people who change their decor with the seasons. YOurs is beautiful!
Lot's of tweaking at our house. Not really Fall related but a sprucing regardless!
I just brought out the winter bedding and the faux fur pillows and throw...I love the way you used colour on the sofa...lovely
I'm always sad to see summer end, but I tried hard to find 10 things I was looking forward to in September. Thanks for hosting the link party.
I felt the same way this weekend!!! The cool air in the D.C. area got us in the mood for we decided to reupholster a chair we had in "storage" in a lovely new plaid fabric!
So glad I found your blog! Now off to browse :)
Oh that sofa has me twiterpated!
I love your room - so comfy and cozy. And the tweaks for fall look great! love your table :)
I've never linked up anywhere before, but it just so happens that I've been tweaking some around my house, too! Not trying to perfect anything so much as give it a more fresh and personal feel. Fun!
I love switching things up for different seasons. Your changes here are making me want to get right home and do my own switch up now :)
Hi Lauren, love the claw feet.
Don't you just love the warmth of pieces with patina and something interesting about them?
Amazing the change that colors makes in a room - love your decor! Paula in Idaho
Wow, that little side table has the most amazing "feet" I think I've ever seen!!
Lauren I am late to the party but I came anyway. I did my porch several weeks ago and I have several post up about Fall decor. I need to get going inside my house now. You are inspiring me to do so, Thank you , Kathysue
Gorgeous Lauren!! I have been posting lately about some linen furniture I am planning to buy in the next couple of weeks and the weird part is, all I can think about is decorating with colours - coloured pillows - I am thinking olive green, moss green, bright green, crimson, raspberry pink. The current furniture is sage and with a heavily patterned carpet, I have stuck with neutral and beigey or white pillows just to tone it all down. But now I am dying for golden pillows and moss green for Christmas....
So I LOVE your sofa and pillow colour combinations and the new table is PERFECT. We have one of those, or very similar, for a bedside table and I love it also for the wee shelf.
xo Terri
I've just recently found you and I'm so glad I did! I love your comment about being able to relax now that you've realized your home will never be finished...and that's okay! I'm the same way, always tweaking something here or there!
Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity to link-up!
Hi Lauren! I love your home. It's really fun, eclectic, and beautiful. You truly have an eye for colors and creating a certain mood/tone in each room. I love seeing your work with clients! I live in the same area as you (in Fairfax, to be exact)! It's fun to see your posts on Luckett's and On A Whim because I love those places. It's so fun to drive out there. Anyways, I was wondering if you might reveal where you purchased your cowhide rug? I've been searching everywhere!
I LOVE those pillows on the green sofa. It looks so, so good.!! xoRH
Lauren - your home is so inspiring. Lovely lovely lovely. I'm so glad I found you!
Hi Lauren! Love your dining room-
Who is the printer you used to enlarge the print? thank you!! xo
Love your dining room! so pretty! Would you mind sharing who you used to enlarge the print?
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