So now that our backyard is in better shape and the weather's getting a bit cooler, we're outside as much as possible. Yesterday was the boys' first day at daycare and Christian didn't want to leave when we went to pick him up so I guess that's a good sign. Dave made this yummy dinner above: Grilled flounder stuffed with crabmeat (ala Trader Joe's- we love their frozen fish) with black beans & rice, and salata. {Did you notice the leaf that fell from the tree above.. Here comes Fall!!}
After dinner we all enjoyed a fire:
And then we put the kids to bed & enjoyed this:
We've just recently reminded ourselves that we need to savor the little things... to take pleasure in the every day. Have a beautiful one!!

*After reading the comments, I should add here that the black beans & rice shown is boxed Zatarain's & if you don't have time to make it from scratch, this stuff is THE BEST. (Try all of their flavors... We love the jambalaya and dirty rice and adding sausage & shrimp & fresh herbs makes it Heaven!)
is that the Zaterans black beans and rice? We LOVE that stuff!!
It sure does... and it always tastes better when someone else prepares it for you :)
Trader Joe's is on my list for today along with enjoying dinner outside - with a sweater on and a fire!
Love these gentle reminders to take pleasure in the everyday beauties.
My family adores spending our evenings outside! Love it!
There is nothing better than a meal outside on a beautiful evening...yes, enjoy the small stuff! Janell
God bless you and your family. Yes, the weather is changing and outdoors is devine. I am planning a Party outdoors for the group of Artists in my neighborhood.
Your Son is precious.
Good for you! Enjoy those small moments - and I love the PJ's at dinner. We are getting a Trader Joe's in a few monthes and I am mega excited.
Dinner and the fire look great!
Have nice day.
Teresa (Splendid Sass)
Obviously totally ignorant but...what is black beans and rice...cause it looks absolutely delicious?!
I hope you enjoy your autumn as much as we are going to enjoy spring...when it finally gets here!
I am inspired to enjoy every minute that we have left to be outside and dine! Grilling is so easy and makes everything taste great! Looks like a wonderul dinner and yummy too! I also love your outdoor fireplace. I have been meaning to get one or even build one outside. We live on a half acre and I could do more with the space for sure!
All the best,
Dinner looks really tasty! I was looking at that same moon last night!! Beautiful.
I LOOOVVVEEE eating outside. Backyards, sidewalk cafes, picnics in the park, whatever! - the food definitely tastes better!
So trader joes near us...boohoo, but I DO love Zatarains (has saved me many a night!) So great to have a fire with the hubby after kids are asleep. Bliss. Glad the first day of school went well:) --Gretchen O.
we love Zatarains too....
al fresco dining is tres bien!
Feeling jealous of your weather. Still HOT here in Texas. I've still been enjoying my Gazebo by the pool with a glass of wine after the kiddos have gone to bed. Savoring the little things is what life is all about! Spending time with our little blessings and our men is what keeps us stable when we feel off balance. They keep us on track and remind us what really is important.
I thought I was the only one who ate Zatarain's, love the stuff. So glad to hear Christian loved school, whew huh?
I knew he'd like daycare!! It's playtime and new friends, new toys, new stuff! A whole fun new world.
My hubby and I like to call moments like that, "bliss!" And then to wrap it up with putting the kiddos down and enjoying is heaven. Working on redoing our outdoor space and getting a little fire pit. You have inspired me even more. Thanks!
We love to eat outside too. This post is lovely!
Also, headed to NY next week to see Nate? If so, would love to meet you.
Yum! It looks so peaceful at your abode!
every day is truly a gift... faith and family... friends... health... love.... all we need... and your family looks wonderful xx
What time shall I come over for dinner? YUM!
What a perfect day!!! So glad to see you enjoying your family and your yard, it doesn't get much better than that.Kathysue
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