I have to say that I'm seriously blessed with amazing clients. Helping someone design her/his home is a very personal process and there's a lot of trust associated with it. I'm fortunate in that I get to work with such special people. I don't know how it's happened, but somehow, all of my clients are warm and smart, and just so much fun to be around. (I find myself thinking how some of them would click so well with each other and be instant friends, but they've never actually met in reality. Maybe one day I'll have to have a big party.) Exhibit A:
{This cute message was written on the chalkboard when I went to visit Sandy & Emma the other day}
One of mu clients, Sandy, makes her own homemade pastas & breads (focacia!!!) and sells them at the Farmer's Market. She sells out every week, and I've had some, and know why. Below is Sandy wih her super-sweet daughter Emma on the left (who wrote the sign) in their gorgeous kitchen:
{Emma & Sandy in the kitchen where the magic happens... Dave, her husband, wasn't there for the pic}
Had to include this close-up of the pasta:
{The orange is roasted red pepper & garlic-- oh my gosh it's so good, we literally just added olive oil and a teensy but of salt, & parmesan and it was amazing... so easy!!}
When I arrived at Sandy & Dave's house the first time they were in the middle of having it painted, so my "before" shots are a little chaotic. Here's the view from the living room into the dining room:
And here's the living room, which was being painted the softest blue:
The leather sofa and rug were hiding beneath the tarp:
..Along with two pretty yellow wing chairs:
As I was falling asleep one night, I had a minidream that we switched the leather sofa with the brown-green English arm sofa in the study and so here's the switch:
Sandy's style is very relaxed, soft, pretty, comfortable, subdued, natural, cheerful... It has a little bit of a "garden" feel to it and she's attracted to botanicals and soft florals. I wanted to lighten up the space and make it feel like 'her' by using things she's collected over the years along with some new pieces. (I love "borrowing" from other rooms ;) We're not completely finished- a little tweaking to be done here and there- and the photos aren't styled, but you'll get the idea.
Anyway, here's the "before" again:
And here it is now:
We had Sandy's botanicals framed and used them as the focal point for the room. Sandy loved my entryway and wanted a similar look. I had a soft linen slipcover made (in one of my favorite fabrics ever which you might recognize) for her large ottoman (taken from the basement... the leather one went in its place.)
Sandy loves her burlap shade lamps and they (along with the seagrass and flowers) give it that natural feeling we needed. I had pillows made in blues and greens. Check out the rectangular pillow below. I'm so crazy over that thing!! {I used a design by Jackie Von Tobel from her Design Directory of Bedding Book, which is my go-to source for pillow/bedding ideas.} We're almost finished with the room with only a few minor final touches to go!! (including pillows for the yellow chairs, so I'll be sure to post when we're finished.)
The vintage floral tray on the ottoman was one I bought a few years ago, and when Sandy needed "the perfect" tray for the ottoman for drinks, books, etc., I immediately thought of it. As much as I love it (yes, I know, I shouldn't "love" objects, but I do get attached ;) I love it even more at Sandy's. It was meant for the room and seeing these pictures makes me so happy. (tickled, really! haha.. I'm in a silly mood) Anyway, we're still working on artwork in the adjoining dining room, so I'm going to wait to show pics but I have to share a little peek of the curtains we had made:
I used the reverse of a fabric to get this sunny yellow color and had it banded in white linen for some added casual detail.
Here's one last picture and I should also mention that Sandy found the end tables at Lucketts- one of my favorite local shops!!
I hope you enjoyed and thanks so much to Sandy, Dave & Emma!!

ps- If you're in the Northern Virginia/ DC area and are looking for some insanely good pasta, visit Sandy at the Farmer's Market. Info here She sells out every time so be sure to get there early!!
Also, I just joined TWITTER (I know how behind I am!!) so click HERE to follow :)
I LOVE this room!! I have been looking for a large scale art arrangement for over my couch and I think this is perfect!! Thank you!! I also love the way that you stay consistent in all your design. You can always tell when it's a room you've done! good job!
What a beautiful eclectic room. It looks as if it has evolved over time which I really like! That rectangular pillow is beautiful! It really ties everything together.
maybe one of your best yet. Lauren!
beautiful job Lauren, those drapes are heavenly
Oh, I think the drapes are my favorite part of the room, beautiful! Janell
Such a pretty room!
Teresa (Splendid Sass)
I agree with an earlier post. That room looks like it evolved over time....To me, it has a beautiful "undecorated" look [which I love] yet the colors and texture of the room have come together for an beautiful inviting room.
Well done.
Beautiful room and definitely has your signature on it. Esp love the drapes, the framed botanicals and the great blue end table! Great job.
LOVE the arrangement of art on the wall and the gorgeous curtains!!
xoxo Laura
Beautiful...absolutely beautiful! The drapes are scrumptious and I can't wait to see more of the dining room. AND, the pasta looks amazing! We have our own little farmers market near our house on Columbia Pike in Arlington, but we may need to venture out to Fairfax to pick up some of Sandy's special pasta.
great job.
i love the botanicals.
It's so lovely and I am trying to look at it all but having a hard time because I am so focused on that ottoman...it is spectacular and I am definately in LOVE! Oh please share your fabric???
Oh my gosh....LOVE IT!!! Will be back later today to look at it again. Your designs have that effect on me.
Oohh...I like! I love the color combo!
Very pretty Lauren, love the couches you switched out and the botanicals. Oh and I love the ottoman.
Wonderful job Lauren! The wall color is just beautiful. I think my favorite detail is the drapery. I have a thing for using the wrong side of fabrics. They often have more texture and interest.
job well done as my navy captain father used to say.
You've created yet another great looking space for a lucky client. I LOVE the room!! And the white band on the curtain is a nice touch.
This is gorgeous….I am hosting a jewelry giveaway…would love for you to stop by!!
Love the botanical prints in fact I can say I covet them! Nice job, it looks like a room I would love to have in my house.
Luv ya,
Looks great! So inspiring! Love the sofa switch and the botanicals. Is the sisal custom? If not, would you share the source? It looks terrific!
Wow! I just love that room.
May I just curl up on that sofa now after a large bowl of pasta? I love the room, super comfy!
This room is great! I love what you did with it! It has a wonderful "lived in" yet fresh look about it! Beautiful!
This room is absolutely gorgeous! Might have to steal a few of those ideas for my own living room - I can't get enough! Thank you for sharing and keep them coming.
Great job!! It looks fabulous:)
Wow that turned out so awesome. I love the pop of turquoise.
I love the room! Very homey and beautiful at the same time. I love that combination.
Love the room, especially the curtains....Where did you get the fabric? I also live in Northern Virginia.
You did such a fabulous job! I love that you had some inspiration in a dream, very cool!
Lauren--this room is beautiful! And full of inspiration! Well done and thanks for sharing!
Oh. I really love this living room. Great Work.
Another fabulous room! I love, love that rectangular pillow too. Really sets a special custom look to the couch.
your home certainly looks comfortable and well decorated, not only that but it seems that you have given it your love and attention to nurture it
It looks great! I love all. Will you let me know how twitter goes? I am doing it a little but I am wondering if I am a little old and should just stick to blogging.
Great blog!!!! I just posted your Foyer on mine
Stunning! I love how the framed artwork makes such a beautiful statement over the sofa, its like everything was made for that room! Amazing job as usual!! xoxox
Nicely done! Love the two side tables.
nicely done, great blog and great posts, i liked visiting your blog a lot - the room has been done very nicely, looks fabulous
It looks fantastic! I love the pale turquoise end table and can't wait to see more of those drapery panels!!
Just beautiful! Those botanicals are AMAZING and from one of my wall art dreams. :) You are so crazy talented!!
Oh my goodness Lauren this looks so pretty. I am especially loving how you hung the pictures. I bet Sandy, Dave & Emma are so pleased.
xx - Christina
Hello Lauren
Wow! I love everything that you did.
I loved how you used the botanicals as a focal point.
Everything looks great!
I wish I lived closer I would for sure make a trip to the Farmers Market for Sandy's homemade pasta!
Hope you are having a great summer!
Lauren I think you did an amazing transformation on this room. It looks so comfy and inviting. Love the botanicals. That is something I would love to have in my Living room!! Have a great weekend,Kathysue
looks gorgeous!
What a beautiful eclectic room.That room looks like it evolved over time....To me, it has a beautiful "undecorated" look yet the colors and texture of the room have come together for an beautiful inviting room.
Well done.
at http://showomaha.com/
so, so pretty!
Very informative post.
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