20 March 2009

The Search For Home: A Counter Offer

I just wanted to thank everyone SO much for the advice. I really haven't felt that low in I can't remember how long. (When I thought we might be letting the house go... I just felt sick.)

Anyway, after doing a bit more research (on the comps), more soul-searching & realizing we really do have to follow our gut, (we're the ones who have to live here, right?) we made a counter offer.

We'll be waiting to hear back, but I just can't tell you all how much I appreciate all of your advice & stories & I really do consider you all my friends- thanks so much :)

have a great weekend!!



  1. Good luck, Lauren. It's a cliche but I truly believe everything works out for the best in the end. Have a good weekend.

  2. Fingers crossed - sometimes no matter what other people say you must follow your heart. Hope this offer gets you your dream. Leigh

  3. i agree...fingers crossed, but whats meant to be will happen!

  4. crossing fingers and toes for you!

  5. Sending you all of my positive energy and good thoughts! Can't wait to hear~

  6. Sorry, I fell behind on your house offer saga.... but just want to say that if you love the house and see the potential in it and want to turn all your inspiration into reality, you should go for it. I know it's hard not to go along with what the majority says, but you have to do what's right for you and follow your heart. If you love this house and it's right for you and you can get it for a price that you're willing to pay for it, then go for it!! :-)

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  7. I am just catching up now on blogs and read your last post! I am so glad you counter offered! FINGERS CROSSED! Hopefully they will come to their sense especially cause its been on the market for 2 years and beautiful family would be living there!


  8. Hey Lauren, I really didnt have any advice before because I've never bought a house before- but I pretty much agreed with what people wrote- I'm so happy that you followed your gut and you are going with whats right for you! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed again for you- sending good vibes your way!!

  9. Lauren, my husband and I bought our first house together after 5 months of dating (gasp!). It was 91 years old that year, the chimney had dislocated itself from the main structure, but a true diamond in the rough. Many people saw the rough. It was in a great, old Austin, TX neighborhood though, so despite it's condition (laundry "room" was a shed in the backyard, you get the pic.), the price was quite high, $215K in 1997!!!! This was the era of high tech boomtimes in Austin, everyone seemed flush with cash or options but us. We scraped everything together that we could and after much back & forth w/ the seller we had our home. Sadly, my husband was transferred after 2 years and we had to leave but I NEVER regret that decision or the fun demolition barbeques we hosted while our friends helped us work. To this day our friends still talk about the house on 31st st. and how great it was. We are now 11 years married, 3 homes behind us, 3 kids and we still have a framed picture of that little bungalow on our mantle. FOLLOW YOUR HEART, no one else is going to live it or love it.

  10. The house bidding process is so stressful! we all want to feel like it is a rational (and financially smart) decision - but it isn't totally - a home is a home because it feels right, not because it looks good on paper. I bought a need of 'tlc' home last year and I found the process stressful because the sellers felt almost insulted by our (market fair) price - its almost like they thought we were taking advantage of them because we weren't going to pay the over inflated price they had put the house on the market for 3 years ago. They were cornered and desperate and we were in love with the place... It worked out but it was an awful process - i wish you luck, although i have a feeling if this one doesn't work out you have the talent to make any place shine. best!

  11. I'll be watching for news with bated breath! I wish you and your husband Good Luck with this counter!!
    Victoria: EdinDesign Interiors @ DesignTies

  12. Lauren - I'm crossing fingers and toes that you get your dream home!

  13. Wow, you've had a busy week! Really hope your new offer will get accepted!!! My week has been insanely busy as well, I just started working 50% and man, my days have changed radically! Am still pondering on what to do with the table, am having decision making anxiety!

  14. Lauren---I had no idea! Good luck with the counter offer, I hope you get the home. Where is it?


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!