20 March 2009

The Search For Home: HELP WANTED

hi guys,

just wanted to let you know that the sellers have come down a bit on their price but not as low as our offer. we love the house so much but have our agents & some of our parents telling us to let it go. We're really torn right now. The number they came down to was the number we originally said we wanted it for but now we have family & ppl telling us that amount is too high. my dad, who's a dreamer/ entrepreneur like me, is thinking we should go for it...

I know most people giving us advice don't see the potential we do in this house (some of them haven't even seen the house) but I also know we're young & unseasoned.

I know it's pathetic but I feel like I'm getting dumped. sucker punched. letting this house go feels wrong in my heart & I just don't know what to do.

If we let it go at this point I will feel like we're being told to let it go, not like we let it go because it felt right.



  1. Hang in there, Lauren! Letting go of a house you have already "moved into" in your mind is tough. Usually, these things are for the best. You'll end up finding a house that you love even more.

  2. Don't lose hope! I felt the same way when we didn't get the house we thought was "perfect" for us. We were crushed and then joyful when our real HOME found us. Trust that everything happens for a reason!

    Blessings and Hugs,

  3. Keep looking and continue to think about their offer for a couple of weeks and then see how you feel. The house obviously isn't going any where if it has already been on the market for two years. Also, keep in mind that if you end up paying more it will take you longer to invoke your vision on the house because you will be starting with less funds for remodeling.

  4. Can you counteroffer with something higher than your first offer but lower than their offer? When we were looking for our first house a couple years ago we walked into one house and it just felt right. The layout wasn't perfect and it needed a ton of work but we just felt it was supposed to be our house. We kept looking and in the meantime it sold, then fell through, then went back to the bank. We had put in a million offers on other homes but hadn't gotten one yet. About seven months after first walking into the house, we bought it. I think if you're meant to be in it, it will work out.

  5. hang in there Lauren! What is meant to work out, will work out( i know that's not the most comforting thing to always hear!)

  6. What a shame, Lauren!

    I'm curious... aren't you in a position to counter their counter? Or has their realtor told you that their counter was firm? If it was a firm counter then it may be the right move to walk away...

    What I don't get is that the market is so soft - it's a buyer's market - and the owners of this house are in a difficult position. How can they let a good offer get away when the house hasn't sold? If you can't counter again then I say sit and wait. Perhaps have your realtor tell theirs that the owners can always revisit the original offer in a few weeks when they see they can't sell the house! You never know... they may be calling you!

    In the mean time, you've had some good advise in the comments so far (and you'll get LOTS more!)... as much as you connected with this house, there's a great chance you'll connect with another equally special one. YOUR house will come along and you'll love it!

    All the best,
    Victoria: EdinDesign Interiors @ DesignTies

  7. I think you should do what feels right for you. I know it's easy to get attached. I'm sure it will all work out!

  8. Lauren, I think that you guys should go with your gut feeling. My husband and I bought a fixer-upper when were in our early twenties. Everyone told us that it was not a good idea, but I had fallen in love with the house and could not get it out of my mind. So, we took a leap of faith and bought it. Yes, it was a lot of work, but we have never regretted our decision. Good luck!

  9. Oh Lauren this must be agony! I agree with Noelle - can you try a counter offer? Don't give up on this house, your instinct is telling you that, and sometimes the people around us - even those usually wiser and more experienced, and who have the best of intentions - can get it wrong! The fact that the sellers came back with a price that you originally said you wanted it for is a SIGN!
    I remember when I got divorced five years ago everyone around me advised me not to buy a house, that I should rent a while to give me space to clear my head. I ignored this advice, looked at more than 100 houses in the space of six weeks and bought the house I live in now. I paid a little bit more than I had wanted, but it was 'the house'. Shortly after I bought my house, the property market went nuts, and if I had not bought when I did I would have been priced out of the market. In the meantime, I have had the most wonderful time turning this house into a home.
    Hope things turn out for you. Best of luck Lauren
    Catherine xx

  10. Well...the only way to get seasoned is to make decisions.

    If they are at the price that you originally decided on, then it seems to me the choice is 'bout 90% made. If you are concerned that it is to high for the market, negotiate more. And I would always make everything contingent on an inspection.

    If it feels lke too many people are making decisions for you. Tell them to back off. In the end this is your and hubbys decision. No one else.

    Best to you!! Let us know.

  11. I agree w/Lime in the Coconut. Maybe you can counter offer to get closer and see what happens? It should just be you and your husband's decision - you know yourselves best. If you're Do-it-Yourselfers and the other people aren't they will never understand the houses you like.

  12. Jeesh, I remember this feeling. I know its tough because in your mind, you can see what it will be after all of your renos, design, etc, and you get excited for that. I had that same issue on our previous house, oh the plans I had for it. The previous owners were firm on the asking price, would not budge one bit, but that was 2006 (height of the market). So we bought it and we did pay too much. I swear, all the projects, and plans, and money spent, it made me weary. We ended up selling it though. It just closed today. While looking for another house we found a fixer upper in a great neighborhood, and it seemed to be a steal,to make a long story short the house had so many issues, which we discovered after we paid $350 for an inspection even before we made an offer. You see we were so sold on all the potential of this house,it had wainscoating throughout, double crown molding, all the stuff you pay beaucoup money for today. Because we were so giddy, we decided to get the inspection, well there were foundation issues, minimum of $35,000(just on that alone)so we saw the new kitchen, exterior changes, addition go down the drain. It did end up selling though, but in the end I still have dreams of renovating other houses now, but that just wasn't right. Did you have your inspection yet? I know the idea of spending money on something like that when your still questioning if you should counter may be unappealing, but for us it was pretty sobering, and we were able to walk away from the house, esp when they would not budge on the "as is" price. Maybe the inspection can give you some wiggle room. I can only believe your offer is fair, considering the market. It sounds like the owners though are not that concerned about it selling as it has been on the market for so long too. I wonder if they have turned down other offers, and how many. We did turn down an offer on our first house that was $40000 less than our asking, because yes the house needed work, but we felt our asking price was fair, and well under market value. We did end up compromising at $225000, we were asking $240000. We were still upside down but not so much. Good luck though. With your insight and vision, I am sure you will get that perfect house and make it a dream. Sorry about getting on here and writing a book.

  13. ditto ditto re. another counter-offer. If you are able to make another offer (even if it is only a small amount less than the seller's amount), you never know what may entice the seller! My mum has bought and sold a fair bit of property, and whether she was able to talk a seller down 10's of thousands of dollars, or only a few thousand, she saw it as money in her pocket that she could put towards the home. Don't give up,but be willing to walk away after letting the seller's know that your last offer holds for a few weeks if they change their mind :)

  14. Listen to your own heart! That the one that matters!

  15. I know I am piping in really really late, but honestly, I am coming to you from the place of being in love with my home. We ended up paying more than we were totally comfortable with, but I really knew it was the one. I am so happy that we did it, as it is a true *home* for our family and I am so incredibly happy here.
    I wish you all the luck in the world. It can be a scary time, but if you know something in your heart, sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith~

  16. My advice is think like a child - they always know what they want.


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