02 April 2012

Easy Breezy Leaves

I'm often drawn to photos of rooms that feature massive leaves.  The give a room an easy breezy, relaxed feel (that's often tropical, depending upon the leaves.)

{Coastal Living}

An arrangement of massive leaves is one of the easiest to make & it has a huge impact on a space.

I have a big suppliy of hosta leaves in my yard & so they end up in my photographed spaces fairly often...

I grouped them together in demijohns on this workspace in my client's living room:

Another great source for oversized leaves is the potted plants section of Home Depot/ Lowe's.    Sadly, I'm a plant killer (they die slow dry deaths at my house) but I don't feel as bad when I cut up the plant for arrangements like this one I did in a client's living room on the ottoman:

I wish I could squeeze this post packed with photos of gorgeous rooms that feature big cut leaves, but I have to run for the day!!  Have a good one!!

xoxo, Lauren

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.


  1. A fave of mine too. I grab new ones from the yard every week. Have machete=have fresh big tropical leaves!

  2. I agree, such a fresh, pleasant feel. thanks for the ideas : )

  3. Greenery is essential to adding warmth and grounding a room, I agree! Have a great week Lauren...take it easy!

  4. Totally agree! Plants or just leaves, bring life to our homes! I often bring cuttings in from my outdoor plants and put them in simple vases for a quick change. Flowers fade alot quicker.... :)

  5. Fresh greens are a must for me in a room ... whether they are from the leaves of my tulips or simple oversize leaves like these. The green makes the room come to life. Happy Monday!

  6. I love the tropical look of oversized leaves (split philos or elephant ear) - a touch of modern chic even in the most tradional decors. Let me know if you ever need some more "permanent" ones - we have a batch to choose from! Cheers, Cynthia

  7. lovely....smiles

  8. A few great pictures is inspiration enough, loved the first one you shared and the great idea!


  9. I, too, kill house plants. This is a super idea that I can handle. Thanks.

  10. Lauren,

    What a great idea...never thought of using hostas. Sadly I cannot keep a house plant either, jast last week I bought one to give it another try and not even a week later the poor thing is on its last legs. I do not understand what I did wrong.

    Beautiful images!


  11. Even a pretty dish with green grass can add so much to a space....pretty images Lauren - hope you are feeling well.

  12. I Love big leaves....definitely completes a room. Thanks for the inspiration...I have leaves like the last photo that I will now bring in the house :-)

  13. you have magic in those fingers! beautiful, graphic and effective.....simply.
    happy easter lauren!

  14. It adds extra joy in every home. Plants are wonderful elements.
    garage house plans

  15. Hosta and Philodendron leaves are fantastic!!! I also love fern clippings!

  16. Saw the new Wisteria catalogue and thought of you! They have some great fern prints featured.

  17. I like this fresh, natural style, it gives a real feeling of quietness.


  18. Those leaves need a good vase like the ones here http://www.dekornation.com/interior-designer/vases.html


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