30 April 2012

Changes at out House...

Being so focused on the interior of my home has left our outside a bit less than desirable.  When we moved into our house, we set priorities &  so the poor outside had to wait.  We fell for our house because it has a large, private back yard...  the back of it sort of turns into a mini forest and a stream runs behind our fence. 

I like that the woods in the back feel really natural and a little out of control (wild roses, honey suckle, clematis, black berries & a ton of other things spill out the edges of it into our grass) but I've always imagined that one day it would be a tad more manicured & purposeful...

{See how crazy it gets back there??}

Last year (and the year before) we made a few garden beds around the yard like the one below for dwarf holly (which looks sooooo much like boxwood) and herbs...

  But we never edged them properly and they've gotten a bit out of control... 

{Here's the beginning of our vegetable garden last year...  THAT's how we edge....  It's more like:

me- "Hey Dav, let's make a veggie garden today."  (I've never mentioned this but I actually call my husband "Dav"...  an old college joke where we used to call him "Daveed" and "Dav" stuck)

him- Big sigh... "Okay."

And he starts digging...  But before he can finish, I'm in his way planting stuff and saying, "Forget about the edges... And don't worry about turning up all that dirt.... Yeah, it's fine that it's clay."

SO... as a result, my garden beds are full of weeds and the grass runs right into them.  I sort of have Scarlett O'Hara's "I'll think about that tomorrow" attitude with my yard. 

{Can I tell you how much I love this fabric???!!!!}

BUT we found some great guys through a friend & got a superdeal on having our entire yard edged & mulched.  I AM OVER THE MOON!!!!  They came yesterday and went to town...  They're back today and are working on edges like this:

{not my yard...  image from finegardening.com...   They're still working so I'll post pics as soon as I can}

I am soooooo  excited.  Then...  we were at our friend-neighbor's house borrowing a wheelbarrow for the guys and she mentioned she was planning on getting rid of her kids' swing set now that they're getting older and so they gave it to us!!  My 4 year old is giddy beyond belief. 

...And....  (ok, truly nesting here; I have issues) I think I'm ready to change up our downstairs family room again...  I love the blue that's on the walls but I've always felt that it doesn't really fit with the feeling of our house & surroundings (with the blue walls and some of our accessories, it feels kind of coastal...  I originally had it REALLY coastal with this old painting... 

But it was driving me crazy...  so I switched pillows & accessories to ones with more of the green I crave:

{the room's pretty trashed in this pic...  sorry!}

...But I stole the rug, educational chart & lamp for other areas of the house & now my room's back to blank and blue... 

I'll be a little sad to say goodbye to the blue walls but I think I'm ready for the change.  We're keeping all of our furniture and I'll just rearrange rugs & artwork we already, have but the big change will be painting it white...  I sort of want it to feel more like my boys' playhouse:

I want it to be a more casual version of what we have upstairs & I'm hoping we can buy the paint today.  (I am aware this is nuts to do with our life/ schedule right now...  but I'm okay with that.)  Will be back with pics!!

xoxo, Lauren
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.


  1. Hi Lauren: Missed you in High Point, come by and see the showrooms we loved. Will you add me to your blog roll? Maybe I overlooked it. I'll make sure you are on mine. Happy Baby! I'll be waiting for pics.

  2. So excited for your new landscaping- its going to be beautiful when the guys are done- I cant wait to see pics and daydream about the day I have my own house to play with :)

  3. It's crazy the difference good edging will make. My hubby's an edging fool (in a good way)! Love your nesting thoughts...looking forward to 'meeting' your newest addition soon.

  4. The landscaping will be perfect and a big relief to you Lauren. I am like you and when I make a decision I go for it!!

    The 2012 Artist Series featuring Designer and Paper Artist Anita Rivera...(of Castles Crowns and Cottages)is on my site, please stop by! Her work is amazing!

    Art by Karena

  5. I'm a project JUNKIE...so you are right up my alley! So much fun!! Can't wait to see the pics..I love your home)

  6. Lauren,

    I do not think you are "nuts" I think that you are doing all of the things you want to do
    before you have your baby!

    I love the new changes in the room downstairs, the wall chart is so great!

    Mulch and edging is always a great thing! Our mulch is arriving this week and I cannot wait, the stuff from last year is faded and yucky!

    Have a great day! CAnnot wait to see the after photos.


  7. I love following along with your journey. It will be so nice to have the mulch and edging in your yard. You have big yard to take care of and with little ones and another one on the way, it is so hard to stay on top of all of it. You are doing great as far as I can see!! Thanks for sharing bits and pieces of your life with us, Kathysue

  8. I love your honesty and I'm with you on the Scarlett O'Hara approach to gardening. :) I hadn't though of it that way before - it makes it sound much more glamorous than the words I had come up with, so I'm going to go with that! Love the changes around the house, too!

  9. I love the pops of green! Your yard is gorgeous, and your nesting instincts right now are perfectly normal!!!! take time for yourself :)
    xo Nancy

  10. I love that you keep this blog so honest, and don't fall into a whole "i have everything together" kind of Martha-like feel. It's good to know that it's normal to want to change things and "re-situate" one's household. I can't wait to see what you pick out for the downstairs family room.... judging from the inspiration pices, I'm thinking you'll go with white???

  11. Very interested to see what color you choose for the downstairs!!! It feels more like your style with the addition of the green. Love the educational chart!!!! My son would flip out over it. He is a huge dinosaur/sea creature fan. If you ever decide to part with it I know of a good home:) or if you know where I could find one similar.

  12. Oh we just had a landscaping crew leave (I blogged about the "before" this AM as well). It feels SO GOOD to have a professional do in a day what would have taken us probably a year to do ourselves....and who am I kidding I am like you...I want instant gratification so I often skip corners to get it done when I do it on my own. I am sure your yard will look awesome!

  13. You crack me up with your gardening style. I'm sure I'd be the same way if I wasn't surrounded by concrete. And how lucky you are that your hubby is so patient!

    ps- fully support the family room changes. ;)

  14. Your posts kill me. You are so funny.

    I can't believe that crazy cool rug in the playhouse.

    Your back yard is already amazing but just think how amazing it will be with edging and mulching! I want edging and mulching now! :)

    I feel you about the room - I am a slow decorator and I get the room about half done and I want to start changing things. I have decided to change curtains in my office and the expensive ones that are still hanging stuffed into the edge of the window blind (so I can see how they will look) have not even been put up on the rod and I am ready to change them. That is sad.

    At least paint is cheap...sorta.

    I love your garden. Patience is not my greatest virtue either, so it is nice to see we are related on this one also, cousin.

    xo T.

  15. LOL!!

    i too embrace the "i'll think about it tomorrow"

    just those few changes you made lauren made a huge difference. have fun adjusting the nest!

  16. I LOL at your post because your style of gardening is totally mine as well!

    We finally became overwhelmed by the weeds and such and had ours professionally edged and finished with stone and mulch (many different areas. Backyard and front) and I must say: It's so much nicer to look at now!

    congrats on the free swingset, THAT is a good day!

    Your Scarlett pic made my heart smile!

    Have a great day!

    Tina :-)

  17. You are funny! Well, maybe I think you are funny because you sound like and do things like I tend to do too. Can't wait to see the updates and changes in your garden and the family room! It will probably make the shelter magazine covers!

  18. Adding...did you notice that your post says, "Changes at Out House?: I was looking for the outhouse thinking it was the newest and latest in out buildings like everyone is doing with the new/old chicken coops and raising chickens. lol!!!

  19. Love the change-up in the family room. Feels so fresh now - you just can't seem to go wrong with green : )

  20. Go nesting momma! You are so smart to get it done now. I love your coastal den area but, I think you are right. I love getting a peak at all your home redecorations, it shows your creative mind is always flexing it's muscles.

  21. Go nesting momma! You are so smart to get it done now. I love your coastal den area but, I think you are right. I love getting a peak at all your home redecorations, it shows your creative mind is always flexing it's muscles.

  22. i absolutely love your shed!!! what a darling place to play! i love that rug...is it black and white or black and sand?




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