03 June 2010

Guest Post: My Life As a Movie

I was so excited when super-talented Alaina from  Live Creating Yourself asked me to be a part of her fun series "My Life As a Movie."

It was such a fun/ silly post to do but kind of eye-opening!  Since writing the post (a couple of weeks ago) we've made some family-business decisions in our family for quality time.  (Will fill you in as soon as I can ! ;)  Go check out Live Creating Yourself for the full "movie."  For the "soundtrack" scroll down a bit & hit "play" on the Youtube video before you start reading ;)

Also, the blog is "finished!" (You can check out all of the links at the top of the header:  "ABOUT" "INTERIORS" (Which is my professional website/ services) "MUSINGS" and "PROJECTS" (Which are typically before & afters).  Jessica Nell Graves at Front Porch Studio sent us this!!

Also, if you haven't gotten the chance, please check out the gorgeous nursery Marianne Strong designed in the previous post!

xoxo, Lauren


  1. Yay! Thanks again for taking part in this series!! I LOVE your song and have been playing it on repeat. : )


  2. you are too cute. that was fab.

  3. OMG I absolutely LOVED that post!!!!!!!!! Now I feel better about my life with 4...

  4. Lauren, that was too much fun and you guys are just adorable. (The diaper story is hysterical! Although it probably wasn't at the time!) The blog looks fantastic too. xoxo, Ally

  5. What a fun and warm couple you are! I am pretty sure a network will be calling pretty soon!

    And the new look is lovely!

    ox, Monika


  6. I love this post. Wept with laughter over the diaper story. Have been there myself - more than once!!! It is surprisingly hard to get the smell of poo out of the carpet hahaha. Have a great weekend.

  7. I vote for Jennifer Garner. Love your new blog!!! Jess is going to help me out too. Love her work.



I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!