26 April 2010

Simple Pleasure...

There's just something about the wind blowing your curtains when the windows are open. Now that the warm weather's here, we have our windows open as much as possible and I'm loving the breezes & seeing our living room curtains gently blowing.  (They're simple white unlined linen and perfect for being wind-whipped... Not that I planned this, but I'm very happy with the results.) 

There are so many little things to love about each & every day and as Spring really comes to bloom, I find myself taking even more notice.  What simple pleasures did you indulge this weekend?


*image from source4interiors.com


  1. Saw Eddie and Jaithen, and they are simply the best!
    Saturday evening we lit candles, had a nice dinner at home with family friends! It was all simply spontaneous like the curtains blowing in the breeze, just letting the wind take me!

  2. love love love this image :) just divine - best le

  3. Just saw your blog on another friends list w/a thumbnail image shown of this picture. I just love this photo! It is so wonderful!

  4. I finally got to do some digging and planting this weekend. So many yard projects! I know the laundry is going to get backed up and I don't care!


  5. Such a beautiful parallel - I'm in Australia and it's just beginning to turn to Winter here (not that it ever get's really cold though). I'm beginning to enjoy some time indoors with the fire going! Lauren, I would love and deeply appreciate your thoughts on my living room when I post some pics in the next few days. You were so encouraging about my entryway and our eclectic styles seem to mash very well. Please let me know your thoughts if you have time.

  6. Fixed an old tiered fountain...then sat under an umbrella to the tinling sound of flowing water...just taking it all in!

  7. Porch swings. Dinner outside. The smell of lavendar as I come up my front walk. Little fat baby legs in shorts and little skinny little-boy legs in shorts. Mint juleps. Open windows. Flowers.

  8. easy!!!;)....while hanging my laundry outside to dry, the wind takes the smell of the softener and carries it ............



  9. I too love having my windows open, helps me sleep at night even. This weekend I was finally able to start planting outdoors which was perfect.

  10. Took the boys for ice cream on Friday night and just enjoyed being out and about in the sunshine. Let the sun shine in!

  11. We had some friends over for PIZZA night on Firday then spent some time adding to our garden on Sunday, then relaxed and enjoyed our hard work while watching our koi swim while sipping on some wine. :) *Amy

  12. Started weather proofing the house for WINTER!!!!!! I am so jealous of your coming Spring as it is my absolute favourite season. The cold is gone and the heat is still to come. We chopped and piled wood, filled in the cracks around the windows and I dug out the woolies. But it was still a good weekend!!

  13. Beautiful, simple and definitely a pleasure.

  14. We finally got our new bathroom cabinets installed this weekend! The bathroom has been a project we have been working on for over a year. I can't begin to tell you how seeing the light at the end of the tunnel feels. The templater for the counter top is coming Thursday. This is hardly a simple pleasure. It's a HUGE pleasure!!!

  15. We love watching the bushes in front of our house bloom. We also power-washed the backyard and strung lights up so we could enjoy the outdoors more!

  16. I painted chairs in my backyard while listening to Kings of Leon and the weather was incredible!

  17. Love this image! I celebrated my birthday with family and friends.

  18. Got a new basketball and went to the court with the kids and dog...I love the arrival of warm weather!!! Janell

  19. oh! I agree - I love breezy days of spring! I planted some lovely boxwoods in 2 zinc planters flanking my stairs and love the bright green freshness of them. : )

  20. I got my hands dirty in the garden, and made a list of things I need for the season...it was nice. Actually, I'm thinking of outdoor curtains this year for my "carport" to make it an eating area, as it's connected more to the garden. Funny you touched on the curtain thing.


  21. watching my daughter play softball and hit her first live pitch!


  22. My husband and I just enjoyed being in our new house. The pic you posted just makes me feel peaceful. Thanks!

  23. This is so beautiful! I love these curtains with the gold pattern.

  24. I love your blog - I'm your newest follower! = )

  25. Such a happy picture! We had beautiful sunny weather this weekend. Have had a lot of rain, so love everything being so green.

  26. Such a happy picture! We had beautiful sunny weather this weekend. Have had a lot of rain, so love everything being so green.

  27. Oh ..this gorgeous picture sums it all! You have a stunning home and lovely ideas. I am a huge fan :-)

  28. Lauren soft sheer curtains blowing in the wind are one of many pleasing thoughts and sites. There is something about a curtain blowing in the breeze that evokes Home sweet Home to me. The other thing is an old screen door that slams shut and creaks. Funny how certain things are sweet memories. Kathysue

  29. Y'all have done some fabulous things with that ol' 70's home. I just saw the nursery last week and it was a pleasure to see how you decorated the rest of your home. So beautiful, bright and airy. You definitley made it yours.

  30. It is absolutely beautiful! You did amazing job in your home. love love love.


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!