We rushed to the emergency room in our pjs (and we're out in the country so it was like 45 mins away in Wisconsin) and his nose just looked like raw hamburger meat. He handled it so well. He stopped crying within a couple of minutes and just kept saying "doggie owie." It was the worst feeling trying to get there because we were following the GPS and roads were closed off and my little baby's nose was just covered in blood. We prayed & realized how much worse it really could have been- eye, throat, etc.
When we got to the hospital, they had to strap him down in one of those papoose things and he was amazing. "I'm tough" he said, haha. He had 4-5 bites and the one that worried me the most was this huge flap of skin on the top. It was so rough watching them stick the anisthetic needle in all of his wounds because he definitely screamed when they kept poking it in. Then they stitched him up for about 15 minutes and he kept saying "all done." I had to help hold him down on his tummy and it was just so hard to look into his little eyes and see how scared/ hurt he was. Just before the end of the stitches I got really dizzy & almost passed out so I had to sit down. It was almost like this weird relief that he was going to be okay and then just I couldn't stand anymore... or like all the adrenaline left and there was no more juice. They finished up and he played with some toys while they briefed us on the situation.
From there we got him some "eggs" (his big request) and went to a reconstructive surgeon who had helped my dad and she took a look at his "owie." She said it wasn't pulled as closely together as it should have been but the only other option was to put him under and have her redo the stictches. Not worth it. We're going back to see her in a week to check on everything.
Once it was all over and Christian was asleep in the car, the crying started. (haha from me) All we could do was thank God that he was okay. At the restaurant we stopped at when he woke up, everyone stared. It's kind of funny to watch the people who pretend they're looking somewhere past you as they slowly swing their heads around & take a good look and then another good look at nothing to your left. haha I really don't blame them-- it's not pretty and was seriously bloody. We have to keep the wounds uncovered but he can't go in the sun so he has a little visor to wear. No lake for a while so we're hoping it heals quickly so we can get this little guy some fun. He's doing great & is loving his new indoor basketball hoop Dave picked up at the drugstore.
Anyway, we're all in a strange spot right now--- insane relief tinged with some serious regret/ guilt/ anger/ sadness. My dad feels horrible--- both of his dogs are at a kennel right now and Quais (the one who bit Christian) is in quarantine. From now on whenever we come here, they'll be kenneled. I know Dave is upset that my dad's not going to put Quais down... I know it's just not in my dad to do it... So there's just a lot of tension right now. (pic below before)
Anyway, I usually only write posts when I have a strong feeling about something- be it happy or excited or something like this that I feel I need to get off my chest... So I'm not sure how much I'll be on for a bit... sometimes it's therapeutic so we'll see. Just check back & hopefully we get to some of the wonderful places I can't wait to show you. Oh, and also, my dad keeps doing stuff to his house. (haha I know, the audacity- HIS HOUSE! haha) But, really bad design choices and it's driving me crazy. It's a simple (beautiful) farmhouse frame with a wraparound porch and he's covering the outside of it in Victorian details- wagon wheels in the corners, ornate spindles with 2 paint colors, an Italiante fountain in the front yard... And I can't even get into the issues on the inside... So not sure if I'll have anything to show you in here. hahaha
ok, talk soon.
I am so sorry to hear about your son!! I will be thinking about you guys and praying that he heals quickly. Hugs to you! It's so hard to watch your little one suffer.
Oh Lauren, bless your heart, I KNOW how frightening something like this can be! I'm so glad to hear, first and foremost, that your sweet, sweet boy is healthy and will be just fine! Having three boys, I've been through stitches more then once and I think the process is equally painful, if not more so, for the mamas and daddys than it is for the little ones.
Hope his recovery is quick and uneventful. Thank goodness they are so resilient and it sounds like you have a tough little guy on your hands. Hope the remainder of your vacation is wonderful!
oh, no, that is just terrible, I am so sorry for him. Praying for his quick mend.
Oh my gosh, Lauren! What a horrible day! There is nothing worse than seeing your child in pain. It is so confusing for them and you just want to be able to take it all away. Uggh.
I'm glad everything seems to be okay for the most part. I hope little Christian continues to heal. Thoughts and prayers going out to you guys...
Wow, I don't know what I would have done to that dog. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE dogs, but I'm like a lioness when it comes to my daughter. I understand both your dad and Dave though. It's a difficult situation. What kind of dog was it? I'm so glad Christian is ok though, that is the most important thing.
Big hug and stay strong!
ps - I got my dining room table delivered today AND the sunburst! It's like Christmas eve here!
Oh my goodness [polite response]. Poor little boy. It must of been a huge scare for all of you. Your description of his bravery really tore at my heart. It is hard to hear of children in pain and must of been incredible for you. I'm not surprised you felt weak once it was safe. Think you all need a good rest. Hope his 'owie' feels better soon and heals quickly. Take care
Oh, Lauren. Nothing in the world more scary or terrifying. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help out. We will be thinking of you guys.
Hi Lauren.
Oh my. It's so scary when something happens to our kids. Bad enough when it's an adult and they can be talked down. A toddler who doesn't REALLY get it all is just awful.
Thank God he is okay and that it wasn't worse. Sweet little pumpkin. I can almost hear him saying "All Done". I cried through the whole post, so I can only imagine how you feel. We had an ER situation with my 2 y.o. a few weeks ago, and it was horribly scary. Everything turned out to be fine, but I absolutely know how you feel about the relief hitting and the adrenaline wearing off. It's hard on mom too.
I hope things get easier with your dad. Situations like that are never easy. Noone wants to blame someone else, but it's hard to not have hard feelings in there.
Blessings to you and your family for a wonderful vacation, free of any more trouble. ;)
Oh, Lauren...aweful news about your baby! What a sweet, sweet trooper! I'm glad to hear that he is doing well though.
This definitely makes me take more time to watch our children around our dog (and others). There's never been an incident, but you just never know.
This also makes me think of how I would want to react if something horrible like this happended to one of my kids. I know I would be insane and lose my mind. Now I've gone over it in my head and will try, try to keep sane! :) (Ya, right).
I cannot wait to see your vision for the lakehouse!
Best wishes to your son (and you)!
Poor baby. We went through something similar when my son (now 6 years) was about a year old, except it was our own dog. He got bit on the cheek. Now, when I tell people about it they are shocked, they usually don't even notice the scars--to me they are so obvious. Young skin heals so much faster than ours does. I still use a lot of sunscreen on his face. And, as hard as it was (for me more than him) I brought him around (NICE)dogs pretty soon after so he would not be afraid of dogs later...he loves them now, but always asks the owner first if their dog is nice or not!
Oh, awful news. I am sorry to hear about your son. Prayers and thoughts to you and your family.
Wow - so scary. Hope that your son - and your family - heal from this trauma quickly.
Oh no! I was literally tearing up as I read this post. That is so horrible. Little man was so brave. I hope everything turns out okay. I know it must be hard for all in the house. Dogs become a part of your family so to have one do something like that is a horrible feeling. I hope everything turns out ok. If you want to chat you have my cell.
Sending many hugs and kisses your way!
Holy crap!! How awful. Life just throws us a loop sometimes...all going well, and then something like this! I am so sorry for your situation Lauren!...he's lucky to have a mom like you!
Keep us posted, will you?
Oh my gosh, how incredibly scary for all of you. Sounds like the little guy was super-brave though!
Oh no! How awful and scary. Sounds like you handled it perfectly though and that you do have one tough little guy there. We adopted our shelter dog when our daughter was ten and never worried for one minute that he was a danger to her or her same-age friends. But a few years later, when he snapped at our neighbor's 3-yr-old grandson, we knew that we couldn't trust him around little kids and toddlers. For some reason, they freak him out. So now, when we have small visitors, he gets locked up... so he can't get to them and so they can't inadvertantly get to him. I'm sure your dad feels BEYOND terrible. Hope your baby heals beautifully inside and out and that this doesn't cause him to be afraid of all dogs (or all doctors!) and may the rest of your vacation be completely uneventful!
My goodness! I can certainly relate to that absolutely horrible feeling in your gut when something like that happens. Bless your heart. I know you all must be going through such an array of emotions. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. What a difficult time.
Very traumatic! And probably more so for you and your husband, and your Dad, because your little guy will most likely get over this sooner than the adults.
So sorry this had to spoil so many things (a much-anticipated trip, a good time, good family feelings, etc.), but give it time, things will heal along with your son's wounds.
I actually think it's a good thing for you to be focusing on your Dad's less than appealing decorating! Takes the focus off other maybe not-so-nice feelings right now and gives those feelings a place to zone in on.
Feel better.
All the best,
I am SO sorry to hear this! My nose was bit up pretty badly when I was about 6 by my painting teacher's standard poodle. My mom was incredibly diligent about putting scar cream on it and today, there's only the tiniest of a scar on my right side! Time heals all wounds and I hop that rings true for Christian and for YOU!
I am so sorry to hear you all had such a scare. I am glad Christian is doing well. How sweet that he was so brave. I hope you all have a safe and happy time for the rest of your trip!
Poor little Christian! I am so sorry he and you had to go through such a horrible ordeal. I can't believe how well he handled it - what a little trooper. I hope he has a quick recovery and that everyone enjoys the rest of the trip. xoxo, alek
Being a mom your post almost had me in tears. I could just feel the fear from you. It is the hardest thing to have a child hurt and you can not do a thing to make it go away. It is also hard to beat up yourself because you keep saying why didn't I notice the dog there?
You did the best you could and it seems you have a very brave little man there. I am so proud of the way he acted and I don't even know him.
I hope he heals wonderfully and I hope this in no way causes him to fear dogs. I feel sorry for your dad as you know he in no way would have dreamed that could happen and would have never caused any harm to come to that boy.
It is a hard situation but it sounds like you have all the love needed to get you all through it.
oh how sad. I hope that you are all on the mend. Sometimes the family dog just can't understand little kids... my fox terrier is that way:(
OMGosh, Lauren. I am so, so sorry this happened. I know Christian will be fine (they always fare better than their mommies, right?)
Nothing's worse than your kiddo hurting.
Hang in there - we're thinking of you and your little sweetie pie!
love you guys, and am thankful my little cp is ok. talk to you later. xoxo
OMG I just feel like crying I know the awful feelings that come with this type of event , our dog has bit our daughter in the face , ALWAYS the face with dogs, and I still till this day am worried he will lash out at her I hate it when he sits with her or near her, she tells me to relax but it is hard its happens in a second, we had a custom muzzle for him for when I sense he is not ok , I get a sixth sense about it , and I am almost always right when he is testy.He is much better now , thankfully he hasn't hurt her again , but she is 8 and knows better how to handle him as we have taught her , how do you decide to "put down" an animal or not it is a really hard call , I understand why your husband wants him to , but I also understand why your dad wouldn't want to , seperation is best ,dogs are animals they can never truly be trusted.
I hope your baby has a speedy recovery , I am so sorry you have to all go through this .
What kind of dog is it?
Just Beachy
Lauren- So sorry that y'all had to deal with this. Thinking of y'all and I know Christian will recover quickly! xx- Brooke
So sorry yall are having to go through this on vacation. Our dog doesn't really love my nephews and we are always really careful when they are around, but you never know. I would be so upset if our dog ever bit one of them. It would be a tough decision, but my nephews come to MY house, our dog doesn't come to their house. Our dog is all we have after they leave so I really understand where your dad is coming from. Hope C get well soon
I am so sorry for all involved. I hope Christian is okay emotionally & physically, although it sounds like he is already so strong & doing well. My sister was bit as a small child (not as young as Christian), also in the face. She still wears her scars on the outside, but still loves animals. :) Four dogs at home, works for a Vet & used to be an animal control officer. :)
It is definitely a tough situation, I wish you all the best & hope any future ibcindents can be avoided & your family can heal.
I'm sorry that happened! I hope Christian heals quickly and the surgeon gives you good news on patching things up right.
Oh my Lauren!! What a way to start your vacation, I'm so sorry!!
I read this with my mouth hanging wide open in shock, I am so SO glad that Christian is ok and will be ok, little boys really are tough :) Hang in there, the tension will die down and things will hopefully go back to normal in a few days. I hope your little guy gets to enjoy the lake after all, and you get to relax as well- you totally deserve it now :)
I am so sorry about your precious one...but glad he will be well. It's hard on the parents (and grandparents) but time heals all wounds physical and otherwise.
I had to watch my little one get staples put in his head after being hit by another child with kids sized gold clubs. I almost fainted as well...
I'm thinking about you guys Lauren! What a tough little guy you have. You're a great mommy...hang in there.
I can see CP now
"auntie, Owie"
Oh Lauren my heart goes out to you guys. Brave little guy there! You all are in my prayers.
oh! i am so sorry for your little man! i am so glad he was so brave! i couldnt even imagine! i hope all gets back to normal for yall soon!
I am so sorry about your little guy! You guys are definitely in my thoughts and prayers! He is so tough!
Oh dear Lauren, I was so shocked and sad to see the first couple of lines of this post. Your darling Christian! What a good, big boy he is and what a little trooper but he must have been scared and surprised too! I think you must have really held it together in front of him or else he might have been much more frightened. You poor thing - you must have been so overwhelmed with emotion and with shock! Things like this happen so fast and we can never protect them or ourselves from them. Try not to be angry at anyone, except maybe the universe. Little Christian didn't deserve this and I do think your father's dog should be put down. Biting, especially a baby, isn't okay. The dog will never be able to be trusted again. i know it is hard- I am a pet owner too and we never think our baby animal could hurt someone, but this dog did and may again. The baby and his safety (and everyone else's) trumps that!
Oh dear oh dear. I hope the doctor is able to help so he is not left with a bad scar.
Love and hugs to you and thanks for sharing. Good to share with people who care so much for you!!
xo and a big hug to you and thinking of you three! xo Terri
Well that sucks.
I think just about every kid goes through at least one painful event like this. Being a klutz, I had multiple painful events -- stitches more times that I can remember, shaving my face with a razor and no shaving cream, falling off my bike and fracturing my skull... I'm surprised my parents let me out of the house, I was always coming back damaged!! ;-)
Christian sounds like a tough little guy. I hope his recovery is quick and trouble-free.
oh poor thing! glad he is ok. don't even think about what could have been. once my little baby put an electrical cord in her mouth which the cat had chewed and the force of the electricity made her fly across the room and burned her mouth! er and ambulance. it's almost like a rite of passage in a way.
he sounds so adorable and so brave! and just let your dad kennel the dogs, she probably didn't mean it either. oh, I feel so bad for you!!!!!!!!!!! try to relax and have fun and don't think about what could have happened - it didn't. Thank God.
Oh! Deep breath for you. We have been there (well to the ER several times with 4 kids...but dog bite on daughters head once.
The worst is the look on their face and in their eyes as you try to calmly hold them.
Your reaction will be so important. He is so young that this will not stay with him emotionally...unless you guys create that place. That is the hard part. I agree with Joni...don't focus on what could have happened...
Dogs and toddlers are not a good mix anyway.
Hugs to you...and now you take a big breath.
As a mother, I can only imagine how you felt when that happened to your little man. He was so brave! Thank goodness he is going to be ok.
Big hug to you all.
Lauren - Just want you to know that I'm thinking of you all. I hope that C is feeling a bit better and that the hard feelings have softened a bit so you can enjoy your vacation. Sending good vibes your way darling! xo -S
Oh I am so glad Christian is okay. I know that was a horrible experience. I hope he feeling better!
oh my goodness, Lauren! I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad to hear Christian is doing well, and it doesn't sounds like he's too bothered by it. and being a dog person, I just feel for your dad, too. it feels trivial to say "these things happen," but I guess they do. will be praying for ya'll!
Sending you a virtual hug, Lauren. I am glad that your little baby is on the mend. I am wishing for you a peaceful remainder of your vacay!
I was almost holding my breath waiting to get to the end of this story. I'm so glad he's okay!
Lots of love,
Poor little guy! So glad to hear he is ok. We just went through a mess of our own last Sunday with my son who looks close to your little guys age. We were at the lake as well and had a hard time getting an ambulance and I didn't know the address of the condo we were at. It was horrible. Like you I held it together until I knew he would be alright and then my husband and I just broke down and cried. So glad to hear your little guy is doing ok. Hopefully you and I won't have any more trips to the emergency room anytime soon!
i have read your blog occasionally, but have never left a comment before. i wanted to tell you that i was bit on my cheek by my neighbor's cocker spaniel, in 1980, when i was three years old. it is my earliest memory, & i remember everything from the incredible amounts of blood that i got all over my dad's white t-shirt to the black velcro papoose that they strapped me in to sew my cheek up. i remember working myself up into such hysterics that i was sweating on the table. i remember it like it was yesterday, but the good news is that today, you can bearly see the scar (if at all) & i learned to be much more careful around dogs. that dog never bit me again, & i grew up to be a dog lover (although i still have a strong prejudice against cocker spaniels!)
i have two young sons, 2 & 4, & when my youngest was 4 months old, he fell out of the bumbo seat, hit his head, & broke his skull. i have never been so scared before in my entire life. thankfully, he had no brain damage & his broken skull healed after several weeks. i tell you this bc i know the fear you felt & the guilt for not being more proactive, but the truth of the matter is that you cannot be a beat yourself up for doing or not doing something, that kids (especially boys!) are going to have accidents, and you cannot be a helicopter mom & hover over their every move-- all you can do is your best! i am sure he will have a full recovery & i will hope this will be the worst of his childhood accidents!
Ohhh, I am completely convinced that this past week was awful for everyone. I hate to hear that about your precious little boy. Growing up, we spent many nights in the E.R. for my little brother, from being so full of life. He is still so full of spunk. Little boys heal so quickly so he probably won't scar. Layers of sunscreen will be your best bet for the next few summers. I hope that you guys have a great summer. I love your blog. Your style reminds me of Thomas O'Brien's, who is just fabulous.
What a scary thing for you all to go through. When my oldest son was only one, he tripped over my feet (I was sitting on the hearth to keep the kids away and safe)and fell hands first onto the glass of my SIL's gas fireplace. It was so hot his hands stuck to the glass and I had to pull them off. Instant HUGE thick burns and very traumatic trip to ER. Three weeks of in-home daily nurse to change dressings and now, eleven years later the scars are very faint. I always warn people about gas fireplaces. We went home and shut ours off for the next ten years.
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