08 June 2009

Blogger Tags: 6 Things about Me & Splash Awards

I've been tagged by Sherri of Just the Five of Us and Alice of Searching for Style to do a post on 6 uninteresting things about myself and tag 6 other bloggers to do the same. Also, Copy Cat Chic tagged me in the "Splash Awards" where you list a bunch of blogs that you love and tag them. I'm honestly not much of a tagger because it's so hard for me to pick only a few blogs that I love, so I'm tagging everyone who wants to join in to post a link on either of these in the comments section.

1) I agree with people when they say "time is money" but I'd rather get paid in time. My husband and I have made some decisions & life choices that have left us with less money & more time. At times it can be a little tough (we'd love to travel more and furnish the whole house right away!!!) but in the end we're always happy with the choices we've made. Time with each other and our son is what's most important to us. My husband's a teacher & is about to have the whole summer off starting next week & I'm so excited!!!!

2) I love taking pictures of my finished work. When I take a picture of a finished project in a client or friend's home, I feel totally content. Almost like it's mine. Haha I know how weird & creepy that sounds but it's almost like I don't need that gorgeous lamp in my house because it's in so-and-so's house. Living vicariously I guess??

3) Every 5 years of my life, I've cut my hair really short. (chin length) it's very weird & I never realized it until the last time I did it, but literally at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 I've gotten the "chop!"

4) Almost every day (when the weather's nice enough) my toddler & I go outside & I lay out a blanket in the grass and we read & eat snacks & play in the yard. It's one of my favorite times.

5)My toddler is watching Teletubbies right at this minute so I can finish this post (and I'm feeling guilty, so must run!!!) eeeeek bad mama!!

6) I'm pregnant!!! (I'm almost finished with first trimester (cannot wait for that!!) and now can tell you that I have been SO SLEEPY for the past few months and was a pretty worthless helper getting things done efficiently with the move!!!) I'm also showing way sooner (I guess they say this is normal the second time around??) and am wondering how big I'll get this time?!!! :) (The pic below is a little over 4 months during my first pregnancy and I'm almost that size right now) We're so excited & the baby's due around Christmas- New Years!!
so, whoever would liek to participate in the game of tag, just post a link in the comments section!!



  1. Yay! So happy that the cat is out of the bag. Congrats again on the new baby! He/She is going to be one cute kid! I can't wait to see that belly, I mean you, soon.

  2. Congratulations on the new baby!! That is so exciting. I have started showing sooner this time around, too. Guess that tummy knows what's coming!

  3. Congratulations! All the best to you and your family!

    And I think these were all very interesting little facts!

  4. Just goes to show you that everything is relative...I'm growing my hair out "long". Long meaning chin length!

    Congratulations, and after having 5, my answer would be YES, hands down you will show more...but my baby bubble was never as cute as that ;)

  5. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you. And look at how cool you are, telling us that as one of your 6 "uninteresting" things! That is totally interesting and exciting. (All of your other things were fun, too.) Congratulations again. I wish you all the best. xoxo

  6. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!! I am so so so happy for you and your husband, what exciting news!!!

  7. Congratulations Lauren! I'm so happy for you!

  8. oh how fun. such exciting news. congrats, lauren! xx- Brooke

  9. CON-GRAT-U-LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATIONS!!!!!!!!!! woo hooooooo!!!

  10. AH!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on the new baby!!!! I am so excited for you!!!!

    Completely agree with you on #1!

  11. Congrats on your good news!!! First visit to your blog and I am loving it. My husband and I also made the choice over money and time. At times it feels contraining and yet liberating in the same respect (I guess it depends on what I want to buy at the time, HA HA!)
    Will be back.

  12. Uninteresting things?!? Hardly!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  13. I loved your post!! The blanket, the pregnant tummy, the first piece about making choices, everything! I got a splash award too but I didn't want to tag a bunch of blogs either so I'm going to do it your way and do 6 uninteresting things. . .

  14. Lauren!!! What wonderful news! I am so happy for you both. That is just amazing news - and you waited 'til the end of your list for all your die-hard readers to find. Look at you, you teeny tiny adorable little thing -you must look so adorable pregnant. Maybe you will get bigger this time but hopefully it is very manageable!

    Congrats and have a fun summer with your hubby.

    xo Terri

  15. Congratulations!!! Another lodger for the Treehouse!

  16. Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself! It is always fun to get to know "bloggers" a little more!

    Also, congrats on the pregnancy!

  17. Hey girl! Congrats on your newest upcoming bundle! Yes normal to be extra tired...extra big...extra cranky.

    You took a lot on...moving, preggers, ripping out kitchens! Take it slow...enjoy the ride!

  18. Life is beautiful....congratulations on the next arrival in your home terminal...
    Take good care of yourself!

  19. HOORAYYYYY!!! Congrats to you and yours!
    I also love your 5 year chop - adorable on you!!

  20. Congrats! Very interesting Uninteresting piece! What a lovely dress in the first picture...

  21. Thanks for playing tag! Also,congratulations on the new baby!!!

  22. ohhhhhhhh congrats!!!! HOW exciting for you and the fammmm!!

  23. That's so exciting, Lauren! I'm so happy for you and your handsome husband (loved the picture of you two dancing!).
    Love your little bump picture too. My body really went for it the second and third pregnancies. All you can do is enjoy it, since it goes by pretty quickly.


  24. That was a fun comment (and link you sent me) hey I am going to write a post about good go-to colours so you'll get it soon! As long as she was happy, all you have to do is go 'note to self"!

  25. Mazel tov! I had no idea you were expecting! Many blessing to you and your family!! Also, I am thinking about getting a cute little bob myself!! So I totally relate!

  26. Congrats!!!

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  27. Aw, how exciting, CONGRATULATIONS!
    You'll love being the mama of two and watching your first born love on his new little baby brother or sister. Wishing you all the best! XoXo-nkp

  28. oh my gosh congratulations! i'm away from blogs for 2 days and i feel like i've missed so much! such exciting news!

    congrats to you and your hubby!

  29. Wow, imagine how surprised I was to find out you're pregnant too! How awesome!!! I'm due November 18th, and I'm showing a lot more than I did the last time too! (I feel like I'm six months pregnant, when I'm actually 4,5...)
    Big hug!! :D

  30. Cripes, I miss visiting your blog for a few weeks and look what happens, you go and get pregnant!! ;-)

    Was it such a bad thing to not be more helpful with the move?? ;-)

    Congrats to you and your hubby!! :-)



I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!