09 November 2009

Time Flies... Better Late Than Never!

Well, time's really flown since we moved into our new house. It's been 6 months! I've been pregnant the whole time & when we first moved (during my first trimester) I was pretty worthless with helping out. I fell asleep on the sofa almost every night around 7 & poor Dave got so much done.

Second trimester (and summer) just flew by with an insane amount of home improvement projects and travel plans....

And now, here I am with a baby due in a little over a month & I can't believe how quickly the time has flown!!! (haha and back on the couch again! - but not really ;)

First pregnancies & second pregnancies are VERY different. (at least for me.) For my first pregnancy with Christian (now 2) it was pretty much all we talked about for MONTHS. We had lots of name ideas & found out as soon as we could that we would be having a baby boy. (I really thought I was having a girl & wanted one badly!! haha) We talked to Christian the whole pregnancy long. The nursery planning & painting began in February & he wasn't due until July. It's really a magic time & there's nothing like it. (Christian's nursery below.)

Now for my second pregnancy... sometimes I forget I'm even pregnant! Christian takes up so much of my thoughts & energy that I just don't have as much mental room cleared out for this pregnancy as I did the first time. (I can only imagine how subsequent pregnancies go! :) We don't know if we're having a boy or a girl and decided that when Baby 2 gets here, he or she will be loved & coddled an insane amount so that for now (while he/ she is still "inside") we'll focus on Christian. But, when we sing & talk to Christian, this little baby is hearing it too so I'm okay with this.

Anyway, what this is all leading to is the fact that we've done NOTHING with the baby's nursery. eeeeeeeek It's definitely a lot harder to plan a nursery this time not knowing if we're having a boy or a girl. Of course we're keeping all of the same furniture, but I do want to do something a little different from Christian's nursery. (Hey, I'm a decorator! I live for this stuff! ;) And, let me be totally frank here: a nursery is for the parents. (in our case, for me.. Dave could really care less how cute it is ;) But no baby cares what his room looks like. They just don't. So when planning this nursery I'm under no illusions that this is going to make my baby happy or that the color of the walls will matter at all to him or her. It's for me. It will make me happy. Below is the seashell mobile my cousin & I made for Christian's nursery over 2 years ago... It really did make me smile...

Here's the chaise lounge that we're still using: (pictured in our old house/ nursery)...

And now sad & lonely in the new nursery:

Here's the new nursery... just waiting to be done!!! We're keeping all of the furniture you see along with the bumper & sheets. (We're doing a new blanket- the striped blue one I made for Christian & I'll do a new one for the new baby- and also new mobile, and crib skirt & pillows... don't worry the pillows won't go in the crib to suffocate the baby ;) And of course we need some paint!

So... I was thinking owls a bit back if you remember... and then I came across this awesome owl lamp from Gallery Designs: (top 2 pendants are from them as well.)

Finally when I saw this lamp, a vision started forming. (It took long enough! ;) Since we don't know the sex of the baby, I'm going to stay super-neutral: creams, browns, oatmeals, black and white... I can always add in color in accents once the little one arrives... (really more likely once the "3-6 month blur" passes over this house ;) But I just want it to be totally relaxing & subtle & textural with a little hit of fun. I loved the tone-on-tone stripes in Christian's nursery & want to do the same thing in cream in here. Since we sometimes call our house "the treehouse" I thought that owls & trees would be great for the nursery... So I want to make a huge tree growing on the wall behind the crib out of decoupaged newspaper... Then we can tape up photos and pictures & little notes & fun things all over it.... Sort of like this wallpaper tree from Romp but out of newspaper:And I'd love to add a sculptural natural chandelier similar to this one from Arteriors Home. (This one is unfortunately too big with only 8 foot ceilings.)

And for a fabric option, I love this: Does anyone know what it's called or where to get it?? I found it at southlandpology.com:

And I'd love to add a Dash & Albert rug:

Anyway, I'll be looking for some good artwork to hang above the toy/ book shelf and of course a bunch of fabrics, so if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them!! For the windows I'm just doing Sears Roman shades in 'natural.' (I probably won't add any ebellishments to them because I want to keep the window treatment pretty blank for future room switches..) We plan on painting in the stripes (SO TEDIOUS!!) this weekend...



ps- for the full story & photos of Christian's nursery, click here

***UPDATE: Ok, I decided to go "cuter" than originally planned. After talking with family & thinking about how Christian will be in there enjoying it too, I'm going a little more "baby" than I wanted to go. It's still going to be really textural with some hits of color (and we're doing the newspaper tree) but it'll feel like a little more of a vintage-modern mix & maybe a little more "fun" than originally planned. I ordered the Dash & Albert pale blue rug above (boy or girl, I like it ;) and am sticking with the cream striped walls, but am using this colorful mobile made by a super-talented etsy -seller.

I found this vintage concert poster & will have it framed with oversized matting for one wall:
I'm loving this owl fabric. Such a pretty pale blue... I'm thinking either for a blanket or a pillow or bedskirt or even as banding on the roman shades... depends "how" cute I want to go ;)
And I'm crazy about this vintage crewel owl family (below). They look so lovingly-created! I plan on layering them above the shelves with the toy baskets along with a large mirror, lamp & some other things...

Finally, depending on if we have a boy or girl, I'll still add in "girlier" fabrics, curtains & accessories or some more boy colors...


  1. I love the owl fabric and the natural chandelier, the nursery sounds like it will be beautiful! I know I've seen that fabric somewhere lately but I can't remember where. I'll let you know if I find it!

  2. 1st and 2nd pregnancies are definitely different. We are working on our 2nd nursery and still have a lot to do. I can't wait to see how yours turns out.

  3. Love the decoupaged tree idea! It could work as a family tree of sorts... to introduce baby to his/her new family or later, as a place to hang baby's own artwork. How fun that you've left the baby's gender as a surprise!

  4. Christian's nursery is beautiful! I love the mobile you made for him and all the thoughtful, elegant details.

    Your post reminds me that I still have much to do for our first baby's nursery! He is due in January, which I am sure will be here much quicker than I think.

  5. Love your plans. I also didn't find out if it was a boy or girl for my 2 pregnancies. Loved the surprise factor and being a bit old-fashioned about not knowing.

    Love the second bird pendant!!

  6. whatever you do will be beautiful. i could never wait to find out the sex. you are much more mentally powerful than me.

  7. Lauren,
    All beautiful!
    I also love the fabric with the owls! I wish I could help you but I really don't know where to get it!
    But I will look out!


  8. Hi Lauren, Your ideas for the nursery sound wonderful! Trees and owls are both beautiful themes...and go so well with the rest of your house. xoxo Trina

  9. I LOVE the owls!! Have a great thought for you, but need to find the link. Appreciate your honestly in the differences between 1 and 2. I think it just IS. (we still haven't gotten to baby #1, so I appreciate the perspective!).

    ANd, I love the neutral look too. You'll be sure to get accessories when he/she comes and then they can fit the personality.

  10. I love nursery designs.Everything you picked is so unique.

  11. Yeah a plan in place! I love everything so far, of course, and I think it will be perfect to add either blue or pink too once the baby comes!!

  12. I think your nursery plans are going to come out beautifully. I really like your "owl" inspiration lamp.

    I thought it was funny when you mentioned that the nursery decor is really for the parents. It is so true. Then one day, they grow up and have their own design esthetic. I know, because I always enjoyed decorating my daughters room. Now she wants to design it herself. I was actually thinking of doing a post on that. Luckily some of me has rubbed off on her! Good Luck and I can't wait to see the final results!

    Stay off your feet and rest if you can! ~Jamilyn

  13. Fun post Lauren, you are such a talent, I love your style!

  14. I can totally imagine what it is like when the experience is no longer NEW and TERRIFYING as the first one. haha. Don't sweat it - you are totally right that the baby does not care. All it needs is love, food, a safe warm bed, etc. and not decor!!

    After I asked you about it, I felt bad because I thought maybe you had not gotten to it, trying to get other rooms done! Do not worry about us - as long as the room is COMFORTABLE for Mom and Dad and baby!

    I think if I ever did a nursery, I would keep it quite neutral like you are doing, and all I can think of is soft textures, comfortable nursing chair, etc. For me I think it would be more about comfort than anything (oh, and easy clean-up!). I have no babies but a cat the barfs orange cat food on a regular basis - I find that my creams and browns are good but off-white is not so good. haha.

    xo cousin Terri

  15. Lauren - email me your address as I would like to add you guys to my Christmas card list (if I get around to them this year!!!). xoxo Terri


  16. We didn't have a name for our second and decided on one driving to the hospital!

    Also, I created a design board for a friend who liked owls and is having a baby; it may be more modern than you are thinking though -


  17. Oh, I am so with you (I have 4 children), you will be surprised, it gets easier...
    I love your choices, which reminded me, I posted a couple of weeks back (October)on design for children and had found two Etsy sellers with great mod design for kids. When I saw your owl motiv I thought about them. Why don't you check them out: decyolab (an adorable owl wall clock etc) and petitcollage (mobiles and prints)

    All the best! Take it easy and legs up as often as you can!


  18. Hello Lauren

    I really enjoy following your pregnancy on your blog! your happiness comme here through the web and it is so beautiful.
    For me, only one child ... forever ... impossible for a second ... only but a really successful one (objectively talkin' as you see) now 16 years old ... a beautiful surfer/guitarist boy dreaming of becoming a rockstar and not really interested at school for the moment ... on the other hand, when he try to be mature, he wants to become interior designer!
    come what may ... Being parents is like holidays till they are teens!!!

    Take care of you and your babies.

    ... hope my english is not so bad

  19. I completely agree with the two pregnancies being totally different. I'm so much more relaxed this time!! My due date is only 11 days away, and I'm not worked up about it at all. She can even come past the due date if that's what she wants! (with Indie, I expected her to come some time around week 36, which she of course didn't, she came in week 41!)

    We haven't finished no 2's nursery either. She will stay in our room for the first months, and after that she'll take over Indie's old room. Indie has gotten a new room though, which has been LOTS of fun!! Am hoping to finish it this week!! YAY!

    The owl theme is super cute, and goes really well with the rest of the decor for the house.

    It's sew sweet has a lot of really cute fabrics that are reasonably prized, but I'm not sure if she has anything with owls on them though... http://stores.ebay.com/Its-Sew-Sweet__W0QQ_fsubZQ2d999QQ_scZ1QQ_sopZ1

    Anyways.. Am super excited to see what you end up doing, am SURE it's going to be fabulous!!

    Have a great Tuesday!

  20. I was wondering if you give more details on the mobile that is pictured on this post? I couldn't enlarge the picture and I wondered what was hanging down on the strings that did not have shells. Also what kind of string is used etc.

  21. Love the sofa in the third image! Who is the manufacturer?

  22. Make sure you save the items hanging from your baby's mobile. You can cut them off the mobile & hang them on your Christmas tree when your baby's older.

  23. here are a couple links to modcloth...I saw these a while back and really want to include them in a new nursery whenever the time comes....love the bird hooks!

    Owl print:

    And I'm mad because they used to have these really cool bird wall pegs..but I don't see them anymore.

  24. Lauren- that tree from Romp you posted TOTALLY reminds me of my friends' company, EarthBabies (URL is the same name + .com) They do all sorts of great neutral baby items, that are not only 100% earth friendly and baby friendly, but made to be pleasing to adults eyes. You should totally check it out, and if you like anything, I'd be happy to call her and place a small order (and I think I get family and friends discount) and send it your way. They have totally precious onesies, as well as burp rags and GREAT blankets. - even though I know you're making at least one baby blanket from scratch. Check it out!

  25. You SO have it together on the Mom front. I have 4 amazing, terrific kids, and it's refreshing to hear a new mom/mom of 2 to have such a great perspective. You have terrific design ideas.

  26. Target has the most adorable little owl candles right now. They would be darling perched on a shelf or something. They had cream and cohocalte brown.

    Only like 3.99.

    I'm so excited to see this come together. Owls are one of my favorite things and I've been dying to see someone use them in anon cheesy way.

    Good luck.

  27. I'm very excited to see what you come up with here! I'm sure it will be beautiful :)

  28. Just wondering who makes the pale blue/green fabric with the owls? (is it blue? It looks more minty green on my screen) I am doing a fox/woodland animal theme for my nursery. We are waiting to find out what we are having as well and thought pale blue/green with rust red would be pretty. The owl fabric fits! Thanks so much!


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!