05 October 2009

Switching Life over for Fall

As most of you probably know by now, I love to switch around my house, especially seasonally. It's for this reason that I need a fairly neutral "base" for my house so that I can change colors & moods on a whim. To some, rearranging seasonally may sound like something only crazy people with "too much time on their hands" do, but to others (and I know a lot of you are as design-obsessed as me) it's just what you do and it makes you happy. It's an awesome creative outlet that doesn't cost a lot of money and keeps your home feeling fresh. (images above & below from martha stewart.com)

Anyway, right now I'm in the mood for Fall!! And there are lot of different type of "Fall," but this year I'm in the mood for a darker, moodier, super-cozy Fall. (I think it's supposed to be cold this year!!)
1. Switch out accent pillows: Think warmer colors: golds, oranges, browns, warm beiges but even plums & mossy greens work well right now. Use whatever feels "Fall" to you. You might even want to use more pillows than usualy to get that "cozy" & layered feel.

I'm loving these leather pillows from Restoration Hardware:
2. Get a throw blanket on every surface you're likely to "nest." In my own house, I love to curl up. I pretty much always wrap a blanket around myself & have my feet up somehow: elevanted or tucked under me but rarely on the ground. (I'm one of those odd people that often sits Indian- style in the passenger seat of the car.) But, in the Fall, I bring out even more throws. One for the sofa... and one for a chair... the bedroom... a couple in the family room. I just want everyone to be able to get cozy quickly. I keep a basket in the living room for fluffy faux fur blankets. (image via doseofdesign.blogspot.com)

3. Get your fireplace ready. If you had anything in it for the off-season like stacks of wood or a fern, pull in out & have it waiting. Call a chimney sweep if need be so you don't get that smokey smell.
4. Reaccessorize around your mantle, tabletops and surfaces. Think aged brass, wamer woods, and things with a sense of age: vintage finds, antiques, cracked finishes, etc. (imgae from Monique Keegan's House in CL)

5. In bookshelves, showcase richer-feeling books & accessories. (image from Country Home)

6. If you have any "loose artwork" (like something just propped on the mantle versus nailed in) switch it out with artwork that makes you think of Fall. Rich colors & subjects that warm up the space. ( my mom's mantle below)

7. Put more candles around & have some at the ready. (I really love Yankee Candle's huge jar "pumkin pie" candle but it's really not pretty so I store it under a cabinet & pull it out only when in use.) But, If you've got some pretty hurricanes or pillar candles, put them around where you'll be likely to use them. And think smell too. Pumkin & vanilla & hazlenut in the Fall are just amazing and how wonderful is it to walk into a home with those smells?!

8. Bring in some pumpkins & gourds!! I think they're beautiful anywhere you can get them. Piled on a table, mantle or even next to the fireplace. (Oh and don't forget in an urn!! image below from Country Living)

9. Add or switch out rugs. Replace cotton ones with wool rugs, add a rug where the floor was bare.. just warm it up a bit. (image below from Monique Keegan's - a FAVOROTE!!- in CL)

10. Go for walks & pick up what's around you and enjoy the brisk weather. Christian loves collecting acorns & pinecones. A little dish of acorns or a bowl of pimecones is just so pretty. Greenery is also always perfect for bringing in. I've been bringing in lots of weeds from outside lately & am loving how long they live!! (image from flicker)

11. Spruce up your outdoor entry. Mums & pumkins, gourds & ornamental cabbages really make guests feel welcome. (And will make you so happy when you come home!)

11. Have some treats ready. I LOVE having a bowl of walnuts on the table in the Fall. The nut cracker should be waiting in it so people can dig in at any time.
Bowls of apples or pears are beautiful & healthy too!

12. We love doing a weekly soup. Most Sundays or Mondays I end up making a soup and we can eat it for lunches or dinners throughout the week. It's just so comforting & delicious to have around!! (My in-laws visited this weekend & my mother-in-law left us homemade split-pea soup- yum!!!) image below from peandhamsouprecipe.com.... I'm TOTALLY making grilled cheese & microwaving up some soup for lunch today!!

13. Get your coat closet & entry ready. Get out your scarves & gloves & heavier coats. Use baskets or boxes for organzing. Have a spot near the front door for wet boots & shoes and maybe a basket for loose scarves. Hooks are great too if you've got a spot.

14. Have good music at the ready. Cooking & hanging out & relaxing at home can be more fun with good music. I'm definitely in the mood for different music in the fall than in the summer... My favorite right now is Mr.Pitiful by Matt Costa: http://www.mattcosta.com/music (If you haven't heard it, you'll LOVE it... I promise... kind of a modern Beatles vibe)

15. Have good a book & some magazines at the ready. (These days that might entail having your computer with you- how awesome is Lonny?!!)

I'll be doing some more specific posts in "Fall decorating" as the season continues. Would love to hear what you do to cozy up for Fall so I can include it!!!




  1. i want one of those furry throws! Need one in cream. I guess I don't really change my house for fall. So far I have bought a small clearance mum for my dining room table, that's it!

  2. I'm in full-on fall nesting mode. Pumpkins and some Goldenrod from the side of the road, and bringing out the few copper accessories I have. Also added plaid to the beds, which I'm OBSESSED with. Made a pumpkin pound cake last night that made the house smell devine!

    I love the Yankee candle fall scents, too. I saw last week that Target is carrying them now, and they have a smaller, prettier jar version -- yay!

  3. I just LOVED this post and I'm inspired to do the same in my home! Thank you!

  4. Boy you are fast becoming one of my favorite blogs. I think you sold me with your own living room decor. Keep up the good work. You're right...fall is nesting time and these ideas were great. I want to be inside and I want to cook all of a sudden. (Not so much in the summer.) It seems our bodies and our brains need a "cozy" season to replenish.

  5. Great ideas! I love throws and soft rugs...now if I could just have a real fire in my fireplace I'd be set!! (gas)

    And music...yes! Janell

  6. * Every single time I come here I leave with a BIG SMILE on my FACE~~~ simply stated, I just LOVE YER BLOG!!!

    Thank you again, as always!
    Linda in AZ *

  7. I love fall... All of the images that you posted are great. I need to get my house in fall mode!

  8. Love your post on fall! My Hubby hates it when I do the nuts in the bowl. Hence - he's to lazy to crack them but I just love to look at them! I'm trying very hard to think of other things that I do for Fall but I think you covered them all! Great Post!

  9. Love the idea of making simple changes that can totally warm up a home for fall. Beautiful suggestions. One easy little thing I always do: keep out a vintage green bowl filled with candy corn. It elicits an excited and nostalgic response!

  10. I love this post! Those faux fur throws make me want to curl up in front of the fire with a great book. Wonderful ideas!

  11. This is really a neat post and I'm glad I could visit your site to see what is going on.
    Fantastic ideas,
    d from homehaven

  12. Very much in the mood for Fall here as well (was stuck on summer for a while!) and these pics and suggestions are great!

  13. Clearly I need to buy an urn to put a green ball or pumpkin in. I am seriously deprived I think!! Great post Lauren and good advice for fall!

  14. I love this post lots of great ideas.I will be back for more inspiration for sure!


  15. Fab post brimming with great ideas!!! I just love all the inspirational pictures you chose too! Perfect!

  16. We got snow yesterday (big fluffy flakes that melted when they hit the ground), so my fall decorating has consisted of bringing out the mitts and scarf basket and sticking it back in the coat closet. :)

    I did make a lovely autumnal soup on Saturday evening! Some great ideas here but I just can't seem to find much time lately for decorating, blogging or otherwise. But I like your idea of nuts and apples and easy things that only take a minute but make it more home-y and warm!

    xxo T.

  17. That have some of those fabulous fuzzy throws at TJ Maxx for $20!

  18. * LAUREN~ The lamp on your LAST posting (that you said you coveted), is one I had "saved" when I saw it online, as I was really thinking it might work for my purposes (and yes, I really liked it too!)... I THOUGHT I marked it (I KNOW I did!), but now CANNOT find it~~~ Would you happen to know WHERE/WHICH STORE/COMPANY has it???? If so, pleeeease, let me know, ok???? (bellesmom1234@comcast.net)~~~

    Thanks, Sweetie! I sure would appreciate it!!!! (Going NUTS trying to FIND it again!!!)
    XO, Linda in AZ *

  19. Beautifully perfect fall inspiration!

    Now if it weren't 95 degrees with 100 percent humidity....I'd be alll set!

  20. I decorate for fall. I have cozy throws and pillows, even some fall artwork. For our kitchen, I always put up our brown transferware on our open shelves. http://acountryfarmhouse.blogspot.com/2009/09/fall-kitchen.html
    Happy Fall! ; ) Trina

  21. I too am one of those crazy chics that likes to switch the house around according to season. I am just not one of those people that like a bunch of flowery, spring type stuff.......unless it is spring. During the spring and summer months I change out my pillows, picutres and such for lighter colored ones and in the fall and winter I use more deep, rich colors.
    Glad to hear someone is as crazy as me! :)

  22. Hi Linda! The lamp that we both love is from Arteriors Home!!! how beautiful?!!! thanks (as always!!) for the sweet comment!!!

  23. How funny! I never have my feet on the ground either (both literally and figuratively!). I always have my legs tucked under me if I'm sitting. Either that or I'm always lying down(!)

  24. Oh, what great tips for changing to the fall season! And I so want that bowl of soup right now:)

  25. Oh, what great tips for changing to the fall season! And I so want that bowl of soup right now:)

  26. Oh, what great tips for changing to the fall season! And I so want that bowl of soup right now:)

  27. i love that not one of your suggestions mentioned hay or fake cobwebs. in fact yours are perfect and lovely, as usual. i am going to scott antiques market this weekend and am on a mad hunt for brass for my mantle.

  28. mmm your 1st photo makes me want to paint some walls orange!

  29. I love this post. So inspirational! I am heading into Spring but will tuck this away for next Autumn. Thanks!

  30. Ha -- I totally just did this this past weekend. I agree some people might call us crazy, but taking care of my home is sooo cathartic.

    Great post!

  31. Oh, that first photo looks so yummy, like a Hermes box :-)

  32. * THANKS soooo MUCH, Lauren!!! (It's, quite honestly, just been just driving me batty all day, so you KNOW I sooo apppreciate that info!)~~ XO, Linda *

  33. Amazing Designs...............
    I appreciate this..............
    i suggest here you find something similar to your taste InterioGuru

  34. You had me at "grilled cheese" !

    Seriously, this is full of great ideas. I'm still trying to get my lounge right for just one season, but things like extra candles, throws in a handy basket, and some pumpkins around the place, well, even I can manage that!

    Lovely, evocative piece, thank you!

  35. :) Love this post.

    I've started to rearrange my clothes..pulling the jackets from the back to the front of the closet along with my favorite sweaters. As far as decorating goes, I like to keep the windows open to bring in the fresh air :)

    Great post Lauren. Can't wait to come over for some soup with your family :)

  36. Fabulous tips! I adore the paint color in that first photo. And the last one features one of my prominently displayed coffee table books. I miss you Domino!

  37. Wonderful post. You are a woman after my own heart. I love to change things up too. Love the music suggestion!! Every year I have a fall brunch and it is really fun for me to get my house ready and introduce the new season. I love spending time with friends in my home and enjoy the smells and textures of fall. I love change and it is always a new beginning when I feel like I can change my house up a little. Keeps things all mixed up definitely freshens things up. I never want to feel stale.

    Thanks for making me feel normal!


  38. Lovely, lovely photos! So inspiring.
    (and I love soups -- with the grilled cheese, of course!)

  39. Lauren,

    I have looked this post 3 times over! Such a warm colours ! So cosy! And you reminds me of getting my winterplaids from the attic! Thanks!


  40. Lauren, I can't think of anything to add that you didn't mention to welcome the fast approaching fall. Great tips, amazing inspirational photos, and it all makes me excited for the season to be here and happy I do own a fury throw to curl up under. I luv the Matt Costa song. I am a huge passionate music lovin' person, my new fav is Michael Buble' Crazy Love, check him out if you haven't.....luv him. Thanks for a great enjoyable post. xo Laura

  41. Awesome ideas! Thanks for sharing!!

    photo editing

  42. Great inspiration. I just loved so many of the photos...everything looks so cozy - the Restoration Hardware pillows are fabulous. Thanks for all of the great inspiration!



I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!