20 October 2009

The Appliance Saga Continues...

So, I called the company that I bought the liquid stainless from --they were really nice & even offered to send me my money back--- to find out what product we'd need to get the paint off of our stove. (If you didn't read yesterday's post & are unsure of what the "appliance saga" is, you can read about it here. )

Here's the "painted stainless steel stove" above. It doesn't look as terrible in photos but in person it looked totally, well, painted. Anyway, they recommended a product, CitriSolve and we got it at Home Depot and my poor husband went to work undoing what I'd had him do the day before. (He really puts up with me. )

After letting it sit for 30 mins, he scrubbed it and was able to prettty much just wipe & scrub all the paint off. (Which took a couple of hours.) The only problem is that since it took so long to come off, the solvent was left on for too long and took off some of the stove's white factory finish on the bottom handle. (I'm more than okay with this because I'm just so happy to have it back white.. we'll just touch that up with white appliance paint.)

And here is is this morning: brighter & whiter than it's been in a long time! (It really got a good scrubbing ;)

It's not too too terribly far off from the Big Chill vintage reproduction stove (below). Does anyone know if there are replacement handles you can have put on your stove that might look a bit more vintage? (I feel like that's what's mostly keeping mine from being attractive.)

as far as the fridge is concerned, many of you suggested I cover it in chalkboard paint & Linda from Lime in the Coconut sold me on this image:
Thanks so much everyone!! When Dave was at Home Depot picking up the paint stripper, he also picked up some black chalboard paint. It won't help in lightening back up my kitchen, but at least it will be a fun & easy alternative to the fake stainless. We'll keep it until we can afford this:

Or this I love too: Anyway, thanks everyone so much for your suggestions & thoughts. I have to admit I am a stainless steel lover (finger prints and all- I think it's beautiful) but taught myself the lesson that it's not always right for a space. I was so excited to hear so many of you say how you loved your white appliances! Will be posting soon on the chalkboard fridge!!!
ps- my dishwasher (a dying old thing that's really more like a dish "disinfector" because you have to clean everything before you put it in) is going back to the same gray-green as the cabinets again... It honestly didn't bother me when it was green so back it goes!


  1. All's well that ends well. The chalkboard paint looks fun.

  2. That was nice that the paint company help you find a finx! Thanks for posting this story. It’s good to see that not every project turns out perfect. In the long run you’re fridge has a fun twist and you have a clean oven.

  3. I thought of you several times yesterday and I just knew you would find a solution. That man of yours is a real keeper!!! This is a story you will laugh about one day in the future. Glad the problem is solved. Now, start saving $$ those retro appliances are killer!

  4. I know you feel soo much better! I felt so bad for you when I read your blog post. That is exactly how I felt after i painted my kitchen cabinets. I am still kicking myself! Wish I had a magic product to get rid of the paint and start over again :)

  5. Oh, I'm so glad it came off! It's such a bummer when projects don't work out as planned (esp one's that involve exspensive appliances). The stove really does look great as is! Would it be possible to swap just the refrigerator door out with a retro one?

  6. Love the idea of the chalkboard paint.

  7. Wow! I can't believe all of the silver paint came off. I would have loved a vintage fridge, but didn't have the funds so we went with this http://whirlpool.com/catalog/product.jsp?src=REFRIGERATORS&cat=96&prod=1760
    I liked the fact that it was rounded edge, not square and it didn't have ugly handles.

  8. Ahh so much better. I love the chalkboard paint idea! Can't wait to see it.

  9. That's good that the paint came off! And if you are worrying about the black chalkboard paint, Joanns has chalkboard paint by FolkArt in many different colors - even red, gray, and brown.
    Can't wait to see the final pics!

  10. For our last fridge we had hardboard panels cut to fit and then painted them with chalkboard paint.We added a thin molding to the edges to give it a finished look and adhered it to the fridge using strip magnets. It held for 12 years!
    I was just searching the internet for white chalkboard paint and here's what I found http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ny/how-to/how-to-make-your-own-chalkboard-paint-016134 .
    It sounds pretty easy to make your own!
    Good luck!

  11. You have a sweet, sweet, SWEET husband!!! Is he a keeper, or what?!!
    Love Linda's chalkboard idea!

  12. I know I said this before, but your husband is seriously the best! I mean first he painted it for you, and then when you changed your mind he cleaned it for you. I am in love with him and I dont even know him hahhaha!!

  13. yeah! it looks great, again. can't wait to see the fridge, so fun.

  14. Unbelievable! Kudos to your husband, big time! Janell

  15. Yay! Your lovely little white stove is so happy again!! Like you, I've been a stainless girl, but you taught me just how perfect white can be - thank you!
    And, I simply cannot wait to see your newly-chalkboarded fridge!

  16. Thank you for sharing this experience! It's so encouraging to know that my design decisions don't have to work out perfectly every time, and I'm not the only one who doesn't get it right the first time. Thank you for your ideas and help!

  17. You are all action, girl! I love that!

  18. Talk about tenacity! Who knew that removing the paint was even an option?!
    Your husband might be related to mine... when painting our house a few years ago (by himself), he re-painted the entire front (thank goodness that's where he started) when I realized I'd made a mistake and had chosen a lighter color than I'd intended!! Boy, that was a tough conversation: "Um, Honey?..." But he did it without hesitation and gained a million-billion great husband points that day!

  19. Your husband is a saint. You need to hug him. Lots.
    My kitchen is all white with black granite counter tops. I like the look of the white. It helps make my teensy kitchen look a bit less teensy, I think. Plus it's classic. I worry that everyone is going to jump on the stainless bandwagon and then it's going to go the way of the avocado or harvest gold appliance and end up dating our "modern" kitchens.
    Can you get appliance paint that's white and re-do the fridge and DW?

  20. Lauren, I missed all the excitement of these posts. Your SS experience was fun and scary all at once. God Bless Dave. He really loves you...it is undeniable that he will go to the ends of the earth for you, dear girl! I could not get my Dave to do that. I am having a hard time convincing him to help me strip wallpaper border from HIS bathroom.

    Oh well. What an experiment and I am so glad it worked out (sorta) and you have your stove back!

    Your stove is nicer than mine, which is plain contractor grade and not gas. And we cook a LOT. But it is on the list as it suffices for now - just doesn't LOOK great.

    I am realizing you are more decor obsessed than me by far! But you have a wonderful vision and I hoep you get your amazing vintage fridge one day. We need a new fridge and it is coming soon. Have not even considered how it will look, just want it larger!

    Now you have me thinking! And for my vote, I am a fan of WHITE and don't care for stainless myself, don't know why!

    xo Cousin Terri ;0

  21. Oh,and please tell Dave that he has a FAN CLUB starting out here. I think everyone is developing a CRUSH on your husband. Better not put up any more "Dave at work" photos. Haha!

  22. I can't believe that paint came off!!! Looks great and I think the chalkboard paint will look wonderful...I have it on one wall in my kiddos playroom and actually makes the room a little more 'chic'!

  23. Dave is a star! I knew when I met him last month that he was a great guy!

  24. I cringed when I saw your appliance saga. I would have tried the same thing so I can empathize. Your husband is the best to return the stove to its original state! What a sweetheart!!

    Just in case this is of interest - In the latest House Beautiful on p36 they mention Chalkboard Paint by Hudson Paint (www.hudsonpaint.com (845)758-3229, $25 per quart) It comes in 24 different colors!! So maybe one of those colors would work for you! Hope that helps!

  25. Wow, it looks great! What a relief I'm sure. And it does look a lot like the reproduction! xoTrina

  26. Ok...I'm tellin' ya. THIS puts your guy WAAAY over the top. I think he should have his own facebook fanpage!

    Looks like everything will fall into perfect place for you.

    Go hug your hubby...for aall of us!

  27. If you don't like the chalkboard idea but want a little twist here is a link to a white board paint and you can just paint it on your refrigerator. http://www.ideapaint.com

    A friend of mine sent me the link a few weeks ago and I think white board paint is GENIUS.

  28. oops I meant if you LIKE the chalkboard idea but want a twist. Man I am tired. Going to bed now

  29. Here is a link to a video of someone who's used the paint. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6W5CZYBAUA

  30. Lauren- I cannot believe that paint came off so well!!

  31. Love that you have a husband that is right along with you! So glad the paint came off! Gotta have a project when you are so creative.

  32. You know your stove is very cute. Your husband is a sweetie, but he also gets to live in the decorated and beautiful house inspired by your creativity so what a great sport he is!!
    Looks great now!

  33. So glad it worked out, whew! Everything rang a bell from "I ruined my kitchen" to "my poor husband...". Been there, done that. Trish (Trouvais)

  34. Your husband is truly a saint. But we've all been there. Spent ages on a project only to feel physically sick when we see the finished product and grasp the amount of work necessary to undo it again. I love your stove and I'm glad it's back to white!

    If I could have any kitchen appliance I wanted, I would of course have an Aga. Oh for an Aga. In duck-egg blue. With a matching Smeg fridge. Hmmmm....

  35. I am so pleased the paint came off!
    Your husband did such an amazing job removing the paint and cleaning it up that it looks like a new stove!

  36. So interested to know if you do the chalkboard paint on your fridge! I hope you do and turns out. Are you going to do it? What if you have a bumpy fridge front (don't some have that)? -s

  37. Oh, I love those retro style refrigerators! Especially in white!! Perfection.

  38. Wow! That refrigerator with the chalkboard is amazing. What a unique and cool idea. Perfect for writing the grocery list!


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