21 August 2009

If I could, I would... Gordon Beall

If I could have Gordon Beall photograph my work, I would in a heartbeat!! (I would flip out actually!!!!) And It's Friday and I finally decided to join the Hooked on Houses Blog Party because I'm hooked on Gordon Beall!!! All of the images below of from Gordon Beall Photography and I apologize for not listing all of the designers whose work is shown, but wanted to focus on the photography:

As some of you know, I've had a lot of projects this year (including the new house) that are wrapping up & I'm looking to get them photographed. If I could afford any photographer on this planet, it would be Gordon Beall.

He did all of the photography for Darryl Carter's The New Traditional and since then I've noticed his work for some of my other favorite designers, including Stephen Knollenberg and Sue Burgess.

Of course the rooms themselves are AMAZING, but Gordon Beall captures them in a way that's just perfect to me.

Out of my league, yes, I know, but a girl can dream, right??

Every picture evokes a mood, a feeling... It's never just about the room but more about how it would actually feel to be standing in that room, enjoying it, appreciating it.
OK, going through all of these images, I just decided to send a query in on the Gordon Beall website about pricing... I figured, it doesn't hurt to ask, right??

I had to explain that my work is in more "normal" homes than what he usually does. (I'll get there one day- ahhh!!! ;)

How beautiful are these photos & spaces?!!!!

I would love to have a room like this at home:
There's such a simpl, beautiful feeling about the spaces...

This one feels a bit nostaligic:
Again, perfect simplicity:

Love this shot:

I'm sure a lot of you recognize this one:

I love this photo below because of the little boy reading... What are your thoughts on having people in the finished rooms?
Oh wow:

LOVE seeing dogs in interior photography. When I used to photograph my work, I would stalk my puppy, Ashby, around the house and put her where I wanted her... :)

Remember this one?:

And who can forget these windows?

So, what are you hooked on this Friday? Have any thoughts/ tips/ words of wisdom for me on hiring a professional photographer?


  1. Hi Lauren-
    I enjoy reading your blog! Just FYI, Gordon isn't as intimidating as you think - he photographed my room at the Georgetown showhouse this past spring for Trad Home magazine, and he wasn't scary at all! I enjoyed him a lot and was prepared to freak out!

    If you need a photographer who is also fabulous, I love and use Angie Seckinger. All the photos on my website are hers and her boyfriend did my site and logo.

    Angie's site is:

    I can't say enough about her - she's the best!

    Good luck,
    Sally Steponkus

  2. I think Gordon Beale and Sue Burgess are married. I agree he is my fav too. He makes everything look rather serene.

  3. Beautiful, inspirational images. Thanks for sharing! Deborah

  4. I love Gordon Beall's work - he is definitely one of the best. I just saw a picture of him in a recent issue of Architectural Digest - he looks so nice! Beautiful post.

  5. I love seeing people and pets in the rooms. It brings it to life. I think this photographer would do a fabulous job photographing your rooms. His lighting and shadows are gorgeous. I especially like the tones he gets with the whites. Beautiful!

  6. I'm so glad you emailed him because you never know! Keep us posted. It would be so exciting if you ended up hiring him! Have a great weekend. xoxo, alek

  7. I love it when pets are in pictures. I use to put my pup in mine, now she gets in them automatically when I get out the camera.

  8. Beautiful work... I agree one of the best. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Do hope you will enter the All the Best Bedroom contest!
    All the best,

  10. Truly beautiful rooms and photography! Enjoy your weekend.

  11. Find out if you can do a trade? Decorating services for photography. Once you use a professional, you can't go back to point and shoot (certainly for your website). I can't wait to see the photos, you are so talented!

  12. They're wonderful photographs and I'm so glad that you went ahead and asked for a quotation. As soon as you start assuming that certain things are out of your reach I think you stop trying as hard. If you want him to photograph your work then you set about making it happen. Good luck!

    I love the picture with the little boy reading too!

  13. Hi Lauren,
    I have just disccovered your blog!Congratulations! He's amazing.
    Thank you for sharing all those images!
    In your post of today I love the 2 first pics!
    I hope you will visit my blog. I am rather new in the blogging community.

  14. I agree, if I had the money I would be calling him up!

  15. I am SO with you on those photos. Every single one makes me swoon. Another great post!

  16. Gorgeous, gorgeous series of images. I love light open spaces like this. Great post.


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!