03 July 2009

Happy Birday Ke-che!

My little guy Christian, AKA "Ke-che" (how he pronounces it) is turning 2!! We're having a little family 4th of July party for his birthday and he is so excited. He is constantly talking about "baby's bir-day party," reciting the guest list and more importantly (hee hee) the menu: "Ice cream, beans (he loves beans) cheeseburgers, cake, pizza..." The funny part is he added in the pizza himself. We hadn't been planning on serving pizza but he brings it up every time so now I feel like maybe I should do one of those little personal ones for him. (Let's be honest, if there's time.)
Although it's a birthday party, since we're having it on the 4th, I figured we'd go red, white & blue with the decorations. Here's a little preview:

I thought you might enjoy seeing these adorable little plaster of paris flag holders my grandmother made for the table centerpieces. They're so easy to make & can be reused year after year. (Just put plaster of Paris inside disposable cups and make little holes up top for the flags to slip into once dry. When it's all dried, tear off the cup & add the flags!)

I hope everyone has a happy 4th of July!!!



ps- if you haven't already, check out the rug giveaway. Winner will be chosen Sunday night!


  1. Hey Sweetie,

    So sorry I missed your call yesterday! We keep missing each other. I was actually driving when you called and you know me I totally need to concentrate so I couldn't get it. Then I had a full of day of helping my SIL move in and wasn't done with that till around 11:30pm!

    Ah!!!! I'm sure the birthday party will be great! How cute is he reciting the guest list and menu. Adorable!

    I hope Ke-che :) has a wonderful birthday!!!

    Take lots of pictures please!



    PS I love how I just made my comment pretty much an email. Oh well.

  2. Happy Birthday, Ke-che! I think that's adorable!
    I'm sure it will be decorated to perfection! As is everything you do!

  3. Happy Birthday #2 to Christian!!

    You HAVE to have pizza at his party -- it's the perfect food!! :-) Just pop a frozen one into the oven and hide the box, nobody will know ;-)

    Happy 4th of July!!


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  5. Happy birthday to your little one, and happy 4th July to you!

  6. Great plaster of paris craft! :)

  7. Happy birthday! It goes by way too fast.
    Enjoy Christian's b-day and have a fantastic 4th, Lauren.


  8. Happy Birthday, Christian! And a happy 4th to you and the whole family.

  9. Those flags are so cute and creative!

  10. Awww. How sweet! He was born on the fourth? Cool! My second guy Quinn was born on the 9th but supposed to be the fourth (I added a pic of him drinking from the hose in my 4th of July post)

    Have a wonderful day....love the flag holders!

  11. How cute the little flag holders are and happy birthday to your little one! Happy Saturday.

  12. I'm so glad I found your blog, I will be following it ! Happy birthday to your son and Happy 4th of July.

  13. I have just signed on today! I have beeen following but never really signed in. I saw your giveaway and had to officially sign in. We are finally doing an outdoor room and that would be Absolutely perfect. At any rate- my favorite smell is my kids right after their bath on a summer night. Outside you smell the fresh cut grass, barbeque, an array of flowers and then they come out all clean and ready for bed and it takes me back to when they were my little babies. Now my oldest boy is 7 and my twins (boy/girl) are 5. It makes me feel great!! Thanks for you posts- and blog. It is such a joy to watch what you do and see your ideas!

  14. thanks for the Happy 4th! I hope your son has many more birthdays head!!! :)

  15. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! I love it when they get so excited about their special day. My little one turns four this week (OMG 4!) and he has been making lists for months and months about the party, presents, guest list, and on and on. Precious, sweet boys!

  16. HI! :) i came across your blog while i was searching for ideas on my babys room! we are due in september and i have this whole idea that i see in my head and its exactly what you posted in a post in october about your sons room! i want the nautical theme too but for it not to be too baby!! so now i was going ask.. you have a blue and white stripe pillow that i have been looking for that fabric for so long and cant seem to find it! so you said you made one pillow and bought the other at target.. i was going to ask you if you made the blue and white stripe one and if so... where did you get the fabric? sorry this is such a long comment! thank you for taking your time and your blog is one i will check back into often! :)

  17. A very happy birthday to him!!!!! (sorry I am little late)


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!