15 June 2009

Congratulations to my Cousin!!

This morning I got an email in my Blackberry from my dad saying that my cousin Chris was in an article in the Home Section of the Chicago Sun-Times. I was really surprised because he & I had just spoken a couple of weeks ago about his needeing my decorating help on his new place & how much of a "bachelor pad" it was. I wasn't able to open the article quickly in my Blackberry (they can be slow!!) and so I had time to guess about what it might be. I came to the conclusion that it would be about him having gotten a really great price on his new condo, because he looked long & hard and is such a saver. And... I was right!!

Anyway, Chris got an awesome deal & I'm so excited for him so I had to share!! He's such a great guy & deserves this & as we start to decorate his new place, I'll be sure to share pictures!! (ps- He's 25 & single to all the Chicago-area single ladies!! :) --- he'd kill me for saying this though!! hahahha


  1. Sounds like your cousin found the perfect fit, good for him!
    And I'm sure his Emerald will really shine once you've worked your magic!
    Wishing you both all the best, Eileen

  2. Oh yay for him! That's so exciting. I love Chicago such a fun city. Maybe you'll get some dates for him out of this blog post. :)

  3. I cannot wait to see pix as you decorate! I noticed the pix of him in his kitchen...speaking of kitchens, I spoke of you in my post today: Summer Kitchen Switch! And yes, you are a decorating inspiration! :)

  4. Yeah! Very exciting. What a great space for you to help with too!

  5. Lauren, you're hilarious. He's so going to kill you!

  6. I'm 26 and single in DC- you should tell him that sister!

  7. cant wait to see all the fun things you'll do! keep us posted with lots of pics!

    (p.s.--i'm 25 and single in the chicago city:)...is this really how people meet people now?! )

  8. I've just visited your blog for the first time and I'm so glad I found it. You interior images are just divine and I think I'm going to find lots of inspiration for my new house from your beautiful posts!

  9. So exciting for him! Look forward to some snaps. With so many beautiful ladies here in "blog world" I am sure he will be snapped up :) Ax

  10. Good for him, what a fab find!


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!