27 May 2009

Check out Everything LEB

Hi! Good news: THIS NEW COMPUTER WORKS YAY!!! So I'm really, truly back!!

Check out Lindsay's blog Everything LEB here to read my about my favorites in her new series, "Blogger's Favorite Everything!" I was so excited when Lindsay asked me to do this & it was a ton of fun!! Thanks Lindsay!!! Also, you'll love Linsday's etsy shop, here. The pineapple cards below are just a tiny sampling of what she does!!

I'll be back tomorrow with a post on messes!




  1. Heading over there right now- I'm sure you've listed some great things :)

    Love those pineapple cards too!

  2. Thanks again Lauren for doing this- I love your favorites! xoxo

  3. love the linings.
    look forward to your "mess" post ;)

  4. Lindsay had such a great idea. I love these posts!


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!