15 March 2009

The Search for Home: Putting in a Contract

Ok, I have no time to write & post pics right now, but I just wanted to let you know that we found it. THE house. We both absolutely love it & the neighborhood is awesome!! It feels right in every way. My heart just sang when I walked through the door.

Just to warn you, THIS HOUSE IS UGLY. But don't be scurred. I have plans.



  1. YAY! You're putting in a contract??? That's AMAZING! Can't wait to see it!!!

  2. I absolutely cannot wait to see the photos. Very exciting for you. It will be fun to see how you transform your new place.

  3. Wow - that was fast! When we saw our current house, we knew immediately it was the one. It went on the market on a Friday, we saw it on Saturday, and by Sunday there were 5 offers! Those were the days...you rarely hear about this happening anymore.

    Can't wait to see the pictures.

  4. Lauren this is fantastic news... Congrats to you and your fella!! Don't worry about "ugly"... we all KNOW that you'll see past all that and pull together a wonderful home for you and your family. You have vision, Chickie!!
    I'm so very happy for you and I'm looking forward to seeing all of your "before" shots!
    Victoria from EdinDesign Interiors @ DesignTies

  5. YIPEE!!! I am so psyched for you guys! I know you are absolutely DYING to get your hands on a fixer upper. Keep us posted!

  6. Hooray! Can't wait to see it as it is, and then watch the transformation!


  7. Hooray!!! I can't wait to see it and more importantly, what you're going to do to it! Congratulations, Lauren!

  8. How exciting! Post pictures when you can.
    I can't wait to see it. I know I'm going to love it.
    I loved all of the runner ups!

  9. Lauren, what a terrible way to leave us hanging. I can't wait to see the pictures. Where are you from? We Okies say scurred to be silly.

  10. Great news!!!!!

    We knew right away too with our house. Once we toured it we put a bid in about 30 mins later and then had the house by the next day!

    I'm super happy for your guys!!! I know you are going to make it look amazing! I can't wait to come and visit! It better have a guest room!!!

  11. Just came across your blog - TOO CUTE! I'm sooo excited to see what house you picked and hear your plans!

  12. So great, I'm so excited to see what you will do to it! Ugly is the smartest way to buy a house. It means you will make money in the end because you have the vision!

  13. I can't wait for you to show us the ugly house. I just love "diamonds" in the rough!
    Wishing you all the best!

  14. Yeah, bring on the ugly house!! I'm so happy for you, what exciting news- Congrats!!

  15. CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE IT!!!! I know you are going to make it amazing!!!! Congrats!


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

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