The Search for Home: CONTRACT SIGNED!!!

I KNOW how scary this place looks right now... and I need help!!

We finally got the contract back signed today and are scheduled to close in a month if all inspections go well. (!!!! craziness!!!) :)

If anyone has ideas for me on the front of this house, I'd LOVE them. (please! please!!) Here are some details: the siding is vertical cedar, the window screens/ storms you see in the top windows are dark brown vinyl. (I'm not very happy with that but know we won't have it in our budget to get new ones.-- is painting an option??) The cable cord you see will be going. yuck.

The windows themselves are aluminum & I actually like them.

We'll be painting (haven't decided upon colors yet so I'm up for suggestions) and I'm thinking about pulling out a dark rich gray from the stones and going white with the trim. (Now, you KNOW how much I want a white house- but do you think that would be totally weird with the stone??) My husband is planning on adding a pergola along the front right side sort of as a porch but with a patio underfoot. Basically like what you see below (similar color too! :) but extending along the whole front right side of the house:
Kind of like this (below) but in all-white:

Eventually I'd like to add some more Craftsman elements to it and it would definitely need some more rooflines but that is SOOOOOO far in the future it's not even funny. (And a tin roof!!)

Anyway, we're SO excited but I'm staying a but grounded because things have been so strange with this whole deal and I won't be able to totally relax about it until we close. I know how talented & creative you all are & I'm really in need of your ideas so please send them on!!!!


Noelle said...

Oh, how exciting, you're one step closer! I think the great thing about this house is that you can make it into your own style. The front is so simple that you can add different elements and make it your own. To me, there's nothing more satisfying than turning something ordinary into something beautiful. Can't wait to hear and see more :)

Natalie Meester said...

A great home is never finished!

Congratulations and best of luck.

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

Congrads!!! I know you will work it out. I don't know if you would be intersted in this, but I saw a picture in a mag. where a couple turned a split foyer into a log house and it was fab. I think I even kept the picture. If you are interested I could mail it to you. They moved the front door up, no more split foyer and then added a front porch all the way across if I am remembering it right. I was so impressed I secertly tore it out in a doctors

LindsB said...

Oh my gosh- CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! YEAH, I'm so excited for you, this is awesome news!!

I hope everything goes smoothly at the inspection and they find nothing wrong and you can move in ASAP!!

YEAH, and congrats again I'm ex tactic right now for you!!

The House That A-M Built said...

Congratulations! In my humble opinion, I think the grey with white trim, exterior colour scheme, would look spectacular with that beautiful stone at the base. What I love about your American homes is that they always have great bones and so much potential. You have interior detailing in every home, no matter how small! The front is screaming out for that porch you are planning. You have a great eye. I will watch this exciting transformation with bated breath and hopefully glean some decorating secrets along the way! A-M xx

Ivy Lane said...

Congratulations!! I will hope your inspections go smooth ( i am a Realtor).... I love the style of your home, clean lines, modern... I think the pergola may be JUST a tad tradtional for the style home..but you can go to and find something I am sure that will go perfectly with your home...I love the gray and white idea..but look at the have some warm tones there... Check out the blog Colour Me Happy! SHE can help you for sure..

Best of luck! LOVE that house!

from the right bank said...

Hooray! I'm sure it'll be unrecognizable after you're done with it. Congratulations!

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Oh yay! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy they finally signed the papers. I'll have to do some searching and then report back with my two cents, but I already love the direction you are going in.

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Oh yay! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy they finally signed the papers. I'll have to do some searching and then report back with my two cents, but I already love the direction you are going in.

Maria Killam said...

That's very exciting!! I agree that gray and white could work (as long as it's a warm gray, maybe stick to a gray/taupe even) white trim with a blue gray house would be too cold (but you already know that).

I agree with you that painting the house white would not work with that stone because it's off balance and that would accentuate that fact even more, plus there is no white in the stone.

The only thing that bothers me about the trim is that when you paint it a contrasting colour, the casing on the side of each window continues to the bottom of the house. I would probably ignore that and tape it off. Much nicer to have thick painted casings than suddenly continuing like tudor trim or something.

It's very exciting!

KM said...

I'M SO PSYCHED FOR YOU LAUREN!!! Yessssss (Napoleon Dynamite style).
Pergola=awesome idea to add a little warmth. Whatever you come up with will be awesome!

Mary said...

Just have to say: I am shortly behind you. They accepted our offer verbally Friday night... and are impatiently waiting to get the contract. What a roller coaster!

Anonymous said...

oooooooooh congrats! i have no ideas on how to fix the exterior but congratulations!

alice said...

How exciting!!! Congratulations!

I really like the dark taupey gray idea... very cute and a little unexpected at the same time!

Landscaping can totally enhance a look, and I noticed you have a great opportunity to hang a fabulous light fixture at the front door!

DesignTies said...

I hope everything goes smoothly with the inspection. Fingers crossed for you!!

I'll give some thought to your exterior and let you know if I come up with something good :-)

Kelly @ DesignTies

3 Peanuts said...

Congratulations!!! I am SO happy for you!!!!!

My Notting Hill said...

Congratulations!! Hope all goes smoothly in the next month - looking forward to seeing more!

No.35style said...

YAY! It is going to look so fab after you get done with it! It reminds me sooo much of a house featured in Cottage Living...the one with the sliding doors to cover the his and her offices...had the cute changing table closet for the baby girl..know which one I am talking about??

Bethany Christensen said...

Yeah! Congratulations. I have seen several great split level remodels recently. I know it can be done- with your creativity, it won't be hard.

jo said...

hi. I'm new to your blog but I thought I'd just pop in my congratulations too. It's a very exciting time and I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

Almost there Lauren! Hang in there, fingers crossed there's no hitches from here.
Like your ideas. Think the right garden landscaping will make a big difference too.

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...


What a great turn of looks big.

You must be jumping out of your seat excited!

Beth said...

if you want it to look more craftsman, take a look at real estate listings from the Northwest. We used to live just outside Seattle, and I think you'd like the house styles there. Try searching Sammamish, Redmond, Issaquah, WA builders or real estate listings.

My Galveston Cottage said...

Congratulations!! You are going to have a fabulous home . . . and all the best homes, I think, evolve over time. My suggestion is to follow your instincts. You possess the vision and definitely have the eye and talent! Have fun!! -susan

My Galveston Cottage said...

Congratulations!! You are going to have a fabulous home . . . and all the best homes, I think, evolve over time. My suggestion is to follow your instincts. You possess the vision and definitely have the eye and talent! Have fun!! -susan

erin said...

What? A fan of your blogging adventures misses out on a lot if you don't log in for a week or so! Mega congrats. I can totally imagine how this place can be transformed with some paint, imagination, love and elbow grease. It's been fun being a 'stalker' following your search, but I have a feeling it's nothing compared to how much fun it will be following your creating a new home:-) Huge congratulations, certain to be beautiful!

Haven and Home said...

Yeah!!!! Congrats!!! That is so exciting. I can't wait to see what you do. I love white homes, but gray may be the way to go (and I am not just saying that because I love gray!) I will be brainstorming for you!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am so excited for you. What about a slate/bluish gray w/ white trim. Coastal modern! Benjamin Moore, has some great options in these hues, like James river gray ac-23 or charlotte slate ac-24 (maybe too dark?)Jamestown blue nad province blue 2135-40, I have always loved.Paint black/or dark,dark grey or white over the brown on the windows. Then you can go with a stainless modern house #, and galvanized tin planters or feed tins. Or you could go with a nice olivey,taupe and maybe some bronze or dark brown wood accents. You have so many options! The fun awaits. Oh and check out this architects site for how he changed a split-level into a modern home,, mid century modern project for some exterior inspiration. Good luck!!

Caroline said...

Congrats Lauren!! The house has lot's of potential! I think the pergola idea is fab...and I do think the white would look, especially with the stone...but thats just me! We recently purchased an old apartment and plan to fix it up - we close on 4/20. I will have to post pictures of the "before" like you did so I can get some help!!! :-) Good luck and keep us posted!

Caroline said...

I left out the word great...I think the white would look great :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh and look at these amazing lanters for the pergola or front porch :)

Jennifer said...

big, big congratulations! that's one big step out of the way!

exterior changes can be daunting, but even the smallest things will make a difference. I know you'll make it beautiful and perfect for YOU!

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

Congrats, Lauren. So excited. Looking at your photos- this house came to mind:,21135,1833615,00.html

Even if you didn't do white--- loved the outcome and ideas they had.

Jane said...

Best wishes! Since you have so many good ideas already, I'd start an idea book for you house. That way when you find things you'd like to consider you can keep it all in once place.

Michelle said...

wooo hoooooooooooooo how exciting !!!!!

Millie said...

Now the fun begins Lauren! I'm so happy for you both.
Millie ^_^

Devon said...

Lauren....YES!! Congratulations. I am totally thrilled for you and am already awaiting the before and after pics.

Let me tell you...all Cottage Living issues are your friend. They did some unbelievable transformations of similar houses.

Also, the poster above is right. Seattle has similar houses. Check out an area called 'Mercer Island' on Very similar time frame when the houses were built and tons of money thrown into the houses. You may get some great ideas!

Oh, so happy for you...

Things That Inspire said...

COngratulations! Somehow I missed the news. That is very, very exciting and I can't wait to see how you transform the house!

Michelle said...

yayyyyyyyyyyy woo hoo congratulations !!!!!!!!! can't wait to see the progess.

Anonymous said...

You are going to turn this out girl!!!! it will be AMAZING!!! Miss you hope all is well! give me a buzz when you can!

simply seleta said...


I'm so late getting to this post, please forgive. But I'm SO EXCITED for you! Can't wait to see all of your amazing ideas.

Anthro soap dish has a fancy new home!!!

Lauren said...

Thanks so much everyone!!! I am also loving the suggestions you gave me!!!


Lori said...

I know this is way late, but I just came across your blog today. I think cedar shake would look so great under the windows where it is just plain wood. It wouldn't cost too much since it is such a small area. Congrats on the house!

Holly said...

I know it sounds crazy but a friend of mine who inherited a mid-century modern wood/stone house in a neighborhood of old brick Georgians painted the entire thing dark charcoal, including the trim and a pergola (which they added out front), and then planted wisteria over the pergola for a hint of color. They added a few stanless, nautical type lights and some sculptural boxwoods out front. And that house, which had been a tacky raised ranch, suddenly looked incredibly chic, and all of us in our storybook tudors & craftsmen bungalows were jealous. Sometimes you just need to work with what you've got, and not try to make it what it isn't...