23 March 2009

Nina Griscom

Ok, deep breath. Here are some gorgeous images of Nina Griscom's country home featured in Elle Decor. I fell in love with this house when I saw it. Her style in this house is perfect to me: a natural mix of traditional & modern... lots of sculptural elements, interesting things, whites & naturals... just love it. Below is the living room:

Below is the sitting area at the back of the living room. Nina admits that the gorgeous wooden chaise is not comfortable & it's there purely for its looks. How gorgeous is this part of the room?!! I checked out the price on her horned chair ($5000 eesh!!- sold at her store) and decided I could live without it.

Here's a view of the living room from the dininig room:

Below is the dining room. It's full of my favorite things: the huge urns, the wine rack... I'm on and off about the chandlier- love it for the photo & for certain seasons but am not sure I could live with it all the time. How beautiful is the table setting?!! The horn candlesticks?!!! LOVE. And check out the chalk board placeholders. Such a whimsical mix of nature & luxury.

The halways in this home are treated as beautifully as the rooms. This is something that can be tough to do in small spaces & lucky for Nina, this was not an issue. They're just so airy & interesting. LOVE the shelves below. Cheaper versions are definitely on my shopping list. (Endless seasonal accessorizing opportunities!!!)

Below, the sphere on the slavaged pedestal makes this study. Picture reading a book on the windows seat in there on a lazy afternoon...

How great are these floating shelves (below)?
The walls in her library are made from dried tobacco leaves applied by hand to wood panels. Amazing, huh?!
Below, the master bedroom is simple & luxurious. How pretty are the Greek key benches at the bottom of the bed?
Below, the guest bedroom. I really love this room: the seagrass rug, the mini zebra hide, the facing geese, the caning = so perfect. And the color on the walls?!!! Anyone have any ideas (Maria, if you're reading?!!! you usually know!!)

Well, have a beautiful day. I have a house to get over. :(


  1. Oh sweetie. I know it's a bad day. You totally need some cupcakes today!

    But you did post about some beautiful eye candy. I love all the neutrals mixed with brown shades. It's perfect. So similar to both are style mixed together :)

  2. this is gorgeous. If i were near you, i would make you some sprinkles cupcakes! :( keep your chin up!

  3. So pretty. Love the chandelier.

  4. Lauren,

    For some reason house-hunting can be so emotional. It's espoecially true, I think, when you start to envision yourself in the space. Eventually another great one will come along - the one that was meant to be - and you'll forget all about this one.

  5. So sorry about the house. But something better will come along. LOVE this house. Something about that hallway just grabs me...

  6. Interesting that the dining room chairs look very inexpensive indeed! Love the x chairs at the end of the bedroom!

  7. all creamy and beige, like a big bowl of ice cream served up in a wooden bowl. me likey.

  8. That horned chair is something else! LOVE that chandelier though, especially in this space. So beautiful!

  9. Gorgeous! When can I move in?!
    (you'll find the house of your dreams; i think things happen for a reason. all is good.) cheers, -susan

  10. Yum yum! I am obsessed with those bookshelves too, ever since seeing them in the Calypso Christianne Celle store in NYC. Then I found a seller here in California that can get them in all different sizes and permutations...I'm like a hound dog for those shelves!

  11. I love these rooms! The styling is stunning! Thanks for so many beautiful images, they are inspiring!(PS I'm sorry to hear about the house. I hope another comes along.)

  12. ***** Oh Poo-Poo to "THEM"!!!***** I think~~~ no, I just KNOW!~~~ you'll find something EVEN BETTER, that reeeeeally "speaks" to you... HONEST, Sweetie!!! Keep the faith!!!

    I sooo like your choices here!!! Personally, I find the twig chandelier & horn chair to be MY FAVS/personal style! What "out-of-the-box-more-than-the-norm" killer looks & sooo rustically stylish!!! Deliiiiicious!!!

    Now you keep a STIFF UPPER LIP~~~ Most of us have "been there", & we're all rooting for you on a SUPER-FIND, with "YOUR NAME" ON IT!!!... We really ARE!

    Warm & most hopeful hugs, Linda/"Mom..."

  13. beautiful interiors...love that guest bedroom. and as for the house, i promise- you will find something better...it just hurts right now!

  14. aghhhhhhhh fabulous post...I ache !!

  15. Love your style, love this post, love following you! And you can never say "love" enough.
    Going to go now and buy more white paint!
    Have a great weekend!


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!