I swear I do love color!!!


One of my best friends is getting married this month & I just wanted to give you a peak at her gifts! (haha ok, so this is actually for someone else, but I do love all the color!! :) It's sort of becoming a tradition... when my husband & I got married, I bought a set of Jadeite mixing bowls for us :
To go with my aqua kitchenaide mixer (It's actually has a bit more green in it in person & they blend really well together):

Then I got my other best friend (who was going through a pink obsession at the time-- haha i think she's over it now!) a beautiful set of vintage pink pyrex mixing bowls:

Which work well with her steel-finish mixer: (Unfortunately her new kitchen is red & my bowls will totally clash but they're out of sight until use!)

So, to carry on the tradition & bring a little vintage-fun to Mo (the bride-to-be) I went out searching for these vintage pyrex mixing bowls (I have known for years this is what she was getting!):

I went to an antique fair & found all but the green bowl at one booth & then went on to comb the other booths for the missing link. To go with her mixing bowls, I also found her a paisley-patterned apron, potholder & dish cloths online (by Elizabeth James) in bright & happy colors:

And the dishcloths:
So, I'm off to NY for the weekend for her shower & bachelorette!!
have a great weekend & I'll be back Monday!!


Lauren Jade said...

Love love love the post! I am dying for a kitchen aid mixer since I can no longer use my moms. The bowls are fantastic. It's so much more fun to bake with fun-colored bowls than plain boring ones. :)

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Beautiful gift. I love all the thinking that went into it and I'm sure she'll love it all!

Have loads of fun this weekend. I love weddings so this is right up my alley.

Remember if you have any free seconds I'm only a phone call away, but don't stress about me I know you are going to be super busy this visit to NY.

Wish your friend tons of happiness!

Haven and Home said...

Great gifts! Have a wonderful weekend!

Windlost said...

I am shocked to see all this colour on your blog. ;)

Just kidding. I love colours too, but usually for other people. My sister-in-law loves colour and her house has rooms that are purple and green and all her mugs are red and orange, and I love going over there. But I just couldn't live with it all.

I think I have an obsessive need for things to look like they all go together and having too many colours makes that impossible.

P.S. Looking forward to the news you mentioned on my blog related to brown. I have no idea what it could be!

Anonymous said...

Lauren---I would love to go antiquing with you sometime---you definitely have a gift for finding treasures! The colors are so cheerful and brightened my day. Have a blast at the bachelorette party!!

Anonymous said...

awww i LOVE all the colours - so pretty & a great gift.

but....i did spy an elizabeth and james bag in the back....

Maria Killam said...

That's so fun, great colours, have a lovely time in new York.

DesignTies said...

I have that exact same set of bowls -- same sizes in the same colours :-) My mom had a set of the same bowls in turquoise. I have no idea where they've gone to, but I wish I had those ones too.

Enjoy your trip and the bachelorette!!


Fargerike Dagny said...

Oh, what a great gift! What blew me away are the jadeite ones you bought for yourself! LOVE them!!! Have a fantastick weekend, we're spendig it at home with Indie. She's sick to her stomack poor thing :( Has been sleeping ON me for the past day and a half, I'm feeling almost as exhausted as she is..

Simple Daisy said...

NOt much a color girl myself!! But a little punch of color in just the right amount is great!!! Take care~~

Anonymous said...

Such a thoughtful and original gift!
Love your mixer - I have been wanting my own kitchenaid mixer for years now but they are incredibly ridiculously expensive here in Australia.

Velvet and Linen said...

We really are two peas in a pod, Lauren.
I have that mixer only mine is the same color as your jadite.
I love old pyrex mixing bowls. I have a set in turquoise and one in pink. Why don't they make them in those colors anymore?
Happy weekend, Lauren.


Tami (Pixeltrash) said...

Oooo... I love all of your colors. I'm a color lover too. I am really enjoying decorating with spring colors right now. It makes me feel happy.


Love the bowls, towels, mixers, I need to get married again!


DesignTies said...

This is great Lauren; I'm sure your friend will love her gift!!
I have the largest yellow pyrex bowl - it was my Grandmother's and I love it! I wish I had all the other colours, though... I think I'll have to search them out at flea markets or second hand shops! :-)
Enjoy your time away!
Victoria from EdinDesigns @ DesignTies

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

lauren, be sure and take a look at my post today... I think you will enjoy it!

Michelle said...

There is something in the air..I just posted my love for a burst of colour yesterday !!! Love it !!!

kari and kijsa said...

love all these colorful goodies!
kari & kijsa

LindsB said...

What a fun and thoughtful gift! The bowls are beautiful, and I love the linens you got to go with them. I hope you had a wonderful girls weekend!!

Louisa said...

I got my mom that same set of 4 pyrex bowls for Christmas last year! (And am thinking of getting myself a set...) Great gift - it was a hit for me and I'm sure it will be for you, too! :)