03 March 2009

Atlanta Bartlett: Adelaide Road

I'm totally caught up in house-hunting right now & my mind's going in a million different directions but I desperately wanted to give you something pretty to look at (and since all of my options are so not pretty) so here are some photos of one of Atlanta Bartlett's Beach Studios Locations, Adelaide Road. It's described as a "large period property in south London" and is available to decorate. I love all of the simple aged & painted finishes, the huge doses of white & the relaxed elegance in this house.

All the way up on the third floor (below) there is an artist's studio which is so perfectly messy:

They have this great industrial-looking storage piece. I'm not sure what was used for... anyone?

This living room (below) is so relaxed yet elegant. I love the bookshelves & could you imagine how much fun it would be to style them all the time??

Of course I'm loving all the linen & sisal rug too. There's just this great patina about everything in this house. It feels like it's been here for ages.

Check out the finishes below!!

I love how "undecorated" this place feels. I don't like it as much when rooms are super put-together & there's such a realness to these rooms.

The hallways always seem to be so pretty too. In my own homes I've always tried to do this but it's not as easy as it looks because of space constraints.

We don't actually get to see into this bedroom (below) --- someone must've been taing a nap ;) ;) but this little glimpse is so pretty and fresh!

LOVE LOVE LOVE flung open french doors in any room but especially a kitchen:

Below is another view into the kitchen which looks like it's practically outside. gorgeous!!
And on the main level there's also a living room and a little multi-purpose room with a piano & and a writing desk.

The floors are painted white on this level & just make the place so airy & light. Love the mini crystal chandelier below:

Below is a view into the living room. The modern print on the pillows make it for me. They add such a a nice pop of pattern:

The floorplan & scale of some of the pieces (below) looks a little rough & I'd probably do a rearrange & swap out some pieces, but I still love the feeling in this room & it would be great to hang in:

Anyway, I'll keep you posted on the house-hunt & hope you enjoyed another of Atlanta Barlett's amazing locations!!!


  1. So pretty, I feel more relaxed! Looks like your style. I wish you were closer because I would hire you in a second!

  2. Beautiful eye candy. Such lovely treats. I love all the washes of white throughout the house. It totally looks like a home and not just a house. A place where you can curl yourself up with a book and just relax.

    My fingers are crossed for you during your house search. I'm certain that you are going to find something you love.

    Thanks for your sweet comment today. I'm feeling a bit better so I'm just going to keep on going. Full steam ahead.

  3. Just lovely. I love every photo that I have seen of her work. Thanks for sharing!!!

  4. Beautiful, artful...and like you said...undecorated. Love it!! Thanks!

  5. you have a beautiful beautiful blog!!!

  6. Oh, I love the eye candy!! What pretty interiors, they are so fresh and clean. I love the attic office, and all its clutter- so fab!

    Hope the house hunting is going well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that your castle shows up soon- xoxox

  7. Love it! I especially love that it's undone and real in such a perfect way. It's so natural, so you.

  8. Lauren...this house is so pretty and I know that yours will look as gorgeous. Where is your latest adventure house hunting? Do you want to stay in VA? Merrifield is one of those "up and coming" areas and is going to be SOOOO walkable--unlike Tysons right now :)

  9. Yes, my favorite homes are those that feel collected over time rather than "designed". This beautiful home fits that description to a tee.
    Thank you for a couple of minutes of relaxation during a crazy day!


  10. Gorgeous space. I love the unstyled styling. :)

  11. Beautiful. Simply beautiful!
    Victoria from EdinDesigns @ DesignTies

  12. i like that art gallery wall and that industrial looking storage piece!

  13. Found your blog via the brown button and really enjoyed the visit. Am in the middle of moving, and taking a break from way too many boxes. Thanks for sharing the inspirational peeks into how other folks live, gives me a fresh take on what is possible.


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!