09 March 2009

Atlant Bartlett: El Molino

Just back from a crazy weekend in NY (and a long day of flight delays) and I miss my little guy like crazy, so here's some quick eye candy from Atlanta Bartlett's Beach Studios (where I would love to be right now!!):

i'm behind on my blog reading & will try to catch up with everyone this week!!!
have a beautiful day!!!


  1. Beautiful yet again. She has a lovely style. It's so warm and inviting.

    Glad to hear you had a fun weekend. Can't wait to hear more details!

    Welcome home!

  2. Welcome back! :-)
    Wonderful house - where is it located? It almost looks like it's situated off a vineyard or orchard in Italy or Spain.
    Victoria from EdinDesigns @ DesignTies

  3. Its snowing/raining here in Boston today and so gross! I would love to be at this beautiful place right now.

  4. Those are some pretty fabulous ceilings!

  5. That wrought Iron bed is great! So simple. What was happening in New York? So lucky.

  6. You have to go read Patricia Gray's blog -- you missed reading her Top 10 List on the weekend!! :-)

    Lovely pics -- you're making me have a whole new appreciation for white!!!

    Kelly @ DesignTies


I love hearing from you- thank you for taking the time to write!! :)

*If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it in the comments section so be sure to check back! If you're looking at an older post, email me directly. Thanks!